Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 467: My mech

Those who can do the work have picked up the trash.

After all, everyone works together, and it is divided equally according to the head of the person. Those who dragged their mouths, called their own mother-in-law, and even the little **** who was still running nose, all picked up garbage together, even if they were small A fart boy is a half person, and that will allow them to share more money.

Qin Tian is encouraging this kind of behavior. Anyway, it is impossible to go to school, and there is no argument for hiring child labor. This is the lowest level. The law is invalid. No matter adults or children, come to collect garbage now , That's how powerful people are.

I don't know if there will be new garbage ships coming today. They will sort these garbage mountains as soon as possible. According to the practice, there are almost every day.

The garbage can't be processed. The old ones haven't been picked up yet, the new ones will come. There are garbage hills everywhere, don't worry about there is no garbage to pick up.

Therefore, the shack area is quiet.

Wang Daniu took his men and crept, fearing that there would be some movements. Before taking back his armor, he had no ability to fight against Qin Tian. He even got the armor back, and he needed the help of two other people. , He was the only one who was hurt yesterday!

These shacks are very low. The 8-meter-high mech can of course be found in one click, right in the middle of the shack area!

Will anyone be guarded here? If someone does, he can only be killed unexpectedly!

Step by step, step by step, every step is taken carefully.

Suddenly, Wang Erzhu's body crooked and nearly fell. He couldn't help but yell at him without quality!

It was a pile of excrement, which I had not seen until he came to him. His eyes were about to step on it, and he turned quickly. As a result, his body did not keep up.

The people here are really of low quality. They do n’t even know that they are far away.

"Don't make a sound!" Wang Daniu said in a whisper, then, turning around a shack, he had seen the mech.

Compared with yesterday, the appearance of this mecha has been repainted. The rusty areas have been derusted and then sprayed with paint. Although it is the waste paint that was picked up from the garbage dump, but look It is completely new.

All joints were re-oiled and lubricated, and the damaged parts were repaired yesterday.

Seeing the majestic majesty of this mech, Wang Daniu's heart was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, there are people here who will repair the mech! It looks the same as the new one.

As a result, he could no longer control himself, and instead of crouching, he ran forward in strides.

"Well, yes, yes!" Wang Daniu's hand touched the outside of the mecha, and his heart was beautiful. There was no one around him. Wang Daniu couldn't wait. He found the handle lightly and crawled towards the top. This mech is his Yes!

Just then, suddenly, a huge cry was heard.

"Wang Wang, Wang Wang!" A yellow dog with metallic luster suddenly rushed over, and its skin has been broken, exposing the metal inside, the tone is the limbs, and the legs are bare, you can see that Exquisite mechanical device.

This is a mechanical dog. At this time, its two eyes glowed, and its mouth widened, barking at Wang Daniu.

Then, the metal dog kicked the limbs violently, jumped up, and even went straight to Wang Daniel ’s body, with sharp teeth in his mouth, which was very dazzling under the star light, absolutely titanium alloy!

If this is bitten, you can definitely bite the meat, even the bones!

Wang Daniu climbed up quickly, and suddenly felt a sudden pain in his buttocks. The metal dog fell to the ground again. His mouth was **** and he had bitten off a piece of meat on Wang Daniu ’s butt!

Wang Daniu is fast, and the metal dog is actually faster. After biting down, this metal dog puts the meat on the ground, and then continues to bark at Wang Daniu, with extremely fierce cries.

"Hum, let you know how powerful I am!" Wang Daniu hurried to the buttocks and felt pain in his heart. It was really bad luck. God knows where this mechanical dog came out. How could he come to bite himself?

Dogs are popular in any civilized world. They are a good pet, and some treat dogs better than their parents.

However, the life of a dog is not long. A dog, that is, a life span of more than ten years, and after the beloved dog dies, the owner will often be heartbroken.

Therefore, a new business has emerged, the mechanical dog.

The appearance is exactly the same as the original dog. At the same time, it also has all the memories of the original dog, is loyal to the owner, and has a longer life span, almost the same life as the owner.

The mechanical dog business is very popular on all major planets, and it has also entered the army.

The following dog, looking like that, should be built according to military dogs, extremely fierce.

Let you know my strength now!

Just now, I was cautious, fearing that Qin Tian and others would notice that the mech is now in his own hands. What are I still afraid of?

A mechanical dog, I can kick you away with one kick!

Wang Daniu is no longer afraid of being noticed by Qin Tian. Even if he is unable to win the battle with Qin Tian, ​​it is no problem to drive the armor away by himself.

His **** buttocks sat on the seat, staining the scarlet color on it, and then skillfully flicking the start switch.

On the small screen in front of the slap, a prompt suddenly appeared, accompanied by sound.

"Iris verification failed. Now for fingerprint verification, please press your finger to the sensing area."

Iris verification? Fingerprint verification? what happened?

"Hey, Lao Tzu is the master. Yesterday you were robbed. Today I just robbed you back, do you not know Lao Tzu?"

Advanced mechas definitely have a complicated authentication system and cannot be manipulated casually. However, the backward ones are not needed. Just like in the ancient battlefield, no one will pull out the car key, it is for convenience Anyone can control it. Anyway, the performance is so backward, so do n’t worry.

How could this mech suddenly be verified?

"Password verification failed, please try fingerprint." A voice came again.

At the same time, a countdown also appeared on that screen, with no sound, you can see the numbers above, walking backwards from ten, nine, eight, seven ...

"Hey, move to Lao Tzu, move!" Wang Daniu has already felt that the situation is quite bad. What will happen when the countdown reaches zero?

His hand smashed heavily on the dashboard, and then the voice sounded: "Fingerprint verification failed."



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