Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 445: Luba

In the past, the most impressive one was Shaba.

Hundreds of years ago, relative to the universe, it was already a short moment. Real estate emerged on an equally desolate planet on the cantilever of Orion. Everyone wanted to buy a house. If you buy a house, you need to renovate it. , Cement and other building materials. At this time, there will be a group of people who gather at the door of the community and can only use their sand to earn huge profits in this way. This is Shaba.

And on the garbage planet, there is also such a person, that is, bully.

Picking up **** was originally an extremely low-level occupation. On this **** planet, the picking up of **** is also the victims from various planets, the difficult households, just like there were a group of homeless people in big cities many years ago. Sleeping Bridge Cave.

However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are interests, there are disputes. This kind of garbage that other planets do not need, there are actually some good things in it.

For example, some solar panels that have been discarded due to obsolescence on this planet can also emit a small amount of electricity to be laid on the top of their shacks for their own use.

As another example, some rare metals can be refined out and can be drained through some channels to make a fortune.

If you are lucky enough to find some energy sources, such as nuclear batteries, such as helium III for fusion, it will be even more profitable.

There are a lot of good things. Whoever comes first will be found first and possessed first. At this time, someone always wants to get something for nothing and grab something from others.

This is La Ba.

If you want to become a bully, that's a prerequisite, that is, you must have enough force.

Just like those sand tyrants, they are all gangsters. When they run away from other construction material suppliers, they can dominate themselves, and the same is true for tyrants. They rely on their own force to maintain their status.

The entire garbage planet, without government, only wanderers, this is a world of weak meat and strong food.

For example, now, with the sound, a mech has already approached.

This mech is very large, with a height of eight meters and a self-weight of 53 tons. The person who controls it needs to climb a ladder to enter the top control room, just like the bubble cabin of a fighter. The best view.

The Mark 1 type, the oldest fighter armor in the Sagittarius cantilever colony, cannot take off and cannot be transformed. Just like the oldest tanks, it is only used to fight on the ground.

It is too old, with rust spots all over it, and even when it was made, even if a lot of stainless steel was used, it still changed its color during the long years.

Every spool was creaking, and it lacked lubrication for a long time. It seemed that this worn armor would collapse into a mess of iron in the next moment, but it still stood there.

The two legs of the mech, standing on the ground and two arms, originally had two powerful laser cannons, but they have long been broken and cannot be used. The energy on the back is not enough to maintain the laser. The huge energy required for launching, but just this mecha standing here can make the defenseless people dead.

Even if the mech's feet are stepped on, they can be pinched to death like stepping on ants.

At this time, in the cab on the top of the mech, a person was laughing wildly: "The good things are mine, don't you want to take them away!"

When he heard this arrogant voice, Xiaohu knew that the situation was not good. He had just found the nuclear battery. Even if only 1% of the energy was left in it, it would be enough to survive the nights of cold garbage stars.

Besides, there is also Qin Tian ’s escape capsule, which seems to be a good thing.

But now, the bully Daniel is here.

Wang Daniu used to be idle when picking up trash, and was abducted by everyone in this area. Later, suddenly, one day, he found this mech from the trash and began to dominate the area. No People dare to disobey him.

Behind the mech, there are more than two dozens of people waiting to pick up things behind.

Wang Daniu stood tall and looked far, and suddenly saw Xiaohu here: "There is a nuclear battery there, I want it."

The mecha also requires energy, just like a toy car needs batteries. His mecha uses a nuclear battery. At that look, the size is just right. It is just tailor-made for himself.

When he stared at him like this, Xiao Hu suddenly felt stunned. Then he stood up, spread his hands, and stood in front of the nuclear battery: "This is what I found, it's mine."

Mark 1 Mecha took two steps forward, at this time, Wang Daniu inside found that the small tiger actually dared to block there, and his heart was also angry.

During this time, no one dared to fight against himself. Today there is still a person who is not afraid of death. Just kill the chicken and show it to the monkey!

"Xiaohu, flash away!" At this moment, the second Xiaozhu Wang followed by the mech said: "Do you remember how the old man Zhao died last year? Just flash away when you know, don't look for death!"

Speaking of old man Zhao, Xiaohu became angry. Old man Zhao was old and it was inconvenient to pick up garbage. Suddenly, one day, he turned over a huge diamond ring in the garbage dump. It must have been accidentally dropped by a noble family.

Having this diamond ring is enough to make old man Zhao worry-free for the rest of his life. He has spent his little life on the garbage planet with wine and meat, and can even settle in other planets.

However, Wang Daniu came over and grabbed. In the battle with Old Man Zhao, Old Man's leg was trampled into meat sauce, howling for a few days, and dying.

It was buried not far away here.

Wang Daniu paused there for two seconds, waiting for Xiaohu to evade quickly. Who could think that Xiaohu actually stood there stubbornly, and suddenly, Wang Daniu was angry.

"Since you don't leave, don't blame me!"

Wang Daniu didn't step forward, and many places in the garbage pile were soft. It was easy to step on the ground when stepped on. His old armor did not respond very well. Once he was caught in the pit of the garbage pile, he would be ugly.

When he lowered his head, he saw a large stone more than one meter long on the ground, which should be construction waste. His fingers flexibly operated the arm of the mech, and he saw the right foot of the mech violently backwards. Lift it up and kick it forward!

Mark 1's big foot kicked on the stone. This stone was kicked and flew directly, just to go to where the tiger stood!

If Xiaohu hides, then the king who follows Wang Daniu will swarm up and grab the nuclear battery. If Xiaohu doesn't hide, he will be hit by a big rock, which is definitely terrible.

The stone came flying and could fly in a second or two. At this time, the tiger was still struggling sharply in his brain. What should I do?

"Damn it!" At this moment, someone suddenly spoke loudly and everyone could hear it.



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