Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 622: Reclamation of Liangtian

"Quick, work, our production team can't be left behind!" Near the base, a lot of fields are being carefully cultivated.

The last nuclear explosion was an underground nuclear explosion, so there was not much radioactive dust. After that, there was strong cold wind at night, so after a period of time, the radioactivity here returned to normal levels.

Taking the previous example as an example, Hiroshima was a place that had been hit by a nuclear bomb, but after that, Hiroshima was still habitually resident, and it can still live and work normally without much impact.

It is because there is wind in Hiroshima. After repeated blowing, the nuclear radiation was blown away. Moreover, at that time, it was a nuclear explosion, and most of the nuclear materials had already undergone fission. When it happened, it became two kinds of medium. The products of mass nuclei are no longer radioactive.

However, another place, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, after a nuclear leakage accident, a large amount of nuclear raw materials were directly ejected into the air, resulting in a large area of ​​radioactive contamination, these areas have been emptied , Turned into a no man's land.

However, even so, the employees of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant continued to work, and a reactor was exploded, and several reactors were in normal operation. They must continue to hold their posts if the entire nuclear power plant is shut down. , Ukraine will lose 60% of electricity, which is an unacceptable ending.

Now, here has been restored, of course, the original castle disappeared, and around the underground base, around, began to build a brand new city.

Up to now, the equator is still the most prosperous place, but in a short time, it will also become an enviable city, everyone can come here to enjoy the scenery, come here to enjoy life!

This city was originally intended to be called the garbage city, but the name is too tacky, Qin Tian eventually called it a new city, this is a new beginning!

Around the central city of the new city is farmland.

At this time, whether in the city or on the farmland, construction is in full swing.

"Actually, if we want to improve the air as soon as possible, we can put a large transparent cover on top of us like Space City." Pete and Qin Tian walked and discussed.

Space immigration has long been nothing new. Some planets do not have an atmosphere. If you want to live in space and build a city, you must have a transparent cover. On the one hand, it can make the internal atmosphere opaque. On the one hand, this transparent cover is similar to a greenhouse, which can warm the interior, after all, the universe is cold.

And now, if you put a big transparent cover on the city, you can quickly make the air inside, and the temperature will rise, and the crops will grow easily.

Qin Tian shook his head: "No, our goal is to transform the entire garbage star. If we cover up, it is only to reform our place, not to transform the entire garbage star. Our goal is to be longer-term."

When Qin Tian finished talking, he found that Luo Lili was looking at herself with strange eyes. Qin Tian was suddenly curious: "What's wrong, do I have rice grains on my face?"

After talking, Qin Tian still touched it, or his sister's meal was delicious, and he could eat it every day. Now, Qin Tian thought he had rice grains on his face, but he didn't. "No." Luo Lili said: "That day you said you want to bring the whole garbage star light and bring you a new life. At that time, I thought you were joking, even those government officials I thought you were joking, but now I know, you are not joking, you are serious. "

Luo Lili was moved.

In this world, the savior is God, the greatest being. It is in the world. If there is a spokesperson, it must be Qin Tian. This person, by his own ability, can lead a good life. Not to mention, he has a skill like this, and he can be promoted by virtue of military service when he goes to the army. After all, everyone knows that His Majesty is holding his strength and waiting to fight. The army, the army is a place where strength is concerned.

Even Qin Tian has the current status. As long as he controls the water source and sells the water alone, he can continuously collect the wealth of the garbage star into his pocket.

But Qin Tian is not. Qin Tian is engaged in production and construction. It is too unbelievable to build here like his own home. Qin Tian is great and selfless. Now his investment is all about him. His pockets and even his savings are invested.

Now, Qin Tian ’s image has grown tall in Luo Lili ’s eyes, no matter how Qin Tian used to plot her to murder her. Now, she only worships Qin Tian. Real allegiance.

Following such a person, for the benefit of the public, and for the benefit of the entire planet, such a vigorous work, even if the last crackdown of the troops came, he died, his life is worth it!

Only those from the lower classes are respectful of Qin Tian's actions and love them all. This is from the heart.

Qin Tian was wondering Luo Lili's eyes. At this moment, someone shouted, "Water is coming, water is coming!"

Through the pipeline, after a long route, the water finally came over. Everyone looked at the pure five-colored water source, and came out of the pipeline, followed the ravine that was just reclaimed, and flowed to the cultivated land. They all shouted loudly. Some people even open their mouths directly at the mouth of the pipe and drink with a gulp. From then on, the water source no longer needs to worry!

Even the ground water is available, not to mention drinking it!

"The choice of seeds must be careful." Pete on the side continued to talk about technical issues: "Every planet has a planet's characteristics, different climatic conditions, and different crops that can be planted. In our case, the climate is still It's very cold, especially at night, and at the same time there is not too much light, so we specifically chose barley. "

Highland barley is a special type of barley. Because its inner and outer glans are separated from the glumes and the grains are bare, it is called naked barley.

This crop tastes inferior to wheat and rice, but it is the most suitable crop to adapt to the current climate. Its origin should be traced back to the wild common barley. After continuous cultivation by the highlanders, it eventually became Highland barley has become the food of the highlanders. At the same time, this barley has wide adaptability, strong resistance, stable yield, and a wide range of planting areas.

Although Pete was a mechanic and had never been a farmer, under the present circumstances, he can only perform such tasks.

The arable land here can be planted after watering.



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