Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 632: Works well

Pete ’s friend did n’t come, because in this case, it ’s useless for him to come. This kind of infectious disease must have special vaccinations, and this large-scale virus outbreak needs the vaccinations. Astronomical figures.

The medical control of the empire is quite strict. The outbreak of this virus must be exhausted by the empire, and even the colony can be put out, so the other party is helpless to this situation.

Now, Qin Tian feeds his blood to Xiao Rong, although he knows that it is useless, but this is the only thing he can do. Now, fire-like anger comes out of his eyes, his hands are tight Grip, the blue muscles on his arm burst, and everyone who knows him knows that this is his way to kill.

"This matter has nothing to do with the government. Now, let's go to the government and be fair, Luo Lili, follow me!"

Now, on the garbage star, Qin Tian ’s force is already the strongest, there is nothing to fight against Qin Tian. Two Mark 4 mechas, if you go to the equator to find trouble, it is definitely a game there. disaster.

For a long time, Qin Tian was quite restrained, and maintained a delicate balance with the equator. Even Qin Tian no longer developed his own force, and developed the economy wholeheartedly, hoping to benefit the entire garbage star, but, Who would have thought that those guys actually used such a mean method!

Be aware that this epidemic is spread by air, which means that it can sweep the world at any time, even if it is useless by any means of isolation, mice carrying the virus may also spread the epidemic.

What is the other party doing? Is it the risk of destroying the entire garbage star?

In this case, let the other party destroy first!

The length of the garbage star's ball has never appeared. Now on the garbage star, the biggest chief is the second chief executive Terry. This is an old guy with an eagle hook nose. It was the original urinating pants under the threat of Qin Tian. Old guy.

Now, Terry is complacent in the government building at the equator.

"This is really a good way, we can completely eliminate the other party without any effort!" Terry said to the people below him.

Originally, the most powerful one here was the mech unit, but the mech unit was all killed in the explosion. Now, it is the chief of the security force Schroeder. This guy is relatively young, but in those eyes , Showing a fierce force, in fact, he came up with this idea.

Since the last incident, they have been sitting on pins and needles, watching Qin Tian integrate the power of the entire garbage star. Although they are still maintaining balance, everyone knows that if Qin Tian wants to work hard, they can be easily killed. .

Therefore, they were restless, and Mr. Alpha appeared at the last stage and saved them, but for most people, he was not familiar with this Mr. Alpha. Mr. Alpha ’s suggestions did not mean that they were their own suggestions. They were more I hope Qin Tian will die and die neatly.

"That's for sure. Once this kind of plague breaks out, no one can control it. This was developed by a special department of the empire. It can play a special role at a critical time." Schroeder said.

The interstellar war is quite tragic. It is the destruction of the entire planet. However, if you spread the plague to the other party, it may have a better effect. Know that if you kill a person, the other party will die directly, at most. Pensions, but if you kill the other party, you have to get medical treatment, if you are disabled, you have to have social welfare for the rest of your life. This is a heavy financial burden. If there is a large-scale plague, the other party needs to be treated. It also has to pay a great price, which is better than directly exploding a planet. This is like a war of biological and chemical weapons on the planet of ancient times.

What are the benefits for them?

Those outside the garbage dump will surely die in pain. They have wiped out the biggest enemy and their own troubles. This is the biggest benefit.

As for the additional benefits, there are also.

Although they have taken isolation measures, the spread of the plague is terrible, and they can spread to them at any time. When that happens, it will cause a terrible shock.

Want to avoid being infected? Yes, the government has special drugs here, the number is not much, only a thousand, and the price is very high!

No matter at any time, I must think about how to make a fortune, this is the quality that a ruler should have. After all, Qianli is an official only for wealth, that Qin Tian, ​​actually thinking of leading everyone to a good life, this is absolutely It's a different kind of guy. I'm afraid he has already died in his base camp now?

The plague came quickly and went quickly. After the people there died, a team was sent over, where lime was thrown over and burned with flamethrowers. It didn't take long for the entire virus to disappear.

On the one hand, the biggest threat has been eliminated, on the other hand, it has also made a lot of money. At this time, the person who directed the plague in one hand is laughing happily in the room. In their eyes, they think that everything is under control. Too.

"Report, report, there is organic armor activity outside!" Just then, a man reported panicly.

Two Mark 4 mechas have appeared outside the city of the equator. Originally, their flying cars could fly directly in, but it is obvious that there will be traps here. To avoid accidents, before entering the city, the two men On the mech.

At this time, Luo Lili's face was also severe, and her face was beautiful, but at this time she was covered with a layer of frost.

The plague will not break out casually. This virus with great spread and lethality must have come from the government. This is easy to think of. The government actually used this method to deal with ordinary people, which also touched Luo Lili. Bottom line.

Who would have thought that the government would use such a despicable means, hundreds of thousands of people outside would die because of this plague!

The mech is running fast on the ground, and every step of the next step will bring violent vibration on the ground and continuous tremor, so that the entire city can feel an invisible sense of urgency.

"Don't worry, it must be Luo Lili," Schroeder said. "She used to be a member of our security forces. She had been vaccinated and had antibodies in her body. She will not be affected. Now, she is finished outside. She rejoined us, just let her rebuild the mech unit, she will give up secretly. "



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