Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 548: Can only buy

As a mechanic, you must be good at thinking. In addition to having congenital preferences and sensitivity to machinery, it also requires a certain understanding. Obviously, Pete is the leader of the mechanics. , He can quickly find the essence of the problem.

There must be a nuclear reactor!

In the past, many people have tried the filtration method, this method does not need to consume energy, after all, the water treatment system is also a very mature technology, many are natural circulation, at most it requires a booster pump, only The permeable membrane is continuously filtered.

Unfortunately, this technology cannot filter out all the toxins, even if there is a little left, there is also a huge harm, making people unable to drink.

Perhaps, some people will think of this way of filtering water with electrolysis, but this way, the investment is too large, and the energy required is too much!

On the garbage star, the most convenient energy source is a solar cell, which can generate electricity as long as there is light. In the current central equatorial, almost all houses are covered with this material. Clean and environmental protection is secondary. What saves money is that the technology of this battery is very mature and will not decay in a few years, at least for a hundred years.

However, this has a lot to do with the light. The light on the equator is the best. Walking to the north and south, the light is weakening rapidly, and it has no practical significance.

The rest is the nuclear battery.

Nuclear batteries are different from nuclear reactors. Nuclear batteries use the principle of radioactive decay. There are two main types of decay: alpha decay and beta decay. Positively charged helium nuclei are released in the front, and electrons are released in the back. The radioactive material will undergo these two kinds of decay at the same time, and continuously release positive and negative particles. In this way, by collecting these positive and negative particles through certain semiconductor materials, it becomes the two poles of the battery. Positive and negative, this is the battery.

Its characteristic is of course long-lasting. Until the end of the decay, there will be a continuous charge accumulation, and the half-life of many radioactive materials is easily hundreds of years, thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. The battery has been in use for a long time, but another characteristic is that the power is weak. It can only rely on particles generated by decay. The power is not high and the current is not large. It only meets some low-level needs.

Electrolyzed water, which requires a strong current, requires a nuclear power plant. It uses the heat generated by the fission of highly concentrated nuclear materials to propel the steam turbine. The electrical energy generated in this way is very strong, but the investment is also huge.

Therefore, even if some people have thought about this method before, it will stop in front of huge investment. This is not as cheap as direct transportation. In the past, transportation was not much money.

Now, the situation has finally changed. With the increase of the head tax on the water supply, the cost of water use has increased significantly, even more than that of electrolyzed water.

At this time, who can convert the present dirty water into drinking water first, who will be able to occupy the commanding heights, will create huge profits on the entire planet, absolutely more than sorting garbage in the dump.

Qin Tian certainly cares about these.

Needless to say the future income, just say that now, if he wants to continue his business, he cannot be controlled by the problem of water sources, even if the purified water source is for his own drinking, then this technology must also be carried out. !

If we want to continue now, we must have a nuclear power plant! In the equator, it is an area where the rich people gather. There are various supporting equipment vendors and advanced power supply. However, if you want people to set up transmission lines, that is Impossible. It is too easy to be used by people who have to go through such a long route. Those who are on the way will certainly risk their lives to steal electricity. So, they can only find suppliers from the equator and buy the right one. The nuclear power plant equipment has been built. In our own place, a nuclear-powered power station is set up and then supplied to the water treatment equipment.

The investment must be very high, but the high amount of investment will soon be earned through the income from the sale of water. As for whether it will anger the government, I do n’t care. The government is doing this. Yes, if you go on like this, various uprisings will break out sooner or later. Selling low-priced water yourself will help the government stabilize social order.

Anyway, there are already a lot of funds, just cash, there are tens of thousands of empire coins, how much is the equipment of the nuclear power plant?

Thinking of this, he shouted outside: "Call Tony."

Now, Tony has become Qin Tian's financial manager. Tony is also very dedicated to doing things in the accounts. Qin Tian has also secretly checked several times, and he has not found Tony to embezzle public funds. He is very dedicated.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Soon, Tony came in.

"Now how much money do we have on the books?" Qin Tian asked Tony.

"There are currently thirty-six thousand and twenty-eight Empire Stars." Tony answered very simply, without having to check the account book, these data were spoken casually.

"So much?" Qin Tian was very strange. He remembered that when he first came here, it was more than 10,000!

"Yes, mainly because our manpower is now increased, so the labor efficiency is also higher." Tony said to Qin Tian: "After deducting the wages and bonuses paid to everyone, there are still so many left."

What Qin Tian remembered: "Then our goods are sold now, haven't we encountered any difficulties?"

At the beginning, some people deliberately spoiled it, did not let them sell it, and almost caused a crisis. Now, when coming here, Qin Tian is still afraid of continuing this kind of problem. Who knows, there is no problem?

"Yes, without encountering difficulties, we sell a lot now, so, there are several businessmen who took the initiative to contact us, and the price has increased for us," Tony said.

Qin Tian frowned, wouldn't he? So smooth? Will there be any problems? But I have prepared myself to open a garbage disposal plant, and the products produced are ready to be sold directly to alien planets, and to the colonial capital. Who thought that people would not block themselves now? What bad idea is Mr. Alpha behind?

"I transferred 30,000 star coins to purchase some equipment." Qin Tian said: "Leave the remaining change, let's leave it on the account first."

Qin Tian does n’t know what new tricks the other party has, but now, Qin Tian can only go forward according to his own ideas.



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