Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 65: Self-defeating

Although Qin Tian also wants to apply for this task, he has made too many achievements. He blew up the enemy battleship starship, a carrier-based aircraft pilot, and once in his life in service, it was enough.

Now Anna is ready to wait for the ejection order at any time.

When the opponent's battleship starship explodes, it is the time when the entire fleet's naval artillery roars!

This Qin Tian, ​​there are so many ghost ideas in his head!

If you are attacking with great fanfare, this star war is destined to be terrible, and the eight starships of your own, together with the third fleet, just add some attack power, and want to face each other face to face There is bound to be a loss if you do it with real swords and guns.

But now, everyone posing as their allies is actually close to this distance, and the energy shield has not been opened on the opposite side. It is a good opportunity for a sneak attack.

Do n’t the other party know?

Last time, my own friend had pretended to be a sneak attack, but that time, there was only one Brenev, and the starship did not take a picture, only the carrier aircraft was in action. At the same time, It was directly talking with the main flagship of the other party. The other starships under the other party were not clear.

In their consciousness, just think they have copied a batch of Skylight fighters, right? They would never think that there were eight captured starships on their own.

This is also thanks to the opponent ’s starship operating mechanism. Due to the strict system of appreciating the master, even if the starship is captured, it is impossible for it to be activated by the enemy. If the opponent forces it, the starship will explode. Only Her Royal Highness persuaded Numerov, bypassed the authentication mechanism of the starship, invaded the system, and finally gained control.

Now, the eight starships of your own are more like a solid reinforcement formation. If there are any defects, it is to ask the traffic boat to pass by.

Now, not only long-distance quantum communication, but also holographic communication, anytime, anywhere, just like a face-to-face conversation, there is really no need to carry traffic.

Unless there are any special items to be delivered, the transportation boat will be used.

Now, how to gain the trust of the other party?

Sure enough, there was a voice across the road: "Traffic boat, no matter, we can use holographic communication."

I knew you had to ask this question, so I'm ready!

Hearing the question from the opposite side, here said: "Okay, holographic communication, show you something."

The holographic communication device is turned on, but it is not on the bridge, but in the hangar!

Not in Anna's traffic boat, but in her distance, another traffic boat on the catapult track.

There are three people in this transportation boat, and the pilot is in front. At this time, Qin Tian is wearing a flight jacket and a helmet of the Fibre Empire, and is sitting firmly on the driver's seat.

In the cargo compartment behind him, a girl was tied up, the rope passed around her neck, and it was wrapped into two triangles. Inside the triangle, it was raised and raised, and then down, around three times, until it reached The lower abdomen, and then backwards, the hands and feet were tied together, and the bundle was strong.

Although tied up, the girl's face was a disdainful expression. On her beautiful face, with solemn indifference, at this time, the holographic camera was aimed at her, and a close-up came. 'S voice is very clear: "I am the three princesses of the empire, I want to be treated to match my identity, you can not treat me like this!"

Three Princesses of Empire!

Three Princesses of Empire!

When he saw the girl who was tied up, McGid felt his body trembling inexplicably, his heart pounding.

Sure enough it was her!

This princess is very beautiful, and often participates in some activities of the empire. It is a well-known figure, even if it is McGid, it can be recognized at a glance. It is definitely not wrong.

Moreover, this is also consistent with intelligence. It is said that when the war was fought, the three princesses of the empire came to the colonial capital to play. As a result, they were blocked in the colony and could not return to the capital, and this Markov ’s luck was really good. Sneak into the enemy's fleet station, and actually captured the three princesses of the empire.

Bringing the three princesses back is definitely a great achievement, and can even be used to coerce the other party to surrender! This is the oldest emperor's favorite daughter across from him.

Even if the opponent will not surrender, the opponent's military heart will be hit hard.

Great, great!

Here, the holographic camera moved away, Qin Tian turned away, looking at Her Royal Highness with apology.

This bad idea was also what I thought.

If you want to blow up each other ’s battleships, even your own eight cruisers will not fire together, and once the situation is not good, as long as the other party turns off the engine, it will enter the wormhole, and you cannot kill it. its.

As long as the battleship cannot be eliminated, the wormhole cannot be snatched over, so it can only be sent by a traffic boat, so how can the other party think that it must receive the traffic boat?

It can only be Her Royal Highness.

I have caught the princess. It is better to be safe on the battleship than the princess on the cruiser. Now that I have caught it and sent the princess in a traffic boat, it is logical.

Of course, the princess will not really pass by. The current shooting is the traffic boat here. When the catapult is shot, it is another traffic boat!

Now, with the end of the holographic communication, the assistant next to the princess's palace, a female assistant, quickly untied the piercing rope of the princess. Even so, the princess's wrists, the white and flawless wrists like onions, have been swollen Too.

This method of tying people, so professional, must have been learned in action movies! On the other side, Anna secretly thought in your heart that although you have been watching the emotional movie with the cloner for a few days, you can't hide the ugliness in your heart!

Anna thought of Qin Tian, ​​and was already contemptuous of Qin Tian.

"His Royal Highness, you have been wronged." Qin Tian said.

With a smile on her face, Princess Jingxi said: "As long as you can kill the other party's starship, what kind of grievance is this, the other party will definitely be fooled."

When I saw the three princesses **** and placed in the dinghy, McGid was indeed ecstatic, and the whole brain that was shocked by the great joy was blank.

Okay, okay, so good, hurry and send it over.

Just then, there was a voice behind him: "General Markov is really generous."

Hearing this admiration, it was like a scoop of cold water splashing on General McGid ’s head, and he was suddenly completely awake, shouting loudly: "Quick, turn on the energy shield, all starships, turn on the energy shield ! "

Qin Tian did not know that he was so secretive that he only missed one aspect, which led to self-defeating now.



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