Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 488: Come revenge

"Brother!" Just then, a voice came from the shack.

Xiao Rong's voice heard Qin Tian's heart, and there was a warm current in her heart. Her sister gave her a lot of warmth. On this cold garbage star, Qin Tian had it because she had a sister. Home.

Qin Tian turned his head, looked at Xiao Rong holding the necklace in his hand, and said, "Brother, don't you plan to wear it?"

It turned out that when I left early this morning, I actually forgot. Qin Tian knew that Xiao Rong paid so much attention to her for her own good.

In fact, this kind of thing is all made up. For example, this kind of wolf stone, many people say that it has a great effect. Fortune, if gamblers wear it, they will win every time they gamble.

This kind of argument is of course nonsense. Qin Tian doesn't believe it, but Qin Tian knows Xiao Rong's intentions. She just wholeheartedly hopes that she is good.

In this case, why should she upset her?

"Okay, put on your brother's neck." Qin Tian lowered his head and asked Xiaorong to wrap himself around his neck, and then touched Xiaorong's head: "Good boy, wait for brother tonight, when brother comes back Eat wolf meat together. "

Xiao Rong nodded, very docile, and at this moment, Qin Tian understood a lot, this younger sister, I'm afraid he already knew what he had done in the past few days, right?

Knowing that you have become the leader of these people, you can see from these people's attitudes towards them in the past few days. At the same time, they also know that they will have many dangers, so they will quickly make this necklace that can ward off evil spirits for themselves.

However, she said nothing, showing that she was like a naive and lively little girl, just not to worry about herself.

Qin Tian jumped on the mecha and started to move. The mecha's footsteps slowly moved twice and stepped gently on the trailer.

Of course I went on a trailer, did I still run all the way?

It is like a tank that was very popular in land battles hundreds of years ago. There is no commander who will let the tank run over and run for a long distance. Before entering the battlefield, they are all on a trailer. A hundred hours will require major repairs.

The same is true for mecha.

The mech is majestic on the battlefield, but if you drive the armor and run a few hundred kilometers, it is not only a problem of consuming too much precious energy, but also makes the operation of the mech be inferior to the intestines. When it comes out, how will it fight?

So, if you want to fight long distance, it must be transported.

Fortunately, Pete got such a car yesterday, and his Mark 1 mecha is less than 100 tons. If he is a big guy with hundreds of tons, he has to find a heavy trailer. .

If it is a colonial force, it will be transported directly by spaceship.

Even so, when the mech went up, the tire was already flat. Qin Tian checked it and jumped into the cab.

At this moment, Pete came out.

"Go to Haitian Entertainment City?" Pete asked.

Qin Tian nodded.

"Be careful," Pete said. "Maybe, it's better if you bring a little gray."

Xiaohui has a keen sense of smell and an unparalleled reaction speed. If he encounters the ninja again, he can also help.

Qin Tian shook his head: "No, Xiaohui stay here."

What if I go out for revenge?

Pi Xian nodded, it seems that he also realized that Qin Tian's revenge may not be very smooth. "The laser cannon must be charged 30 seconds in advance each time. The interval between two uses is one minute, and it should not be used more than ten times in a row." Pete said again.

After all, this laser cannon was modified by myself, and the ruby ​​of the laser gun is also used, so there are many restrictions.

Qin Tian keeps in mind one by one.

"Relax, I will be fine."

Saying that, Qin Tian stepped on the accelerator, and in the rumble of the engine, drove the car, carrying the armor, and left.

Qin Tian dared not scan the mirror with his naked eyes, because he had a hunch that Xiaorong must be behind, even if Xiaorong could n’t see her leaving, she would stand there and listen to her leaving with her ears. Fear of going this way is to say goodbye.

I have been fighting for the past few days, but every time I was forced and I was in a hurry, so Qin Tian did not hesitate, but this time, Qin Tian took the initiative to find someone else to trouble, he was a little bit worried Strange.

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand and touched his necklace. When he touched it, he was immediately relaxed. Does this thing really have a magical power?

Qin Tian knew that this was Xiao Rong's love for himself. This kind of brother-sister relationship filled himself with strength.

Last time, not only the two lightsabers, but also the Jones who set fire, in the chaos, Wang Daniel and his men did not escape, but the Jones disappeared.

This guy is the culprit. Without his greed, he sold the garbage he had sorted so hard and went back. Everyone shared the joy of harvest, and there would be no such bad things.

I would n’t go to Haitian Entertainment City to find someone, nor would I form an enemy, nor would I let some people in my backs be ruthless, use wolves to attack, and plan to cut off my own sales channels.

Yes, Jones is the most damn! I don't know where this guy is hiding?

Qin Tian drove along the bumpy road while constantly thinking about what happened in the past few days, and at the same time, he watched the surroundings vigilantly.

The other party will appear at any time, and he must be ready to jump on the mech to fight at any time. The only way for the other party to win is to be killed before he does not have the mech.

Once on the mech, no matter what the enemy is, I am not afraid of it. What kind of ninjutsu, that is, worms and small lightsabers, can you win under your own laser cannon?

The car was rumbling, and Qin Tian maintained a high degree of vigilance. It was best to find a driver, but Qin Tian did not want others to come with him.

You can protect your own safety. If someone comes over, you may not be able to go back alive.

In this way, a few hundred kilometers drove away. In the afternoon, I finally saw the small building in front.

At first, he started to move his exoskeleton and chased it all the way. He once fought with two people inside. Now, when he sees this small building again, Qin Tian's heart is already full of war.

Lao Tzu came this time because of revenge!

Qin Tian stopped the car, jumped on his armor, and moved the levers one by one, and the armor walked off the car lightly.

"The people inside listen, come out quickly, and I will completely remove this place!" Qin Tian turned on the loudspeaker and shouted to Xiaolou.

I was misunderstood last time, this time, I came to smash the scene!

Mark 1 Mecha, strode forward, came out a few steps, but no one came out, do they want to be buried alive?

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "A shabby goods, it is Yaowu Yangwei."

Then, a huge black shadow covered Qin Tian's mecha, Qin Tian suddenly knew that the situation was not good.



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