Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 499: accept the challenge

If the laser gun has been fired and then avoided, it is absolutely impossible to avoid, because the beam of the laser gun propagates at the speed of light, and at this distance, it definitely arrives in an instant.

However, for the robot dog rhubarb, dodge is not difficult, because for him, there is time for reaction.

Not its reaction, but the reaction of those people who saw rhubarb and then aimed and shot. In the process of aiming and shooting, a nerve reaction was needed. Although the time is short, it is enough for the mechanical dog to dodge , So, it seems that it is dangerous, the laser beam is almost flying around its body, but in fact, it is not in any danger, because it has enough grasp, so, it skips these Human protection, and then, suddenly, jumped into the castle!

"Quick, fast chase!" The people behind shouted loudly. They watched this dog's explosive power, and they reacted. It was not an ordinary dog ​​at all, but a special mechanical dog, and it should be Military dog! At least its program brushes are military dogs.

Where did it come from and what is it going to do?

Everyone was surprised in their hearts. Just in surprise, they caught up and entered the castle, so they dared not shoot indiscriminately, fearing that they might accidentally hurt others.

The robot dog stepped on the floor. Although this is the first time here, its infrared system has also been activated. It scanned the characteristics of the people inside, then found the target and sat in the center of the castle hall. That man.

"Boss, a dog rushed in!" People outside just came in and reported that the mechanical dog had already rushed in!

After Ronghuang rushed in, he also saw the situation. It looked at everyone stunned, and the most central leader, his face full of calm.

"A dog, what are you doing?" Vito didn't panic, didn't even move, and wasn't afraid that the dog was here to hurt himself.

Rhubarb's mouth was loosened, and the challenge book in his mouth fell to the ground. Rhubarb, who had completed the task, wanted to turn his head away and found that the door was already supported by the net.

Its speed is very fast, but there is only one exit here. If it jumps over now, it will definitely be caught by the net, but Rhubarb is not afraid. It has scanned the weakest part of the entire wall, as long as it is there With a shot, a hole will pop out, and then you can leave, so it is not panicking like a mindless idiot dog, it is very calm.

"It turned out that the letter was delivered." Vito walked in front of the mechanical dog with a smile, and picked up the paper.

His men were watching nervously. At this time, if the robot dog was going to hurt people, it would be too easy. Vito did not have any weapons and was easily attacked by the robot dog.

However, Vito was not afraid.

Vito is tall and looks like he is in his 30s or 40s. Unlike a bully like Wang Daniu, he is burly and wears a vest. He can see the muscles on his arms and shoulders, and he keeps erupting. He usually trains himself harshly. He wears a pair of camouflage trousers, and below is a pair of military boots. Every move, with traces of soldiers.

To Vito, his men also have a certain understanding. This boss, from the army, is said to have sneaked out of a certain army. It seems that he accidentally killed his boss, and then, as a last resort, he fell into the trash. The planet is coming, after all, only here, no one will track him.

A person like him, even on a garbage planet, will never be buried. Soon, he became a bully here, and he even broke out to transport water. His wealth is enough to let him go to the colony. The capital star has lived, but he dare not go. After all, he still has the old man. He is here, living like an emperor, and went to the colonial capital star. He was worried all day, of course, he did not go back.

Moreover, as long as you use your brain a little bit, you can know that Vito must have something to do with the defense team here. Otherwise, how did he get those mechs? There are even people who come to maintain him every once in a while?

His life here is very moist.

Now Vito picked up the letter from the front of Rhubarb with great care, and then picked it up, and suddenly he laughed in the sky.

"Haha, haha, somebody came to challenge me!" Vito said: "Three years ago, no one has dared to challenge me. Okay, it's really terrible, and the Yangtze River waves are pushing forward!"

Vito would never have imagined that someone would dare to challenge him with a challenge book, and if someone played with a shadow behind him, maybe someone would dare to try it, but this kind of confrontation on the bright side would be different, with six machines under his hands A, is also a ruthless character on the entire garbage star, no one dared to fight his idea.

"Qin Tian? This man, I haven't heard of it before." Holding this paper, Vito said: "Okay, since the challenge, then I will fight, go back and tell your master, I accept the challenge!"

However, this seems to be irregular again. Vito thought about it and picked up his big seal. On this challenge book, he buckled a skull seal and said, "Please take this home!"

He really disdains writing, because he is also the kind of developed limbs.

Rhubarb didn't hold the letter, but instead turned his head proudly and looked at the back, Vito immediately shouted: "You all let it go, let it go back, a hairy beast just scared you like this By the way, you really embarrass us Mafia, do you know what Mafia is? We are a historical organization! Once, we controlled the order of the underground, we are the king of the underground! "

It's too shameful to hold a mechanical dog with a net. If you want to hit it, just hit it in an upright manner.

Vito did n’t know how, and he was interested in the creator of this challenge, Qin Tian. He admired such people. On the garbage star, the best way to admire someone is to kill him!

Rhubarb saw that the back net had been withdrawn, and those hidden people had also retreated. Then he picked up the letter and walked out slowly. Since he was asked to send the letter back, these people should not do anything else.

Watching the mechanical dog leave, the smile on Vito's face slowly solidified, and he said to a person around him: "Weide, go and investigate Qin Tian immediately. I want all of his information."

If you want to play against each other, you must know yourself and others, and he will never carelessly.



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