Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 88: Ferrule

"Come on, come on!" When I ran to the third lap, a group of cheerleaders suddenly poured out from the crystal castle.

These were originally staff in the castle, makeup artist, tailor, maid, etc. Now, these people are wearing suspenders, short skirts only covering the hips, long football socks, sneakers, it looks like The sexy, they hold two crystal **** in their hands, when someone runs over, they jump together, the skirt flew up, you can see the inner skirt that is anti-glare, at the same time, their voice is also stimulating everyone.

Cheerleaders are of great use. They are **** and make people imaginative. The most important thing for men is this visual stimulation of the opposite sex.

They are beating, the crystal ball in their hands is shaking, and the meat ball on their chests is also shaking, which is even more inspiring. Just a glance is like playing the xingfen agent.

Jin Jiji also put on the cheerleading uniform, with despair on his face, and when he was wearing a skirt, he also made a lot of determination before he started to wear it. Method.

Now, he was also waving two crystal balls, shouting to the running players, cheering, when those players looked at his chest, his eyes seemed to be disappointed.

Everyone else is so pretty, what about your chest? How is the airport?

Jin Jiji was flushed with anger, although the other party didn't say that, it must have been that way. I'm a man. Can a man have a chest? That's a woman, woman!

Jin Jiji didn't dare to complain, because the princess and sister were right next to her. No, when you find an opportunity, you must make it clear to the princess that there is no problem with my orientation.

When ran to the twentieth lap, the points were clearer.

Solothur's feet are already a bit heavy, and the distance between him and the back is not too large.

And in the second echelon, it was just a group, and now it has become a row. Everyone gasps breathlessly. Some people are trying hard to surpass, and they are like lead in their legs. .

Liu Hu followed Qin Tian, ​​feeling that Qin Tian had begun to accelerate slowly and slowly. The entire second echelon, led by him, was moving at a slightly faster pace, but in front of him, Solothur seemed to be unable to run.

Soloto insisted that he was already the first in 20 laps, and there were 10 laps. Come on, come on, he must run first!

At this moment, he felt a heavy gasp behind him, turned his head and looked at it with the remaining light in the corner of his eyes, and saw that Qin Tian was catching up, trying to overtake him.

This time, Solot felt that the strength of the whole body began to recover, and his legs seemed to become lighter. He took a big step, shouted, and ran forward!

This time, I pulled a dozen more meters away and wanted to surpass me, no way!

Solot's explosive power was very strong, and Qin Tian did not run violently, he was still running at his own pace, breathing very smoothly.

In the past, on a starship, I could only run on a treadmill every day. Now, I can finally go to nature and flowers and grass to run. There are blue sky and white clouds above my head. After that, Qin Tian felt that he seemed to be integrated with this nature, and it was getting easier and easier to run, and finally, he fell in front of the Solothur in front.

Soloto exerted force again, and opened the distance with Qin Tian, ​​wanting to surpass me, no way!

Twenty-sixth lap. Solotu no longer knows that Qin Tian is catching up for the first time, he wants to work hard again, but his two legs can no longer move, it seems there is Heavily weighed, he caught fire in his eyes and watched Qin Tian running, he could no longer run.

Qin Tian surpassed him!

In Solothur's retina, only Qin Tian's huge body, Qin Tian surpassed him!

Solot wanted to catch up, but he could not catch up anyway. Not only did Qin Tian surpass him, but behind him, Liu Hu also breathed evenly, surpassing him!

In these moments, in Solothur's mind, he was surpassed by two people?

Then, the third, the fourth, and the second echelon, all surpassing Solot.

Zorotu couldn't help it, he stopped, put his hands on his lap, gasped breathlessly, he knew that as soon as he stopped, it was not easy to run again, but he was taken by one of the second echelon This person surpassed, making him suddenly feel soft and could no longer run.

Then, the third echelon in the back also began to run. Sorotu simply fell from the peak to the trough. At this moment, he wanted to lie on the ground, want to look at the sky, and want to breathe heavily, but In his vision, a fat girl appeared.

That ’s right, it ’s the Chicago team, a small team with only four people. Among them, there is this “team flower” Xiaomei, a female fat man, who ca n’t survive in this era of thinness and beauty. Walking on the street will be taken away by the city management to affect the city appearance.

However, she was also running, she did not give up!

Seeing the team flowers, Soloto invigorated again and ran towards the front. He had to run, he couldn't stop!

One circle, another circle!

"Ao, ao." Suddenly, Qin Tian made a wild wolf-like voice, and the Thunder team behind him, everyone started yelling. At the last lap, they started to sprint, and they continued to run forward, ahead There are a lot of people, that is the third echelon, they have already started ferrying!

When I heard footsteps behind, the third echelon also started to accelerate, even if it ran to the end, it was shameful to be trapped.

However, Qin Tian took a big foot, more than one person, more than the fat team, more than Solot, the end is in front!

In the ordinary long-distance race, the one who started to rush to the front is definitely not him! Except for a few talented athletes who are quite physically fit.

(Do n’t ask how Huaxiong knows, Huaxiong himself is like this, the first lap is the first, and the fifth lap is entangled. Huaxiong is physically blind.)

Zorotu is also running hard, seems to be rushing with Qin Tian, ​​snatching the first place in general, but unfortunately, he was surpassed by Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian easily leaned forward and made a collision The movement of the line, the first to cross the finish line, the cheerleaders on this side, all cheered loudly.

Qin Tian ran past, did not stop immediately, he continued to run forward, trotting slowly, adjusted his breathing, and then turned to walk, just a physical fitness test, like a walk for him.

The rest are terrible.



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