Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 483: No receipt

"Xiaohu, I will teach you to drive mech today." On this day, Qin Tian did not pick up garbage with other people. He had recognized many problems.

If you want this organization to exist, you must have force. Now, only Xiaohu is the person he trusts most, and only he has the authority to operate this Mark 1 mecha, so he must let He can manipulate it skillfully.

Xiaohu was very excited, sitting on the top console of the mech, and Qin Tian was on the mech shoulder next to it. I have to say that this position that Pete found yesterday was really good. It can be a passenger or a passenger. Be an instructor.

Looking at the joysticks in front of him, Xiaohu listened to Qin Tian's explanations one by one, and within a few minutes, he felt a daze in his head.

"Then I want to control a step, in fact, I have to move these four joysticks?" Xiaohu said: "And, if you want to go fast, you have to quickly move, then how fast must my hand be? Will it work? "

"My record yesterday was 20 movements per second, that is, 20 movements per second. Now, let's move towards the goal of 10 movements per second." Qin Tian said: "Practice makes perfect, as long as you practice more, it will be faster."

"Okay, let's talk about jumping again."

When Qin Tian explained to Xiaohu, even Qin Tian himself felt strange. He was obviously the first time he was in contact with these mechas, but he was extremely familiar with mechas, as if the knowledge was engraved in his mind. In general, the operation of the mecha is also an instinctive reaction. Sometimes, the brain thinks about how to move the mecha, and the hand has already done all the actions.

It's strange, is he a mech genius in his last life?

The two taught one, one learned, one was struggling, and one was painful. In this way, after two hours, I suddenly heard a voice.

"Boss Qin Tian, ​​Boss Qin Tian, ​​can you hear me?"

A set of radio equipment has been added to the mech. Now, when the radio is talking, Qin Tian can hear it at once. This is Tony's voice.

"Tony, what's the matter? Did you sell our goods?"

"Boss Qin Tian, ​​the boss here, will not accept our goods." There was a voice inside.

Suddenly, Qin Tian's face changed: "Why?"

"The boss doesn't say why, in short, ask us, saying that the goods you received, the other party just refused to ask."

As he was talking, a voice came from inside: "Everyone, let's go to another acquisition station. I have no capital today, I can't ask you, let's go."

Doing business requires capital. Opening an acquisition station also requires advances. However, if you can afford an acquisition station on the junk star, you must have a certain strength, and at the same time, you must have a certain influence. Otherwise, these tyrants can always grab an acquisition station.

This is definitely a problem.

At this moment, Pete came out lazily from the shack. He repaired it for one night, and now he was sleeping comfortably. The sound in the radio woke him up.

"Boss Qin Tian, ​​otherwise, let's try another acquisition station?" Said Tony inside.

"No, you are waiting for me there!" Qin Tian said very seriously.

If the other party wants to say that there is no money, it must be a lie. There can only be one situation in which someone tricks them!

They are all businessmen. They send a lot of sorted goods to the past, which can make the other party earn more. Why would the other party not? Even if there is no capital, you will certainly try to leave your own goods first, and then owe money or something, and will never be driven away.

I am going to the next acquisition station, I am afraid this will also be the case.

This is someone trying to force themselves to a dead end. What kind of interest has their own garbage sorting cooperative touched? Qin Tian ’s face was solemn.

How do you go by yourself?

Take this mech, if the opponent doesn't want it, just beat him down? Until the other party wants?

Qin Tian denies this idea in his mind, and other tyrants may be endless, and the Haitian Entertainment City, Liang Zi is getting deeper and deeper, but these acquisition stations, they can not afford to offend.

Because begging them to receive the goods, if they do n’t, where will the garbage they picked up be sold?

A few hundred kilometers away, they are the only acquisition station. It can be said that this is a monopoly.

Take the exoskeleton.

Qin Tian said to Xiaohu: "You have practiced more and you know this mecha well. If you have a situation in the future, you can help."

Then he said to Pete again: "Something happened to the acquisition, I have to deal with it."

"It must be related to Mr. Alpha behind that," Pete said suddenly.

Last night, I encountered a pack of wolves. Today, the delivery was rejected. All of this is because some people are playing tricks. Who is it?

Can't run that Mr. Alpha relationship.

This **** star looks disorderly. It seems that whose fist is hard and who is the boss, but, in the back of the ground, all these people are secretly controlled?

How terrible should such a person be?

Qin Tian fought a chill in his heart, yes, this guy must be a ghost in the back, but no matter who he is, no matter what intrigues, he has to solve it!

You are the backbone of hundreds of people here. If you can't solve the problem, then everyone will return to the previous situation. If you have tasted the sweetness of this organization, you will never give up!

In Qin Tian's eyes, he stood firm again, put on his exoskeleton, and ran to the outside in strides, along the road that he walked last night, and went straight to the acquisition station.

Garbage Star's garbage collection is an industrial chain, also like a pyramid.

At the bottom, these garbage pickers are naturally the longest working hours and the worst working environment. At the same time, they are paid the least. They work hard every day, but they cannot afford to eat.

As for the battles and deaths and injuries caused by picking up garbage, it also happens frequently, and their lives are the humblest.

The next level is the garbage buying station.

Although no one arranged it, it is strange that the garbage collection stations are well spaced, and there is no competition between them. It seems that they are tacit agreement with each other, and the nearby garbage is bought at a low price, and then sent to the planet near the equator Inside various factories.

The temperature at the equator is the best. There, various waste processing plants emit waste gas and waste water, regenerate the various wastes sent from the acquisition station, and then sell them to other planets through cargo ships.

Ask the soldiers first, then ask the opponent what is the reason, if not, don't blame yourself for breaking the rules, you can only use force to solve it!

Don't have to, otherwise, I mentioned you, and I came here to be a second trader.



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