Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 699: Orbit intersection

Hearing Qin Tian ’s order, Luo Lili and Erqiang did not hesitate. They wore a light spacesuit and opened the hatch. Then, from the spacecraft, they climbed into the cockpit along the escalator made by Pitt. go with.

After entering space, it is absolutely zero. Space is icy, but now, they are flying away from the star, so the star light is shining behind them, and the cabin of the fighter plane is not particularly cold.

The two of them sat in and buckled the canopy for a moment. Sure enough, they felt different.

When training on the ground, there is no such feeling of loneliness, because there are other companions, but now, they are just a person, looking at the past in the cold and dark space, only the stars in the distance are A little light shines, without the obstruction of the atmosphere, and it is no longer a flash, just the kind of constant light.

A sense of loneliness emerged spontaneously.

This is life in space!

Princess Jingxi is standing behind her spaceship. From here, there is a special observation window where you can observe the planet that is gradually away. Looking at the planet, the outline becomes smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller, and finally becomes With a black spot, Princess Jingxi's heart also felt uncomfortable.

He really didn't send himself. He didn't say anything and did nothing. Was he really so ruthless?

Princess Jingxi feels that her heart hurts, she wants to cry, but she ca n’t cry, she ca n’t blame him, because he has lost his memory, he ca n’t remember anything, if he sees a beautiful girl in her arms He gave it away, and he accepted it. Can he still have a chance? That one called Luo Meimei, I'm afraid he has already become his woman.

His steadfastness must be closed inside, waiting for his arrival. When he restores his memory, he will definitely be with him again.

Yes, why don't you bring some brain science experts over this time when you go to the imperial capital? In this way, you can solve this problem!

Thinking of this, Princess Jingxi smiled.

"His Royal Highness, our current orbit will intersect with the comet's orbit. Now, do we need to adjust the orbit?" AI voice came from the spacecraft.

After taking off, they left in the direction of the wormhole, and on this route, there was a section that coincided with the orbit of the comet. Now, after hearing this voice, Princess Jingxi said: "No, as long as there is no phase Just hit it, and I can just see how the comet looks. "

A comet is just a special kind of celestial body in the universe. Although it is special, it is also ordinary. Generally speaking, comets are almost not native galaxies. During the long years, when comets are flying in the dark universe, they pass by stars. At the time, it was captured by the star, and under the gravity of the star, it moved towards the star, and the speed became faster and faster. It was like putting it into the arms of the mother. It circled and flew out again. Unfortunately, the speed is not enough. Therefore, it can never break away from the star's gravitational force. In this way, it has become a very flat orbital special body. Its orbit can cross the orbits of most planets, but because the cycles are different, there is no need to worry about collisions. Danger.

Of course, sometimes there will be accidents. For example, many years ago, the comet "Somek-Levy 9" was in operation. Under the gravity of the energy star, the orbit shift continued to occur. Finally, at the end In one operation, it was torn by the huge gravity of the energy star, and more than 20 pieces of debris were hit one after another!

More than half of the fragments are more than 2 kilometers in diameter. The diameter of the largest fragment is about 35 kilometers. If such a violent impact occurs on the **** star, the entire **** star will no longer exist. Perhaps, the reason why the dinosaurs were extinct then?

However, the Energy Star withstood it. In just a few days, the collision was equivalent to the explosion of 2 billion atomic bombs in the sky over it, releasing about 40 trillion tons of "TNT" strong explosives. energy. And now, the energy star is gone and turned into a wormhole, so it is impossible for the energy star to help the **** star resist this terrible celestial impact.

Of course, the technology is now well-developed. If you find a problem, you can send a fleet in advance to crush this planet with a star destroyer. The debris will disappear when you enter the planet ’s atmosphere. At this time, it is no longer A terrible impact that can destroy everything, but a meteor shower that girls love.

I really want to watch the meteor shower with him, Princess Jing Xi thought secretly in her heart.

"As we continue to approach, we may reach the closest position with the comet within four hours, and we can see clearly without a telescope."

After receiving this news, Princess Jingxi stopped the fantasy just now. He is still on the **** star and he is already in space. How can he watch the meteor shower with him side by side?

Four hours, how do you spend this long four hours? In the future voyage, do you have to spend in thought?

Princess Jingxi began to be sad again.

"His Royal Highness, are you hungry? I warmed up the food Xiaorong brought." Just then, the voice of Aunt Meng came: "After eating, you can sleep again."

Yes, you can sleep. Have you been hibernating for most of the years?

But now, she doesn't want to hibernate anymore, she would rather spend her daily thoughts because he has already appeared, and every day will be memorable.

"Wow, Xiangxiang, this is Dongpo's elbow!"

Duan Ji Dongpo elbow, this is the best food of that era, now, opened the lunch box, looked at the scented elbow inside, looked at the tender skin outside, the trembling fat inside, Jing Xi The princess felt the saliva coming out.

Eat this skin first, the skin is beauty, Princess Jing Xi remembered the happy time on earth once a hundred years ago.

The beautiful planet in the past has become the garbage star now, which is a tragedy, but as long as you go back, everything will be done.

Princess Jingxi picked up a piece of meat skin and put it in her mouth, fat but not greasy, biting it up, there was a special fragrance, every taste bud had bloomed, and she hadn't chewed yet. Here, the smell still in her mouth made her smash her mouth. This was an indecent move for the princess.

Of course, the more indecent is still behind. She sticks out her tongue, licks around the mouth, and licks the juice back into her mouth. Sure enough, the taste of these juices is so pure!

Delicious, another one!



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