Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 456: One hundred

Hearing this voice, Qin Tian walked out of it and saw Tony, as well as several middle-aged people, who joined in today.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian asked.

"We have been waiting here since we left Jones. I have a list in my hand, and I plan to sell the star coins to share with everyone. I also think that if those decimal coins are not enough, I will not give them. Everyone, it will be rectified in the future, but if you wait for the left, you wo n’t be able to wait for Jones to return. "

The recycling bin for collecting waste is not far away from here. After feeling something wrong, Jones immediately went to the recycling bin with a few people, braving the night's severe cold.

As a result, the people there told them coldly that Jones had sold out and left.

At this time, Tony knew that the trouble was big, and hurried back to Qin Tian.

Baimi was sparse. During the day, Qin Tian thought about many coping strategies before sorting his own garbage to organize, and achieved good results that day.

As a result, now there is something wrong and give all the harvest to Jones to sell it alone, and no one else even follows. This Jones, after selling the garbage picked up by everyone, must have drove away in a car!

It was already cold outside, and Tony ran all the way, and there were dense sweat beads on his head. Qin Tian gritted his teeth and said, "This guy, dare to swallow the fruits of everyone's labor, like this , You are waiting here, I will chase him back. "

After that, Qin Tian quickly put on this set of human exoskeleton.

Although the mecha is also good and more powerful, is it necessary to use the Mark 1 mecha against a Jones?

Moreover, the consumption of mechs is huge, precious nuclear batteries can not be used to chase a Jones, or this human external skeleton is enough.

"Qin Tian, ​​are you going alone? Do you want me to go with you?" Xiao Hu asked, his hand was already fisted, and now he is also quite angry. That Jones, after chasing him back, must be in In front of everyone, punish him fiercely!

The big ear seeds kill him!

"No, you stay here, take good care of everyone's emotions and tell everyone that I will be able to chase Jones back." Qin Tian said, asking Pete, "How to start?"

Xiaohu could not keep up with his own. Now, Qin Tian is enough.

It's just that Qin Tian doesn't know how to turn on the newly installed gas turbine.

"There is a start button here," Pete said, pressing it up, and then a whistle came, and black smoke came out of the backpack like it was about to explode.

Several people dodge back one after another.

This is true when any engine is started. This kind of gas turbine directly drives a generator. When started, this generator will in turn become a starter, which is started by the power of the starting battery.

The unique howling of the turbine cannot be eliminated. Fortunately, Qin Tian did not care. When the plume of smoke disappeared, Qin Tian leaped out expertly.

He can jump four or five steps in one go, he must catch up with Jones!

The night of the garbage star is very cold. The nearby star seems to have entered the old age, and it can only emit a dim light. With the autobiography of the garbage star, during the daytime, when it shines on the star light, it will It's warmer, and when turned to the back, it will become cold, sometimes the air is humid, and there will be snow falling.

But Qin Tian will not feel cold. The turbine behind is howling, engulfing fuel and turning into electricity, and at the same time, part of the fuel has turned into heat. He is like carrying a small stove on his back, constantly on the back vest A warm feeling came. Qin Tian originally ran to the scrap buying station, but when he saw the pile of waste junk from afar, he suddenly secretly called himself stupid.

Since Jones is going to flee with the money, he will definitely not stay at the acquisition station, and he will not tell the acquisition station where he is going.

Where would that Jones go?

If you are familiar with a person and know his personality characteristics and hobbies, then you can analyze it. However, there is no interaction between people who pick up garbage. If you pick up valuable garbage, you may fight. How can there be friendship?

Besides, Qin Tian came here on the first day. He does n’t even know who he is. How can he know the identity and origin of others?

Qin Tian couldn't analyze the other party's thoughts, so he thought of other ways.

For example, turning on the flashlight on the shoulder of the exoskeleton to illuminate the road ahead, a rut can be seen on the ground.

There are hardly any hardened roads here. They are all hard places on the **** star. When more people walk, they become roads. There are very few rut marks. In this dark night, there are fewer passing vehicles. Too.

If there is a house or a car, who will pick up the garbage?

Qin Tian followed the rut and chased forward, but when the road from this side converged to a large road in front, the mark of the rut finally disappeared.

How to do?

This road is north-south direction, south, and can lead to the equator of the **** star, where it receives the most light, so it is the warmest during the day.

To the north, to the North Pole of the Junk Star, there is a white ice cap.

Although Garbage Star does not lack water, the water here has been contaminated for a long time. If you want to drink it, it will definitely be poisoned and die.

Therefore, even the garbage pickers on the garbage star need to spend precious star coins to purchase ice cubes pulled from the North Pole as drinking water. Here, bathing is definitely the most luxurious.

Large-scale waste treatment plants, paper mills, steel mills, etc. are all located at the equator, which is also the most prosperous place on the garbage star.

Now that the mark of the rut has arrived here, is there anything to say?

Jones certainly won't run north. What's the use of freezing cold there?

This guy, definitely going south, ran to the equator to be happy.

Some people will have needs, especially physiological needs. On the garbage star, everyone is living a hard life. That kind of demand can only be suppressed. Once you have money, you will run to enjoyment. Therefore, the garbage star There are also places that specialize in that business, the largest of which is the Xiwan Fengyue.

Qin Tian continued to make great strides and ran away. The truck didn't run fast. Even if it was empty, if it wanted to reach the equator, it would have to be tomorrow morning. It must be found before this guy spends the money he!

The best thing is that he can catch up with his car.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian suddenly stopped, and with the flashlight on his shoulder, he had discovered something.



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