Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 476: Beheaded wolf

"Ignite, Ignite!" Qin Tian shouted loudly, almost at the same time, he rushed out.

Shooting the man first shoots the horse, and the thief catches the king first. The opponent's wolf pack is not yet close. Qin Tian can let go and rush up to kill the opponent's head wolf!

As long as the head wolf dies and the dragons have no head, then Qin Tian can repel the wolves as long as he fights for a while in the wolves.

With such thoughts, Qin Tian rushed up, holding the knife in his right hand, his feet were flying fast, and he could jump a few meters high at once. His jump, as expected, the wolf pack in front was shocked.

Is that human? How can I jump higher than me?

This must be the idea of ​​the first wild wolf. After seeing Qin Tian running past, it was stunned, and his footsteps slowed down. The wolf in the back did not see it, and he was still struggling, so it was strong. It hit its **** on the ground.

At this moment, there was a sudden bonfire burning behind, and the waste paper in the circle has been ignited!

The wolf is afraid of fire. For them, fire is like a holy thing.

The fire was shining, and the frontmost wolf was turned by the back one, his head turned down, and turned over, and then, in front of him, the knife flashed.

Qin Tian saw it really, and the machete waved it down. There was no weird posture, only one thing, that was fast!

With the blessing of the human exoskeleton, Qin Tian's movements are not only powerful, but also fast enough. When it crossed the throat of the first wild wolf, the wild wolf could not respond.

Generally speaking, wolves will protect their throats. After all, if this part is bitten, it will definitely die, but this turn of the body just exposed his throat, and Qin Tian's hand fell. It is also extremely smooth.

The first knife was neat and clean. There was blood on the tip of Qin Tian's knife, and it was already a light jump, and he flew over the tops of several wild wolves at once, and then stepped on one wild wolf's foot. On the back.

"Click!" In the clear voice, the wolf's back ribs were actually trampled. As soon as it hurts, its head twisted, it wanted to come to bite Qin Tian, ​​but Qin Tian had already exerted his force again, upward. jump.

The wolf howled again. When Qin Tian jumped, his feet were down, and his strength was stronger. His body fell softly.

Of course, Qin Tian knows that he must not stay in this group of wolves. Once he stops, he does n’t know how many wild wolves will pounce on himself. As long as he is surrounded, he ca n’t escape.

He was alone, majesticly killed in, and the boys in the fire behind were stunned.

Boss Qin Tian, ​​is so domineering!

Who dares to enter the wolves alone? Ordinary people, at this time, their legs are already softened, and even Wang Daniu will definitely escape.

The waste paper was burning, blazing flames, and suddenly the surroundings warmed up. They backed back to the circle of the garbage truck, and once the fire went out, these wild wolves would pounce again.

Now, just before the fire goes out, can Qin Tian kill the wolf head, this is a peak showdown between man and wolf!

"Ao, ao." At this moment, the head wolf called again, and with the head wolf howling, Qin Tian saw his own eyes, a dozen wild wolves jumped at the same time!

The timing of the opponent's thumping was quite good. It was when Qin Tian fell that Qin Tian couldn't take advantage of it, and it was impossible for him to continue leaping. These wolves rushed up, no matter where they bitten Qin Tian, ​​as long as Qin Tian was injured by opening his mouth, Qin Tian would not be so flexible.

The wild wolf rushing to the front is not strong, but now the dozen or so, but the most robust, just like the head of the wolf army.

Qin Tian knew that these wolves jumped up and knew that it was bad. If they were bitten by them, they would definitely be injured.

Qin Tian was in danger, turned over in the air, and had turned upside down, with his head down and his legs up.

The turbine in the back is still roaring. In such an inverted situation, the turbine will stop for ten seconds at most because of insufficient fuel supply.

He stretched out his arms so that his arms belonged to the bottom position.

In the air, Qin Tian flipped like this, and the first contact with the leaping wild wolf was his own arm, and under the arm, there was the **** machete!

These wild wolves have jumped up, but also with the inertia rising, but not as flexible as Qin Tian. Qin Tian ’s machete waved past these wild wolves, relying on the extra help provided by the exoskeleton, easily A wolf's mouth was cut!

The waving of the arms and the big open mouths of the three or four wild wolves have been cut sharply, but the mouths of more wild wolves have also been put together.

Their mouths were open, and they even wanted to bite Qin Tian's arm. Suddenly, there was white light in front of them.

Turn on the flashlight, bright light mode!

When Qin Tian was standing on the goods just now, he turned on the flashlight and turned it around, and then turned it off. This thing was too expensive, and, looking at the flashing flashlight, was n’t this how to yell at each other here?

And now, seeing that the remaining wolf is rushing up, Qin Tian simply turned on the flashlight, the flashlight on his shoulder flickered, and the wolf on the opposite side could see nothing.

The eyes of animals and humans are determined by the pupils. The pupils are small during the day and large at night.

Now, their pupils are placed in their maximum state, and they can clearly see their prey in the dark, but when the flashlight shines, in an instant, their eyes are white, where is the prey? Where is the prey?

Just then, there was a sudden pain in their throats, Qin Tian's machete had fallen, over their dazed eyes, over their terrible mouth, and around their necks.

Chopping the mouth, because it has a hard bone, it takes a lot of effort to cut it, but the neck is the softest. Only the chirping sound is heard, and a wave of wolf blood has spilled on Qin Tian's body.

Qin Tian cleverly made a strange move to kill these wolves' Imperial Forest Army, and the wolves were only a few meters away from themselves, and they could jump over in one jump.

"Ao, ao." At this moment, the wolf howled again proudly. With its howl, the fire behind him was dim.

Sure enough, the waste paper is not resistant to burning!

Of course, Qin Tian knew that this wolf was calling other wild wolves in the wolf pack to attack his companion. If he did n’t go back to help, his companion might be lost.

And it would be a pity if you go back like this and let go of the wolf in close proximity!



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