Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 649: Poor soldiers

"What?" Princess Jingxi couldn't believe her ears: "Junk Star?"

This is the first time Princess Jingxi heard the word. She would never imagine that there will be a planet called Junk Star, and it is still Earth!

"Let's go, we will know when we follow up." Qin Tian said.

Zhumen wine smells bad, such a lady, at first glance, is from a big family. How can you understand the suffering of the lower people? Qin Tian thought secretly in her heart that now, since she is going to follow herself, then let her see it.

Qin Tian operated the Breeze, slowing it down.

The speed of the spaceship such as Qingfeng is quite fast. If you start the curvature-driven engine behind, you can quickly accelerate to the speed of light. However, on a short-distance route, accelerating to the speed of light is not worth the loss. This will be too late to slow down. I missed it, so it was just a regular engine. Now, Qin Tian is skillfully operating this small spaceship, following the garbage spaceship.

Even if it was Qin Tian ’s robbery, I did n’t want to rob these garbage ships. Although it was very close, if they robbed them, it would have a chain reaction. The most direct thing is that the government knew that it was done by oneself at once. , Robbed them, who will throw garbage in the future?

According to Qin Tian ’s plan, the future garbage star can mainly rely on the planting industry, and the industrial upgrade of the garbage star can be achieved by providing this high-quality food to the wealthy class. If the garbage star is full of plants, it will also become green and green. However, before the air has been completely improved, the productivity of plants is not high. Relying on these plants alone will starve to death, and garbage collection is still a main business.

These cargo ships are still useful.

Qin Tian was just like this. Watching the cargo ship enter the atmosphere, following behind each other, Princess Jingxi's eyes were almost spitting fire, watching the spaceship in front drop the garbage, and then went away.

"In the Empire, there is a special garbage collection and treatment system. The Empire's industrial chain has long been completed and there is a complete waste disposal process." Princess Jing Xi said: "How could this be?"

"That also requires a high amount of investment. If the government doesn't want to spend the money, then it naturally needs to find a simple solution." Qin Tian said to Princess Jingxi.

Princess Jing Xi suddenly froze in front of her eyes: "What is the government's high investment?"

"Of course it is to build a fleet." Qin Tian said lightly: "Our sire is an absolute militant. It is said that the battle of one hundred years ago made his satisfied. He was planning to regroup, and now there is only one Empire The goal is to build starships, the more the better. "

These Qin Tian have not seen it, and even on the garbage star, there is no such channel for the spread of information. Qin Tian just listened to Pete, and Pete knew a lot, a lot.

Otherwise, what is the head tax? It is not that the government wants to continue to build more starships, it must search the people.

To describe it in one word, should this be called the poor soldier? Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart.

The empire intends to build a large number of starships, without taking into account the people's lives. Now, how many planets are at the bottom of the empire like garbage stars?

Qin Tian did not know.

"What do you want to do?" Princess Jingxi whispered, this time, heard by Qin Tian, ​​was suddenly surprised: "What did you just say?" "Oh, I said, what are those yellow things?"

"Those are cardboard boxes. Our favorite thing on the garbage star is very high in recycling value. However, when it is recycled, the pollution is also very serious. There is no way, we have to live first."

After talking, Qin Tian seemed to remember something, opened his clothes, and exposed the exoskeleton inside: "There are still good things on it, such as my set of exoskeleton, which was also found from the garbage dump. "


Princess Jingxi stood up and untied Qin Tian's buttons without hesitation, which surprised Qin Tian, ​​hey, rude, rude!

Princess Jingxi unwrapped it a few times, and then saw it inside. At this time, her big eyes seemed to cry with tears and crystal clear.

That's right, this exoskeleton was the one from that year, but how could it be in the garbage dump? Moreover, most of the diamonds above have fallen.

But after Qin Tian left, there were some relics left. At that time, people built a museum to store this exoskeleton. Who can think of it as such a consequence?

However, now she has no plans to pursue anything. She can meet Qin Tian again. There are many factors in it. These errors are a driving force for the two to get together.

The spaceship has landed at this time. There is a small city on the edge of the dump. The scale is not very large, but it looks neat. At this time, when the spaceship just stopped, a girl and a dog appeared in front of this. The girl pulled the dog leash with a smile on her face, there was no glory in those eyes, her head was tilted, and she seemed to be listening here with her ears.

"Xiaorong?" Princess Jingxi could not help but yell again.

Qin Tian was called out his name, which is already a very strange thing. Now, Qin Tian was even more surprised when the other party actually called out his sister ’s name. At this time, the hatch opened and quiet Princess Xi has gone out quickly.

The smell of the air is weird, it seems that there is a rotten atmosphere, which makes Princess Jingxi, who loves cleanliness, frown, but when thinking of Qin Tian living on the planet here, Princess Jingxi immediately threw these away Unhappy, then jumped down and ran towards Xiaorong.

"Jing ... Miss Jingjing, slower." Aunt Meng in the back shouted after seeing Princess Jingxi running so fast.

At this time, Xiaorong had also heard the footsteps, not his brother's, but another person's footsteps. This person's footsteps were so familiar. Xiaorong kept thinking about it in his mind, and finally thought What happened, at this time, the familiar voice also came.

"Xiaorong, you are really Xiaorong, that's great, I didn't expect you to be so young!"

At this time, Xiao Rong leaned forward, her legs would kneel down, and she was ready to see Princess Jingxi. This was the first time she met.

However, Princess Jingxi immediately grabbed her: "It really is you, you just call me Jingjing sister."

After she finished speaking, she fell to Xiao Rong's ear and whispered, "Qin Tian is still losing memory. He has forgotten me, so call me Jingjing."



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