Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 437: Back carbine

"Let's go back," Qin Tian shouted in the intercom.

Go back? Hearing Qin Tian's words, most people still did not turn around in their heads. Why do you want to kill it? If you decide to kill it, why did you come back at that time? Why do you go around in this circle?

"Now?" Qin Hai was very calm and asked Qin Tian.

"Wait a moment, my AI is calculating." Qin Tian said: "Our wormhole must be accurate enough to open inside the other's hall!"

Hearing Qin Tian's words, everyone suddenly understood it, yes, this is the last way, and the most whimsical way!

The scale of the universe is quite broad. The diameter of the Milky Way is 100,000 light-years. For each jump of our own, because it has to pass through the center of the Milky Way, it is 50,000 light-years. Want to tear the wormhole and enter the other party's hall directly?

This is like shooting on a planet, the bullet is going to hit a cell on the left leg of a mosquito in space! This is absolutely impossible.

However, this is their only chance, and they have to do it if they ca n’t do it. Qin Tian knew that the material outside could not be broken through. They also threw out all the bombs they carried. The only way is Tear the space directly and enter the other party's interior!

Only in this way can it succeed!

Therefore, all the computers of the carrier aircraft were organized by him, and they were networked together to perform calculations. He was waiting for this last moment!

The calculation took three minutes. These three minutes are as long as the past three centuries. This is because after many traversals, the AI ​​has found the optimized algorithm, plus the supercomputer on each of their fighters. It's almost the same as a starship. If it's an ordinary carrier-based aircraft, it needs to be calculated for a whole week. At that time, the other party had no idea where to fly.

Qin Tian can only expect that the other side will not change its own route within these few minutes, but will keep its original state. In this way, he can achieve his combat objectives. If the other side changes? Then you can only sigh, because the other party's luck is too good, it is the exhaustion of the Armenian Empire!

Qin Tian prayed secretly in his heart. When he saw the result of the final calculation, he had planned to open his wormhole generator. He wanted to be the first one, but every wormhole The generator can only be turned on once, so he hesitated and gave the order: "Liu Hu, you can open the wormhole!"

"Received." Liu Hu's voice was calm, and the data was transmitted to his fighter. The starry sky in front of his nose suddenly tore a mouth open. Liu Hu's fighter was swallowed by the big mouth first, and then, Qin Heaven's fighters kept up.

The opponent ’s starship is moving, and the wormhole will not move. Therefore, the fighters that follow up may fall outside the opponent, but even if only one fighter can enter, then the combat goal can be achieved. Moreover, if your own wormhole does not move, the opponent's starship moves. If there is an error, it is easy to make up.

Is there always a fighter that can enter?

With this thought, Qin Tian clenched his fists. In the past, every time he fought, his heart would be very calm, but now, he can't control his inner tremor, and he is actually nervous.

"Oh, **** it!" Liu Hu cursed loudly just after getting out.

They can see that the main hall spaceship just flew over their wormhole! Being far away, they can even see the engine of the other's hall spaceship running at full power. The other party is not flying at a constant speed, but is accelerating! What a bad news!

They calculated according to the straight flight at a constant speed. As a result, they accelerated, and so they fell behind!

How to do? Go back again, then come over? Impossible, the other party must have been aware of his own tactics. A few turns, more than direct acceleration, made them unable to locate.

Qin Tian's fighters followed him out. At the moment he went out, he was shocked first, and then he was happy. The peculiar layer of material shrouded in the other's hall is now fading away!

How is this going?

"Hurry, hurry, I can't wait any longer." In the hall, Peter the Great stomped back and forth, he was eagerly greeted by a small transportation spaceship in front of him, and on it was Yekaterina.

Victory needs someone to share. Peter the first time he saw Yekaterina, he was impressed by the temperament of this woman, his hormones broke out again, he wanted to receive this woman immediately, Allow him to vent once, so Peter the Great accelerated his hall.

Such an acceleration has caused trouble for Qin Tian. Qin Tian's plan failed again. He did not directly drill into the other party, but fell behind!

His calculations are already extremely accurate, but people are not as good as the sky. The so-called luck is sometimes like this.

Peter the Great was lucky. In this battle, not only the colony fleet killed him, but also the second prince used a trick in the back, but they were all resolved by him. Now, he is a unique king. His skills are bursting, and the skills are dazzling.

Yekaterina's heart is full of strange feelings, of course she knows that she has no choice, she must go, she has to bear the burden now, she has a bigger plan that she needs to carry out.

For that plan, she will give up everything.

When Yekaterina flew over, Peter the Great had been in holographic conversation with her.

"Now, give me a dance." Peter's eyes were full of flames of desire.

"Yes." Yekaterina agreed. As a woman who was trained since childhood and dedicated to entertaining people, she naturally can do anything. Now, without dance, she jumped up herself, her feet were jumping on the ground, her body was spinning back and forth, she was dancing, and the graceful dance immediately fascinated Peter the Great.

During the dance, one piece of clothing flew up gently, and the flame was getting higher and higher in Peter ’s chest at this time. He blocked all other communication channels. Such a scene is absolutely not allowed to let others See, he likes it too much!

He didn't know that at this time, the fleet's alarm was eager to be transmitted to him, but he just refused to receive it!

The emergence of several fighter planes from Qin Tian, ​​of course, the starships escorted around them were found, and those escorted fighter planes have already rushed over, but Qin Tian's fighter planes are too close to the main hall, they are too long to catch!



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