Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 581: The crisis has not been resolved

"If you want to manipulate the mecha skillfully, familiar with the mecha is the first step. Every joint of the mecha, how to coordinate every movement, how to adjust each operation lever, you need to go through thousands of trainings and constantly skilled."

Now, Qin Tian began to teach mecha hands.

There were 20 mechas of all sizes, and there were twenty of them. The mecha hands of Qin Tian's men also listened to Qin Tian's explanation. At this time, they were just outside the garbage dump controlled by Qin Tian. In the open space, they are listening carefully.

After Qin Tianlu's first hand, everyone admired it. If your hand speed is less than half of others' speed, then it is best to put away your blind arrogance and study hard. If there is a gap, it is not terrible. When the gap is over, we must catch up and close the gap instead of ignoring it proudly.

This Dragon Brother listened most seriously. Now, when Qin Tian explains the basic movements, he already has a lot of questions.

"In this case, when we operate the upper row of operating levers, we still have to take time to adjust the lower knob?" He said with incredible: "Can we do this?"

According to his previous operations, he could not complete these steps at the same time.

"Yes, so each of our fingers must be flexible. When transferring from the 3 operation lever to the 6 operation lever, you can bring this **** with your little finger and it will not waste any time." Qin Tian explained .

It turns out so!

Brother Long understood it, and then looked at his hand, feeling a bit desperate. If it is a piano hand, it may be so fast, but his hand is doing physical work, not so fast.

"Taking care of everyone's current level, I have designed a set of movements. According to this set of movements, we will first train, familiarize with the operation, increase the speed, and wait until you reach the hand speed of 15 movements per second, I will explain to you. Other movements can now start training. "

So, in the open space here, everyone jumped on his own mecha and re-trained according to the method explained by Qin Tian. Long brother ’s hand operated the mecha. This experiment, as expected, his fingers slipped In the past, I just happened to encounter it. It turns out that there are so many tips for operating mechas. Absolute practice makes perfect!

Looking at the display in the cockpit again, after such a pointer, his hand speed has reached twelve movements per second, an increase of 20%!

He looked at Qin Tian's eyes, already full of worship.

Now, after explaining to everyone, Qin Tian instructed some people, and then left.

There are still many things waiting for him in the dump. Now, Qin Tian has taken a brisk step to the northern part of the dump, in the underground work, here, the modified purified water car is there Rumble.

"It was commissioned yesterday, and production started today." Pete said to Qin Tian: "It is now in the preliminary operation stage, which can purify a ton of water every hour."

Numerous pipelines are circling, and the input pipelines are all toxic groundwater. There is a pump nearby to pump it directly. Then, the purified water flows into the side pipelines and then leads to the well. , You can supplement the needs of the well. At the same time, in the purification, there are still some wastewater, discharged through special pipelines to a distant place, so as not to pollute the groundwater here.

One ton per hour is quite a lot. However, as our territory continues to expand and the population continues to increase, it is still not enough. Therefore, it is also necessary to expand the territory to the north, lay down the water source and **** the water source Steps.

Moreover, such a common goal can tie everyone to a tank, which is also the most important goal.

"At the same time, the electricity consumption still exceeded our expectations. The current nuclear power system of this car, according to the current power supply, should consume all the nuclear fuel within half a year, so we also need to think about Ways to purchase nuclear fuel and reload, otherwise it will have to stop for half a year. "

This thing is extremely power-hungry. If it is used by this car, it can be used for decades, but now, only half a year, all nuclear fuel has been burned.

Half a year later, they will still have the problem of energy demand. Now, the problem has only been delayed and has not been fundamentally resolved.

"If we get a Mark 4 mecha, is that enough?" Qin Tian asked.

This car is civilian, and the power system is not very powerful, and the Mark 4 mecha, which is military, uses a nuclear fusion power system, which is more powerful.

"If it is a Mark 4 mecha, the power system should be enough for several years." Pete said.

It seems that this kind of thing needs to be solved together. When the north is attacked and the water source is robbed, the Mark 4 mech of the security forces must be robbed!

Simply overthrow the government here, and everything will be solved! In Qin Tian's mind, such an idea actually appeared. Then, he began to be shocked by his thoughts. Was it too bold?

If the entire **** star becomes Qin Tian ’s site, Qin Tian can reallocate all the resources here. If he uses his current organization, he can increase labor productivity several times without worrying about water resources. The productivity of the entire garbage star will be greatly improved, and it will also increase more wealth.

The problem is that if he engages in this way, it will offend the entire colony, even the entire empire. The last thing the empire likes to see is independence, rebellion, and they will definitely come to suppress them mercilessly. It can be said that he is like this His approach is absolutely self-defeating. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot confront the entire colony or the entire empire.

Therefore, this idea only appeared in the brain for a while, and then disappeared. Now, let's consider the current problem.

"Boss Qin Tian, ​​Boss Qin Tian." At this time, Xiaohu came over and said to Qin Tian: "We received a piece of information, and the government's security forces decided to come to suppress us, probably in the next few days. Get out! "

After the last time I sent Luo Meimei and Duan Duan back, they quickly showed their value. They had begun to send messages to Qin Tian. For the sake of confidentiality, only Xiaohu knew their whereabouts. They and Xiaohu were in one-line contact. .

The first piece of information was sent by the two almost at the same time. Now, Xiaohu heard that the security forces are finally coming, with worry and excitement in his heart. Worried for so many days, now they are finally out. However, our own forces have integrated the nearby forces, and there are already more than 20 mechas. Are you afraid of them as security forces?



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