Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 419: unexpected

Princess Jingxi did not take the Halibut when she came, but took the Hood. This battleship is the most dazzling battleship in the colony. In the last rebellion, the Halibut was the first to rebel, and they rebelled. The chaos went wrong anyway. It was precisely because of their uprising that the entire fleet returned.

The officers and soldiers on the Halibut are more proud. These officers and soldiers are now more excited with Princess Jingxi.

Princess Jingxi changed into her military uniform again. The black military uniform was always so dazzling. Compared with before, her long hair disappeared and became short eared hair, which looked more heroic and cool. At the same time, during this time, she has lost a lot of weight. Her round face has turned into a melon seed face, which is almost more beautiful than the actresses who have facelifted countless times.

But now, she is in no mood to care about her appearance. She stands on the bridge and looks at the starry sky in front.

"We have to get together, because we have no other choice, we can only play fast, so that the other party can not react." Princess Jing Xi said: "Now, let the Hood, rush to the front!"

Sure enough, after going to the battlefield, Princess Jing Xi put her commitment to Qin Tian behind her head.

"No, according to the deployment of Commander Qin Tian, ​​the flounder has already rushed to the front." Anna said.

Princess Jingxi has the highest command of the fleet. She wants to change it now, but she just gave a soft whistle and did not continue to speak.

Princess Jingxi looked through the porthole and looked outside. The same huge flounder was at the forefront of the formation. Even in dense formations in space, the distance between each other was measured by tens of thousands of kilometers. Now, the most The Halibut in front can only see the flame propelled by the antimatter engine. It has already gone towards the wormhole. Through the wormhole, the opposite is the capital of the colony of the arm with a gap of 3,000 seconds. The warship's handle, rushing past, there will be a brutal battle, only the battleship starship can rely on a strong shield to block it, this is like the ancient warriors of the eighteen warriors who took the Luding Bridge, They are invincible, they have no fear.

Princess Jing Xi ’s teeth bit her lip: "Then we can make the second ship, is it okay?"

"The second ship is the newly built Victory." Anna said: "Our starship is ranked eighth."

The three newly-built battleships were built from the very beginning of the war. In order to win the war, the names of the three battleships are called Victory, Honor and Long live the Empire.

Princess Jingxi did not speak. She knew that there were many intentions for this arrangement. However, protecting herself must be one of them. When the final battle is finalized, her starship will also be surrounded by the entire fleet. Among them, even, at the most critical time, she will be forcibly pulled into the hangar, and take the breeze when she came, and leave quickly.

At that time, it also means that her real universe is coming!

Brother Qin Tian, ​​you are still too naive. If we have our children in my stomach, I will run away at that time. Now, I do n’t have any concerns! Princess Jing Xi thought in her heart.

Her face suddenly became hot. Such a thing made her blush as a girl.

The hull of the Halibut has turned into a surging water wave, which is the sign of the highest power operation of the energy shield. All positions on the starship are already in place. When passing through the wormhole, the carrier cannot be released. Aircraft, so, mainly all kinds of naval guns, near anti-aircraft guns, they are fully prepared.

Once they were intercepted, they responded with fierce artillery fire! Unless the other party has the same battleship starships there, it is impossible for ordinary starships to block them. The number of battleship starships of the opponent is also limited. If you want to destroy the huge civilization planet of the entire colony with a gap of 3,000 seconds, the battleships of the opponent will definitely be scattered.

Qin Tian ’s idea is awesome. Captain Thomas admired secretly in his heart. The promotion of Qin Tian ’s position now is almost the speed of light. He has climbed to the position of commander. The subordinates, however, admire Qin Tian.

In his imagination, the flounder flew over the wormhole, and the moment they passed through the wormhole, they even held their breaths and even stopped their heartbeat. Then, will there be a violent storm like a blow? ?

Everything was quiet, only the rumble of the antimatter engine at the tail, they looked nervously at the surrounding universe and at the interface of various detection devices.

There is no response, nothing, here is actually empty!

The colonial capital planet has been destroyed, and the planet that could have been seen now has disappeared. In its original orbit, a circle of ring-shaped gravel belts appeared in the star's light, emitting A little bit of light, it seems that among the gravel inside, many materials can reflect the sun, maybe there are diamonds.

If it was in ancient times, diamonds are what many girls yearn for. A diamond the size of a rice grain has already cheered them up, and a diamond the size of an egg may even trigger a war.

But now, diamonds are already very simple to obtain. Using special environments, high temperatures, high pressures, and various process combinations, the most common carbon atoms can be recombined into a diamond structure.

The most needed now are rubies and sapphires, which are the raw materials for manufacturing laser cannons.

There is nothing here?

Thomas took a long breath: "It seems that their mission is very heavy, so, after they destroyed this place, they immediately rushed to the next target."

The other party is also so impatient in killing, it is the most cold-blooded animal!

Princess Jingxi also got the news. When her Hood came over, looking at everything here, Princess Jingxi's heart was like a needle piercing.

The emperor was angry and lay dead for millions. Now, the emperor of the Fibre Empire was angry and brought so many deaths. These were brought by her own decision. How could she not be sad?

However, this was only a moment, and she quickly recovered: "Save the image here and give it to our propaganda department to promote the brutality of the Fibre Empire to the entire galaxy."



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