Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 73: How to get through wormholes

Now, even if McGid doesn't want to leave the battlefield, there is no other way. His starship can't hold on.

The eight cruisers that suddenly joined the battlefield were the last straw that crushed the camel. If McGid did not immediately order retreat, his starship would explode here in a few minutes.

He doesn't want to die yet. If he can complete the mission, it's worth it. The problem is that now his death just throws away the wormhole.

On the contrary, he escaped from the wormhole and flew to the other side, with hope.

Following his order, the fusion engine at the rear stalled, and the entire starship immediately entered the wormhole.

That's right, you can enter only if the flame is turned off, because it was originally inverted, its tail is facing the wormhole, and its front is facing the battlefield, so it is backed by the wormhole and guarding here.

Now, as long as it is extinguished, the starship can slide into the wormhole. Its bow still faces the direction of this side, and anyone who enters with it will be ruthlessly shelled.

"No, it's going to slip!" Lin Beihai looked at the starship into the wormhole and shouted helplessly.

This time, there is trouble again.

"Rush, rush past!" Seeing that the other party was actually going to slip out of the wormhole, Sols took the lead and ordered his battleship engine to fully open, quickly wanting to chase into the wormhole.

"Three Fleets, suspend the pursuit." Here, Lin Beihai gave orders in time.

Seeing that Thors was about to make this mistake again, Lin Beihai immediately stopped him.

Chase? It is the most dangerous to chase at this time. If you fail, the starship of Sauls will crash!


Inside the wormhole, the space and time are turbulent. If you fire inside the wormhole, you may enter the inexplicable star field at any time, or even be squeezed to death by time and space.

Therefore, wormholes cannot be engaged inside the wormhole. Even if they are engaged, they must wait for the wormhole. At the same time, inside the wormhole, the four basic forces are restricting each other, and they cannot activate the shield formed by strong interaction forces.

The other party has already gone out first. After going out, as long as the anti-matter cannon is placed at the entrance of the wormhole opposite, come over and bombard one by one, how many deaths!

Such a chase is quite rash. When will Sauls be able to change his stink!

The fleets merged together. At this time, outside the wormhole, all the power of the colony fleet was already there.

"Damn, let him run!" Sauls's hands were heavily hammered on the table, extremely irritated. Since the war, their third fleet has not had any decent credit, although the wormhole here is about to It was captured, but this unit, mainly led by Her Royal Highness, did not have much to do with them.

It's annoying to think that you own battleships in vain, but you can't even balance the opposing fleet.

"Now, we still have a plan, how to get through the wormhole." At this time, Lin Beihai's voice sounded, and holographic communication began.

The captain of each starship has participated in this meeting, and now it's almost the last time.

Your own side has occupied the wormhole here, as long as the wormhole is opened, then you can send your highness to the princess!

However, how to get through this wormhole is a big problem.

"Let's rush over, we are battleships. After rushing over, we can immediately engage the opponent's battleship and kill each other!" Sauls said.

Sauls has always been playing like this, taking the initiative to attack, but his proposal was immediately rejected by Lin Beihai.



"If the flagship is exploded, it is absolutely unbearable to our colonial fleet!" Lin Beihai said.

"No, how is it possible, how can we be beaten?" Thors also wanted to get entangled.

"Okay, you can shut up." Lin Beihai finally said angrily, let him close his mouth, this guy, always take this for granted, protect yourself, fight the enemy, if you can't protect yourself, then talk about how to fight enemy?

"In this case, let's send a destroyer first and try it out in the past," said a colonel.

This destroyer, of course, is the role of the death squad. In the past, try the opponent's cannon. If the opponent is ready, the one cannon will blow them up.

Although it was cannon fodder, there were still dozens of captains destroying the starships immediately after the battle: "We starships are willing to go!"

"Find the way for the fleet, we are best at it."

"We wrote down the survivors long ago, and we are not afraid of death." This sentence is even more explicit.

Lin Beihai looked at the captains of the starships one by one, and they were all holographically projecting on the open space of their starship. Now, someone must bravely rush over and send a destroyer. The most likely solution.

It can't be delayed, it will be more difficult if the other party repairs the damaged starship and then rushes over.

Who are you sending?

After scanning around, Lin Beihai couldn't make up his mind, and then looked at the princess. Her eyes were all unbearable. Whoever sent them would be strong, but they weren't afraid.

Why didn't Princess Jingxi know?

"Report." Just then, there was a voice outside.

Qin Tian's voice was heard, Princess Jing Xi said: "Come in."

Qin Tian was originally on standby in the carrier-based aircraft, but the other party ran before it was ejected. After that, Qin Tian ran over to the bridge.

Originally, according to Qin Tian's duties, it was impossible to report directly to the bridge. Fortunately, there were not many people on this starship, and Her Royal Highness the Princess was very approachable.

When he came in, Qin Tian raised his chest and said, "I have a way to fly to the opposite side of the wormhole to investigate and attack without risking."

Since the beginning of the war, Qin Tian has shown his extraordinary talents. Now he says there is a way, maybe there is a way.

"Say." Lin Beihai said.

Qin Tian gritted his teeth and said, "I have a request. After speaking, I asked to perform this task."

He was very foreseeable. After he said it, he did not have the responsibility to carry out the task. Now, he said the request in advance.

In exchange for this request, Lin Beihai kicked him heavily on his butt: "You little devil's head, hurry and say, what other conditions are you talking about, is the army the place where you talk about the conditions? You are like that. Her Royal Highness? "

After seeing Her Royal Highness, the other party's eyes were full of tenderness. Qin Tian felt that his heart had changed, and quickly said: "Yes, we can't use the starship to pass, we can use our Raptor fighter!"

Seeing Qin Tian kicked in the ass, the captains of the starships were all funny, and this hairy boy had to be tempered well, but when he heard that he used a raptor fighter, everyone was very bright. ?



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