Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 5: Energy shield

Offense and defense are mutually dependent. When a warship is attacking, it must also defend well and not be hit by the opponent's weapon.

This defense can rely on a large number of near-defense laser cannons. At the same time, another common one is the energy shield.

The concept of the energy shield is present in many games. With such an expansion, what absorbs the dead souls into a spherical protection system. Of course, these are only games, without any scientific knowledge.

The energy shield on the battleship must rely on powerful technology.

The earliest energy shield put into use is the electromagnetic energy shield. By adding such a layer of magnetic force to the outside, no matter what weapon is fired, even a laser, photons will also participate in the interaction in the magnetic field, thereby weakening its Attack power.

This kind of electromagnetic energy shield is only a flash in the pan. After the four basic forces in the universe are mastered, the energy shield is maintained by the force field.

Gravity, electromagnetic force, strong interaction and weak interaction are the four basic forces in the universe, and the strong interaction force is one of the most powerful. (In this sense, the electromagnetic energy shield is also maintained by a force field, which uses electromagnetic force.)

Strong interaction is a force that combines protons and neutrons into atomic nuclei. It is like glue. It composes dispersed particles and composes them. No matter how loose the structure is, it can carry out molecular atoms. Regroup.

When the outer shell of the battleship, through the force field, the surface is aggregated by strong interaction, it becomes the most reliable protective device.

Now, as Qin Tian drives the fighter and continues to fly toward the other party, Qin Tian also saw this spectacular scene where the other party opened the energy shield at the moment when the other party's laser guns fired one after another.

The titanium alloy shell of the battleship is always shiny. With the gradual expansion of the energy shield, the exterior of the entire battleship becomes extremely smooth and lifelike, as if it is half of the liquid. It looks so pure and beautiful.

In the dark starry sky, the performance of the energy shield reflected a smooth light pattern, and at the same time, it reflected the laser beams and the Qin Tian fighters.

This is definitely the most beautiful kind of mirror.

The energy shield is quite powerful, but due to the strong interaction in the shell, the electromagnetic force between the molecules needs to be overcome, which requires a lot of energy consumption, so the starship will only be in extreme danger. Unfolding his own energy shield shows how much he values ​​Qin Tian's solitary fighter.

They did not know that this gave Qin Tian a chance!

The energy shield reflects the shadow of the laser beam and the shadow of the Lightning 2 fighter. Qin Tian no longer needs to see the complicated laser beams. He only needs to shine the shadow on the mirror. According to the principle of projection, he only needs to Find the gaps between those beams and you can drill out of these laser beams perfectly!

Lightning 2 fighters suddenly left and right, and suddenly up and down, as if drunk, but those laser guns that are usually shot all over the air have all emptied!

Qin Tian's body is constantly being pulled by a huge overload. After finishing the task this time, all his muscles will probably be strained. Going back and lying on the bed for a week.

However, he does not care, as a pilot, as a soldier, now, he can only continue to bravely meet and fight!

As he continued to maneuver, he also felt his body become more and more sore, and his movements became slower and slower, and his eyes became more and more blurred, and he could not even see the shadow.

Suddenly, a laser beam came over, and he was shocked in his heart, and could not hide anymore! The movement in his hand was slow, and the laser beam was about to hit his fighter. At this moment, suddenly, a flash of vaporization was in front of his spaceship, thousands of kilometers away. is actually a meteorite!

At this critical time, in space, a tiny meteorite actually blocked in front of his fighter plane. This luck was simply good and could not be better.

Because he was in the same position as his fighter, the other party ’s laser gun sighting system did not find any abnormalities.

The powerful laser beam irradiated this meteorite, and in an instant, the meteorite was vaporized. With this block of this meteorite, Qin Tian's fighter plane finally escaped!

go to hell!

Now, there are only 30,000 kilometers left. According to the weapons operation rules, he has been able to throw his own anti-matter torpedoes. The torpedoes are more compact. It takes time for the other party ’s laser gun to lock the anti-matter torpedoes. During this time, The torpedo can already hit the target!

Qin Tian looked at the starship in close proximity, and the huge outline occupied his vision. Now, let's attack!

Although the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers sounds very far away, but in the universe, it is between the commanders of the bomb. His battleship is 0.15 times the speed of light, and it can fly in less than 7 seconds.

Let you taste the taste of anti-material torpedoes!

Qin Tian's hand was placed on the weapon panel, and he quickly clicked the button.

The anti-matter torpedo is actually just under his buttocks. There is an ammunition compartment. After all, the entire fighter is only 5 meters long. It is absolutely small and flexible.

Brother Sterling, I will avenge you!

The other party has already launched an energy shield. Do n’t think that if you have an energy shield, you ’ll have nothing to lose. Just like the tanks in ancient times had bullets, the energy shield on the starship is not completely covered. Weak place!

This is also a must for fighters in interstellar combat. If two starships bombard each other, everyone has turned on the energy shield, and they may all be blocked. Only by using the fighters and throwing torpedoes at close range can the opponent's weakest place be attacked.

Let you bombard me and see how I kill you!

Qin Tian aligns his position in an instant, and then presses the throw button.

"Beep, beep, beep!" At this moment, a red warning appeared on the display panel, the door was faulty and could not be opened, the door was faulty and could not be opened!

The fighter planes are carefully maintained by the air crew on the starship. No such low-level failure will occur at any time, and the cabin door cannot be opened. There is only one possibility.

When passing through the blasted Tianguang-class fighter, Qin Tian passed through the dead wreckage rain. He thought he had already passed through, but he heard a thud under the belly of the aircraft, and something happened.

Later, there was no alarm from the fighter. He thought it was okay, and now he finally understood that the **** wreck had broken the door of his weapon compartment!



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