Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 413: No retreat

what? Congratulations? Is this necessary? From the businessman's intuition, Rockefeller can almost immediately judge that this is definitely a Sagittarius cantilever colony in a mess!

Princess Jingxi went to the Sagittarius cantilever, which is still a secret. Even Rockefeller did n’t know that many things were announced in the name of Qin Tian when they were announced to the outside world. The inside of the colony was known to be hosted by Princess Jingxi.

Now, he immediately pointed the finger at Qin Tian, ​​needless to say? This guy must be making trouble!

But what happens next?

Deny immediately?

Up to now, the colony is still loyal to the empire, and there is no formal independence. Most people in the colony are also full of feelings for the empire. Now that this news has spread, they will definitely be excited.

If you deny it, it will be detrimental to the enthusiasm of the people. After all, many people are aware of this war, and they are all waiting for the outcome of the war.

Our own victory has been worthy of celebration.

But what about the Fibre Empire? If their capital planet is really killed, revenge will certainly be quite fierce.

Have to think of a way!

Rockefeller's brain is spinning fast. If you look at it from a businessman's point of view, it's not a big deal to lose them, but can this be seen from the businessman's point of view? This is a political issue. People will definitely not accept compensation.

His brain was so muddled that he couldn't think of anything.

At the same time, this news is also spreading rapidly. If it is only gravitational wave broadcasting, it will take time to spread to the entire colony at the speed of light. However, there is no shortage of propagandists anywhere. In the Internet age The transmission of information is quite fast. Various quantum communication channels that do not require time, various chat groups, BBS, even holographic small videos, etc., instantly spread these messages throughout the entire colony, and quickly Spread out!

"Immediately control the spread of these news." After thinking for half an hour, Rockefeller finally made up his mind: "Publishing the news, this is a rumor, we are also very excited about this, but this thing, not what we did, is ... The Sagittarius cantilever colony did it. "

After the spaceship passed through the wormhole, it was broadcast. The wormhole is connected to the capital of the Sagittarius cantilever colony. This is a fast-track route between the two colonies. Now, when the other party comes over, it spreads. Who did it again?

Rockefeller finally made up his mind. If the Armenian Empire wins, this is of course a big credit, but now, it looks very mysterious, and the danger of a colony with a gap of 3,000 seconds is great. They must deny that, although it is The Sagittarius cantilever colony was still a victory worth celebrating, yes, that's it!

"Master Governor, it is best that you broadcast to the outside world personally, so that you have prestige." The person on the side said.

Everyone knows that this matter is very important. Now, if you want to refute this broadcast, it is better that Rockefeller personally come out to refute the rumor. "Okay, then here, record a video for me." Rockefeller sorted out his placket and made a dangerous sitting motion.

"We have just received the news that the planetary star of the Fibre Empire has exploded, and our colonial fleet has not started." Rockefeller said: "This is a rumor. Our fleet is to protect the colony and has no offensive capabilities. Will not attack the other's capital planet. "

Rockefeller could have said more, but now, his attitude is to remain neutral as much as possible, and no such adjectives like the evil Fibre Empire are used at all. Even if this victory feels like cheering and celebrating, it is useless. What if the empire is defeated in the end? The Fibre Empire will definitely settle accounts after the autumn.

"This is done by the Sagittarius cantilever colony fleet, and we pay tribute to them." After finishing this, Rockefeller felt that the energy in his body was slowly disappearing, and he continued to curl his body on the chair, Said to the next man: "Immediately release this broadcast, be quick!"

"Yes." The men went out.

Soon, Rockefeller ’s rumors began to appear in the most official media in the colony. There, Rockefeller sat in danger, solemnly and solemnly there: “We have just received news that the black star of the capital of the Fibre Empire has exploded, Our colony fleet started. This is not a rumor. "

The video is passive!

The negative words in the front are transferred to the back. If you use technical analysis carefully, you can see the traces of the hands, which have been edited, but now who cares about this small branch?

"Our fleet protects the colony and has offensive capabilities. We will attack each other's capital planet. This is the colonial fleet, and we pay tribute to them."

There were also changes later, some negative words were removed, and the Sagittarius cantilever was removed. When Rockefeller's words were announced, the entire colony was boiling! This is an official announcement that our colony has been obscured, and it turns out that it is ready to build amazing work!

This is definitely a huge victory!

Rockefeller fell asleep directly on his recliner. When he was reawakened, his mouth was still drooling, and he was confused, and he saw the restlessness of his people: "Adult, it's not good, it's not good! You Has been modified! "

Rockefeller looked stunned, watching his people replay the broadcast, and suddenly his face changed dramatically: "Who did it? Take them up, they are all spies!"

"All the people we touched have been caught. The technical means are being analyzed to see who is moving." The men said: "But, Governor, we have to make the worst plan."

Now it will definitely be a big problem when it is broadcast, and then deny it, that is, the thieves shouted to catch the thief, and they will definitely not be believed. They will be forced to go to war, and the revenge of the Fibre Empire will soon come!

"I always say that technology is the greatest, and technicians are the most worthy of respect, especially our computer geniuses." At this time, on the earth, in a room, the sound of excitement was spreading.

The last pit, the chief of the empire's greatest Bodhidharma, was dug by Kevin. This time, the colony with a gap of 3,000 seconds, there is no way back!



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