Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 656: prescription

Herbs can cure diseases. For a long time, in a great country with an ancient culture on this planet, herbs were used to cure diseases. It started when Shennong tasted Baicao.

In fact, many animals also know that when they are injured, they will look for certain herbs, chew them and lay them on the wound, and they will heal quickly.

However, with the development of technology, this method has gradually been eliminated. In many cases, this herbal treatment is even considered to be deceptive. When I feel sick, I do n’t take an infusion and instead eat some strange and strange things. Something is inexplicable, and even delays the condition.

After all, those Western medicines are considered to be the most effective and efficient way. It directly targets the blood and directly studies the resistance mechanisms of various viruses, and it is also studied at the molecular level.

However, herbs have not disappeared. In many poor families, they look down on doctors and ca n’t afford expensive medicines. When they are sick, they can only use these simplest methods to cure the disease. Look at Qin Tian. Great, when I was young, I also ate herbs.

Now, just as Princess Jingxi's thoughts are full, the computer system is also using ancient herbs to match, to see how the match can put out the epidemic.

You should know that the old doctors of traditional Chinese medicine are all about listening to the question. Only by knowing the specific condition and cause of the disease can the medicine be administered properly, but at the same time, there are some claims called proprietary Chinese medicines. If you are sick, you can drink this medicine, which also helps to cure the disease.

At that time, when SARS became popular, there were examples of prevention with traditional Chinese medicine. As for the various effects of herbal medicines, they are already in the computer system. AI is like a most experienced doctor. After analyzing and sorting, half a hour later, a printer in the terminal started printing.

Many times, they have modern display systems, such as holographic projections, etc., but now, if you want to find herbs to cure the disease, there is no doubt that the name of the herbal medicine is the most suitable, and at the same time, it is also printed out. Corresponding to the appearance of growth, after all, there is no perfect industrial chain for herbal medicines now, they all need to find themselves from the wild.

This may be found soon, or it may take a long time.

"Please read it to me." Xiao Rong said.

Just after Xiao Rong made the request, the AI ​​of the spaceship actually accepted it, and began to pronounce in a soft tone: "Angelica, rhubarb, deer antler ..."

Xiao Rong listened to the AI ​​of the spaceship, remembered 30 kinds of drugs in his mind, and then said: "Except for ginseng and snow lotus, I can find everything else, brother, you give me a few people, let I took them to dig herbs. "

If you want to achieve the best effect, you may use the most expensive medicinal materials. Now, in order for them to cure diseases, you must have these few valuable Chinese medicinal materials.

Xiao Rong ’s life here was very difficult when Qin Tian did n’t come. In many cases, he could even go to the field to dig a potato and other crops as his own meals. At the same time, he would also find some herbs in the wild. Yes, she knows where.

Except for ginseng and snow lotus. Ginseng, until now, is also the most valuable supplement. Nothing else, even if it is only ginseng, cut a little piece, boiled and eaten, it can prolong life, so Ginseng has always been the most precious thing on the market. Those artificially grown are cheaper, and natural ones are the most expensive.

Ginseng, king of herbs, perennial herb; main root succulent, cylindrical or fusiform, slender fibrous root solitary, erect, apex tapered, with finely pointed serrated berry-like drupes flattened or kidney-shaped, if viewed from the outside It's just like a villain, so ginseng is famous, and there are even many legends. Shenwazi will move around, and so on. It's a magical thing.

When this kind of thing matures, the bright red color makes up the vitality, the complex veins solidify and loosen, nourish the spleen and lungs, regenerate the thirst, and even regenerate.

What's even more strange is that this ginseng, when grown on other planets, is not long. Only here, this beautiful planet that was originally called the earth will grow. From ancient times to the present, there is a group of special people called digging Participants live by digging ginseng. If they can find a good ginseng, they can even make a fortune soon.

However, in recent years, ginseng has not been seen for a long time because of changes in the meteorological conditions on the planet and the environment has deteriorated. Those digging ginseng have also been lost.

If it is an ordinary medicine, then forget it, but the medicine to be dispensed now is very important. The ingredients must not be changed or replaced with other medicines. What can I do?

Upon hearing Xiaorong's words, Princess Jingxi was relieved: "This ginseng has one on my spaceship."

As a princess of the empire, naturally you can have all kinds of things you want. The strange role of ginseng is also amazing. When Princess Jing Xi came out looking for the universe, the eldest son gave her sister a If there is any danger in ginseng, just cut a slice and hold it in your mouth. Even if the hibernation cabin is broken, you can keep coming back.

Now, there are more people here who need treatment. Princess Jingxi will of course take it out without hesitation, not to mention ginseng, even if it is more precious, such as her pearls ground into powder, she will not Hesitant.

Now that Princess Jingxi has solved one problem, there is another problem left, Xuelian.

Snow lotus is a crop that grows on the snowy plateau. When blooming in the snow, the flowers are pure white and the stamens are pale yellow. It looks so elegant and so beautiful. This kind of snow lotus has been used by various countries since ancient times. Doctors have noticed that, like ginseng, it can almost cure all diseases.

In addition to common snow lumps, toothache, rheumatoid arthritis, irregular menstruation, etc., it can also be used to treat stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, heart disease, nosebleeds, snake bites, and so on.

This kind of thing was very common in ancient times. Similarly, as the climate changes here, I am afraid it is difficult to find it!

"As for this snow lotus, big mouth, let's look on this planet together, how?"

Big mouth? Who is the big mouth? Qin Tian was almost dull until he realized that Princess Jingxi was calling herself. Qin Tian touched his nose. Unexpectedly, his title of pirate became a proper term for quietly calling him. Salutation is a lifetime.



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