Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 671: Emergency situations

The disc-shaped starship passed through the wormhole and entered a familiar airspace. When she saw the starry sky, Anna couldn't help but sigh.

This wormhole is made of a gas planet. Although it is convenient for navigation, it is absolutely wasteful. There are wormholes in more remote places here, but it takes a while to walk. The empire can be described as the resources here. It's a big flower.

Now that the entire empire is in a frantic state, is this useful?

Anna stopped this illusion. It has nothing to do with her. The soldiers must not interfere in politics. Imagine the last rebellion of the colonial fleet, which tarnished the military flag. Isn't it because the soldiers have thought?

The army must resolutely carry out the orders issued by the empire.

Yes, it was the empire's order. In the past, the colonial fleet directly under the colonial governor, but now, the command of the colony fleet, in the hands of the empire, the colonial governor cannot directly give orders to the fleet. It was to ask for assistance. This was the last time that Anna could talk directly with the colonial governor.

Princess Jingxi, where are you? Where is Qin Tian?

"The report found unidentified detection signals, planetary star power, and is constantly exploring the entire galaxy and is analyzing."

"The report is a planetary defense system, an early version, on Blue Star."

Planetary defense system? Upon hearing this news, Anna immediately frowned. The planetary defense system is only equipped with very important planets. In the last war, the fleet of the Fibre Empire blew up the planet at every turn. So, in order to defend In the next attack, they deployed such a planet, but they were all equipped for a large, densely populated planet. Such a Blue Star is impossible to own, that is, it is their own armed forces.

In the empire, setting up an arm without permission is almost equivalent to rebellion. Sure enough, there is a problem here!

"Note that the fleet entered Level 3 security, approaching Blue Star, and first sent two destroyers and went to see the situation." Anna said.

In the colony, there is a vast planet, and their colony fleet can only complete a full patrol every few years. Unexpectedly, the planetary defense system has been set up privately here.

It's a pity that the blue star is on the side of the star in the orbit at this time, so in the past, it will take a longer time. If it is on the side of the orbit, they only need one or two days to start. Passed.

At this distance, it is absolutely impossible to start the curvature-driven engine, otherwise, the acceleration will pass by and it can only be a conventional drive.

However, don't worry, in the universe, this distance is just like the doorstep at home.

Anna has nothing to worry about, but she still has some expectations at this time. What is going on here? Princess Jingxi was hijacked. Was it hijacked on this planet, and who was hijacking her?

Just when the fleet she led out of the wormhole stimulated the planetary defense system of the other party, although the electromagnetic wave had to walk for several hours at this distance, but when the weak electromagnetic wave reflected back, immediately It stimulated the defense system, and the warning light kept flashing at the terminal of the defense system.

Pete did n’t go to the city with Qin Tian. Princess Jingxi and Qin Tian boss were together. It must be that the fewer people, the better. Pete would n’t go there as a light bulb. Now, he was thinking about the one that Qin Tian had just sent. News, how to set up a perfect water treatment system.

Recycling of waste paper is mainly waste water. Others, such as the extraction of waste plastics, not only waste water, but also waste gas, these are to be treated comprehensively, which is also a challenge for Pete. Pete likes to accept This challenge is a systematic project for Pete. After the wastewater is filtered, it is reused. The exhaust gas must be purified to meet the standard. In this process, as long as it is well controlled and well designed, it can still be profitable. For example, in the treatment When the exhaust gas is exhausted, can the excess heat be collected to heat the city?

The initial equipment investment is definitely large, but after recycling, it is still beneficial.

When Pete designed these, he immediately became nervous when he saw the alarm. Based on the feedback from this system, he quickly distinguished it.

The main fleet of the colony fleet!

In fact, from the wormhole, there are often some cargo ships, and these ships have a civilian automatic answering machine. Based on the feedback code, they can even know its specific model and name. This is also the entire empire. The usual practice.

As for these military, it can also be fed back. It is a military-specific automatic transponder. Your own system was originally transplanted from the internal defense system of the empire. You must identify the empire ’s own starship. However, because of what they are doing now, Pete has also marked the Imperial Fleet as an enemy.

One ship, two ships, looking at the objects that were continuously screened out, Pete felt that his scalp was numb, large and small, and more than thirty starships, especially, one of the colonial fleet's largest imperial victory class!

Pete even felt that his eyes were darkening. Although he knew that there would be such a day since he followed Qin Tian, ​​Pete would never have thought that this day would come so early!

When is it now? Their career has just started, and as a result, the rebel troops of the empire have come. Who is telling the truth? Is that Mr. Alpha? He has nurtured and strengthened himself. Now, is it time to harvest?

No, no, no, it can't be him, how much energy can he mobilize the colony fleet? Even the colonial governor, it is impossible to call the colony fleet five and six. It is not him. This man can only hide in the dark and sneaky. It is really not obvious.

Who is that? Is it Princess Jingxi?

Thinking of this, he patted his head, why is he so stupid, and now he only thinks of this, care about him, and now greet Boss Qin Tian first!

"Qin Tian's boss, Qin Tian's boss, Pete called, emergency situation, please return to the base immediately!" Pete opened the most urgent communication, greeting Qin Tian's boss.

When Boss Qin returns, Princess Jingxi will come back. No matter how severe the situation is, how big a basket has been pierced by yourself, as long as Princess Jingxi is there, everything will be safe.

Pete has this confidence.



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