Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 661: Survival of the fittest

In the natural world, only the fittest survives, so all animals are constantly evolving, and only evolution can adapt to the changes of nature, otherwise, it will only perish.

Therefore, all animals will have mutations. If there are good mutations, they will be able to live. It is adapted to the nature. If the mutations are not suitable, it can only be death. Nature uses this **** rule to achieve survival of the fittest. .

For example, a giraffe has a neck that is not that long, but in a long period of time, those with short necks and no leaves on the trees were starved to death. Only those with long necks can survive. In this way, the offspring Only the neck is left, and it develops from generation to generation, and finally the neck becomes longer and longer.

For the universe, tens of thousands of years of evolutionary time will also flash by.

However, this double-headed snake is not adapted to the mutations in nature. It is a kind of fertility deformity, just like a newborn child. Without B-ultrasound and other technologies, some embryos are not fully developed. It is deformed, such as missing arms, such as more head and upper body, the sisters share a lower body, which is similar to the two-headed snake.

This is a kind of malformation when the embryo is developing. Some of the malformations die at birth, and some of them survive.

This head has just been hidden in the body, so Qin Tian did not find it. Now, Qin Tian saw this strange head and suddenly understood it. This guy cut off one head and one!

The head over there fell. This pain made the python more angry. It vomited Xingzi and threw at Qin Tian, ​​trying to eat Qin Tian!

Qin Tian did not continue to retreat when the opponent threw over, because the snow lotus was behind him. At this time, the beast must have known that he was coming to the snow lotus. If he retreated, the guy said Maybe the snow lotus will be destroyed, even if it is only eaten in the stomach, Qin Tian will be useless.

Now, Qin Tian pulled out the lightsaber and turned the lightsaber's power to the maximum. Suddenly, a dozen-meter-long plasma lightsaber hull appeared. Qin Tian's hand waved the lightsaber and slashed toward the other party fiercely. Fall over!

At this moment, the other party seemed to know that there was a huge danger ahead, and finally no longer stepped forward, and began to retreat, but, when it dropped a head, the body's movements became slower. Now, Qin Tian's lightsaber, I have come into contact with it!

The plasma heat of the blade was burning, and the scales on its surface were cut in an instant. The scales could not even be bitten by the mechanical wolf, but the lightsaber could be easily cut. Then, the body of the python was followed by When it was cut, its body rolled, and its tail could no longer be entangled in the tree. In the blood flying, its body became several segments and fell downward.

At this time, Qin Tian had no way to escape. The blood of the python was sprayed on Qin Tian's body. Anyway, his body was already dirty, and Qin Tian didn't care anymore. He ran forward two steps and then pulled hard. A piece of python body, lightsaber waved past, then, two round white things appeared in Qin Tian's hands.

Snake gall!

For pythons, snake gallbladder is one of the most important internal organs. For humans, snake gallbladder is also a valuable Chinese herbal medicine. Especially for pythons, snake gallbladder is more precious. For example, spreading python gallbladder on the eyes , You can make your eyes brighter.

Of course, if the retina is damaged, it is useless to use snake gallbladder, otherwise, Qin Tian had already found snake gallbladder for his sister. Open the backpack behind you and put the snake bile into it. At this time, the snake bile is still flickering, just like the two half-boiled eggs that have just been baked, the egg white is slightly hard, and the yolk is still soft of.

After taking off the huge bunch of snow lotus flowers, Qin Tian completed the task, contracted the rope, and almost trot all the way, and ran directly to the cliff. With the blessing of the human external skeleton, it is quite easy to do these actions.

Qin Tian came to the ground with blood, and when he came up, he saw Princess Jingxi holding a laser gun and looked at him with an admiring look.

"You are too powerful. I was going to help you when I was on the top, but your sword cut the python into six segments, which is really great!" Princess Jingxi's eyes revealed The look of worship came like that, it was like a pure girl who saw the return of a big hero and had long planned to agree with her body.

Qin Tian's body was bloody. Looking at him like this, Princess Jing Xi said: "Hurry up on the spaceship, take a shower, and then change clothes, we have to go back quickly!"

This is not false. Now that the base is waiting, they have collected all these herbs and they must go back and cook the herbs. Once they are done, they will drink it for everyone and let it return to normal.

Qin Tian looked at a **** coat outside his body, afraid of soiling Miss Jingjing ’s spaceship. After thinking about it, he took it outside and took off his clothes directly, exposing the exoskeleton and underwear inside. , Also revealed clearly.

Qin Tian embarked on Princess Jingxi's spaceship, and then entered the bathroom.

In fact, in this era, how to clean oneself has been developed to the extreme. The simplest is to use the negative ion technology to directly contaminate the body ’s dirty things. Moreover, in the spacecraft, water is a very precious resource. Take a bath Such a waste of water is definitely inappropriate.

It was like sailing in ancient times. The crew wanted to take a bath. Only when it rained, everyone stood on the deck naked and took a shower excitedly, but the rain came quickly and quickly. Some people even just put The body rubbed the foam and the rain was gone, which was the most disappointing.

Until the nuclear submarine, the use of electrolyzed water to obtain fresh water, this is considered to have a stable source, and even that type of typhoon-class nuclear submarine, can also have a luxury swimming pool.

However, in Princess Jingxi, everything can be an exception. Princess Jingxi's favorite is to take a bath, so there is a bathtub in this small bathing room.

When Qin Tian walked in, he was hung by a thing hanging from it, and when he looked up, his face was flushed with shame.

Here, it should be the most intimate place for Miss Jingjing, with underwear hanging on it, um, do n’t look down on it, I came to take a bath, and I was covered in blood, which would stain people ’s spaceships. That ’s right. such!

Qin Tian closed his eyes, opened the sprinkler, and rinsed indiscriminately.



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