Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 56: Comrade-in-arms

At this time, the other aircraft in the formation didn't understand what was happening. The long plane called in front: "Attention, spread out, machinery, malfunction!"

He thought that one of his own fighter planes had a mechanical failure and suddenly caught fire, affecting other planes.

Almost at the same time, a laser beam flew over his canopy. As a soldier's instinct, he immediately understood that someone had attacked!

He operated his steering rod and turned sharply. Under the terrible overload, his eyes were raised and his internal organs wanted to be thrown out. He still insisted on enduring it. After turning half a circle, he finally saw it clearly. .

I saw a skylight fighter behind, firing continuously, shooting at his companion!

He was the one with the quickest response, and he evaded quickly. The others were not so lucky. During this period of time, he only had two fighters left in his formation.

A burst of fireballs bloomed in space, and in the skylight fighter attacking behind, an excited call came: "Cool, really cool!"

The tone is a little high, the tone is a little sharp, it was actually sent by a female fly!

At this time, she turned slightly and hit another fighter, and the last long plane was left!

Die, **** enemy!

At this time, the channel in the talker is the same. Qin Tian also heard this voice, and it was suddenly shocked. Strangely, there are women flying in our flying team?

Everyone got together before take-off. At that time, they all put on flight suits and flight caps. Qin Tian didn't find out that there was a female fly.

It is quite difficult to become a pilot. In terms of physical fitness, even a planet that meets the conditions is a single digit, and women, due to their physical structure, have a certain gap compared to men. It is more difficult.

At least, since Qin Tian has served, he has never seen a female pilot. They are all the same men.

There are a lot of women in the fleet. This is for a reasonable match. After all, the patrol task for several years, if they are all men, the journey is quite boring. The match between men and women is not tiring. Of existence.

In those technical arms, navigation, communications, medical care, etc., the proportion of female soldiers is very high.

However, as combatants, there are very few female soldiers. There may be a few Qianli figures in those gunners, but in the flying unit, women are too rare.

Of course, although there are female soldiers, discipline still exists. During the service of the starship, it is absolutely not allowed to fall in love. Otherwise, many new contradictions may be induced, which is not conducive to maintaining combat effectiveness.

Now, Qin Tian heard a female voice, which is very strange, but now, he does not know who is who. He looked at the warfare that had begun to chaos and said, "Go, we have also been addicted!"

"Okay." Liu Ye behind shouted excitedly.

Two Skylight-class fighters also swooped down below and joined the battle group.

For a long time, there was no opportunity to experience other fighters. Now, the Tianguang class fighter is in hand, and Qin Tian is also comparing with his own blitz.

This fighter has a rough workmanship. Obviously, it has given up excellence for mass production. The precision of rough manufacturing to the sight is one order of magnitude different.

However, the number of laser cannons makes up for the shortage, because it has four laser cannons, even if the aiming is not accurate enough, the laser cannon on this side is out of reach, and the laser cannon on the other side can also be hit!

After diving, Qin Tian pressed the shooting button and saw laser beams flying by, just inside the other party's cockpit!

The canopy was burnt through, and the laser beam penetrated into the pilot's body, penetrated his body, and penetrated from below.

The entire cockpit cover was full of blood and spewed out.

Qin Tian pulled up the nose slightly and aimed at another one.

After killing two of them one after another, Qin Tian suddenly moved, changed the talker's channel, and changed it to the other party's frequency band, only to hear that he was constantly cursing.

"What the hell?" "Why, what's going on?"

"The enemy, the enemy!"

Qin Tian also shouted, "Traitor, we, among us, traitors!"

"Yes, traitor."

Someone shouted.

Qin Tian pointed out the direction for them. In their fleet, there were traitors. If they wanted to avoid being killed by the traitors, they had to kill the traitors first.

Who is the traitor?

This is of course difficult to distinguish, and everyone is already in a mess.

"Destroy, traitor!" Qin Tian said, continuing to attack another fighter. Just when he was about to fire, he found a laser beam emerging behind him, killing his target.

Qin Tian gave a thumbs-up. At this time, the fighter plane flew side by side with him. He could see the inside of the cockpit cover, and the man ’s helmet goggles were not put down, so he showed his face.

At this moment, the face turned towards Qin Tian, ​​and Qin Tian was shocked.

The face is beautiful, and he is a young guy, but the muscles on the face are stiff, as if it were a doll with a silicone shell.

At this moment, looking at Qin Tian's raised finger, the other party's lips moved, and Qin Tian's earphone heard a voice: "Destroy, traitor!"

At this time, Liu Ye, Qin Tian's wingman, didn't know where to fly to, and he didn't know to protect his back at this time! Qin Tian shivered inexplicably in his heart.

He has understood that this guy beside him is a clone!

This guy, regards himself as a partner!

It's shudder to think about it. If this guy just opened fire on himself, he will definitely be beaten.

Despite an agitated spirit and cold sweat on his back, Qin Tian said to the other party, "Destroy, traitor, together!"


"Your, offensive, mine, cover."


As a result, the two combat crews formed a formation.

Qin Tian ’s fighter is behind, covering the opponent ’s second half. Qin Tian ’s fingers have been pressed on the launch button numerous times, trying to kill the opponent, but every time, he put it down.

This pilot has a good skill. The rabbit flies up and down and detonates other Skylight fighters. Almost all of them are bullet-free. As long as they fire, they will definitely hit.

Just let him kill their own comrade-in-arms, and this scene is pleasing to the eye.

When the other party hit the sixth Tianguang fighter, Qin Tian's brain suddenly thought of something.

He switched the phone and shouted in it: "The young eagle report, the young eagle report, a clone has treated me as a comrade, and I want to take him back to the starship."

Knowing oneself and knowing the other can be a battle-free battle. If you take this clone back, you can understand them better.

However, such danger is self-evident.



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