Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 53: The first destruction of battleships

"Boom", a crisp sound, this sound is very small, at this time in the front cabin of the entire Hornets, everyone is making a mess, no one heard the sound of death.

Antimatter torpedoes are the most powerful weapons of starship carrier aircraft, because the explosive energy of antimatter is quite large.

The annihilation of one gram of antimatter and one gram of positive matter can produce 180 trillion joules of energy, which is equivalent to 43,000 tons of TNT explosive, which is about 3 times the energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in ancient times.

The anti-material torpedo carried by the Skylight fighter is smaller than the Lightning 2 and is only 1 gram.

The skylight fighter uses four laser guns, which will inevitably reduce the carrying capacity of other weapons.

1 gram, and 1.5 grams, there is not much difference, as long as it detonated, there is nothing to stop.

Although the antimatter is only one gram, it is quite difficult to store the antimatter. After all, as long as it is in contact with the material, it will be terribly annihilated and produce huge energy.

Therefore, it is placed inside the magnetic restraint device, which is isolated from the outside vacuum, and these magnetic restraint systems require energy to position, so that its volume expands to the size of a ball.

Now the sound of the thud is the action of the fuze, and the magnetic restraint device ends the task. In this way, 1 gram of antimatter falls and comes into contact with the matter.

When the positive and negative substances come into contact, there is a fierce kiss immediately. During the kiss, the body is completely annihilated, and at the same time, the terrible heat of 180 trillion joules is released.

The release of violent heat in a short time brings a result.



It is hundreds of millions of times greater than the change in air pressure brought by the nuclear fusion engine of the Tianguang fighter just now!

With this anti-matter torpedo at the core, a fiery fireball rises, its temperature is definitely higher than the temperature of the star's core, the fireball quickly spreads outward, and wherever it goes, any object is vaporized and rolled. Into this huge fireball, became a bigger fireball.

In less than a second, from the inside, the fireball swept through the entire starship!

The detonation of the two anti-matter torpedoes took less than a second before and after. From a distance, the starship seemed to be suddenly exploded inside, and instantly turned into a terrible fireball.

The hull of the starship is struggling in space, and some of the wreckage of the starship flew out due to the explosion, and the speed of the flyout is also quite high under the huge energy.

The indestructible starship Vespa couldn't stop this light torpedo, let alone two.

What's even more terrifying is that when the flame rolled back, it detonated the antimatter engine there!

Only battleship starships will be equipped with anti-matter engines and anti-matter cannons lavishly. This is entirely because it is too difficult to obtain anti-matter. Until now, anti-matter can only be manufactured in the super accelerator at the core of the empire. Very expensive, ordinary starships, equipped with anti-matter torpedoes on the carrier aircraft, that is the most powerful, absolutely can not afford precious antimatter as fuel.

After all, it is very easy to prepare fuel for nuclear fusion. Many gaseous planets already have oceans of liquid hydrogen, which can be used after extraction. The cost is quite low.

The biggest feature of antimatter is its high energy. All masses will get corresponding energy. The utilization rate is 100%. For nuclear fusion, the utilization rate is less than 0.7%. Now, only 50 kilograms of antimatter is carried on the Hornets, which is enough to give it near-endless endurance.

These antimatter are also stored in a magnetically suspended fuel tank, which is evacuated inside and separated from the outside world.

But now, with the explosion of the starship, these antimatter fall down instantly and come into contact with other starship engines that have not yet disappeared.

This explosion did not make any sound, because the propagation of sound requires a medium. This huge starship has been completely vaporized.

The explosion of antimatter seems to be silent, and it does not bring any sense of the five senses. However, in the invisible universe, the space of these antimatter explosions begins to be distorted. If there is a net here In the case of Zi, you can see that the net is sinking rapidly and falling into it unfathomably.

There are no nets here, and it is impossible to see the changes in the space here, but the wreckage of the starships flying out has a strange phenomenon.

In the vacuum, without any resistance, these flying debris should be flying at an unlimited speed at the initial rate, but now, their speed is constantly slowing down, slowing down, it seems that there is a pair of big hands, dragging Live them so that they cannot continue to fly, and it is like the mother is greeting her children and returning to her side.

No one cares about these wreckages. No one knows that a new door is opening to them.

This strange phenomenon did not attract everyone's attention. At this time, Qin Tian and Liu Ye, two Tianguang fighters, were still breaking away at high speed.

Quick, accelerate, accelerate!

The fusion engine emits a hot tail flame, and the fire shines on the cockpit cover. Qin Tian of course knows that this is definitely not the tail flame of the fusion engine, but the battleship starship behind has exploded!

Nothing can block the anti-matter torpedo, and nothing can block the explosion of the anti-matter torpedo inside.

A long time ago, antimatter has been created, but it has been used in wars for more than two hundred years. During this time, the only problem that weapon experts studied was safety.

Once there is a problem with the restraint device and the anti-matter comes into contact with the substance, it is immediately the result of self-immolation. This safety must be 100%!

No one wants to see the anti-material torpedo carried by his fighter suddenly burst out of control, and the entire starship is definitely dead.

Now, Qin Tian is flying away from the fighter plane. He looks at the accelerometer in front of him and feels strange.

Wrong, under full power operation, acceleration seems to be faster when it does not come?

When I came, there was more fuel, and I took the torpedo and went back. My weight was reduced. It should be faster.

How is this going?

Qin Tian only hesitated for a moment. At this time, his fighter was still accelerating, so he didn't worry about that much. After all, the explosion was behind, the farther away the better.

Victory, and finally killed an enemy battleship, this is the first major victory since the war!

In the process of fighting here, the Brenev was also constantly moving closer to the battlefield. On the bridge, Princess Jingxi was extremely anxious. Until now, seeing the main starship of the other party explode, it finally appeared long. A breath.



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