Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 410: Return without work

"It flew towards that powerful fleet, we can't catch up!"

"A large number of carrier-based aircraft appeared, and I don't know if it was a fake target!"

"Interception has already begun, shall we continue to rush up?"

Qin Tian knew that he was facing a difficult choice now that a talker was coming.

My own party destroyed the other party's black star, but the other party's palace was actually a whole starship, and now it has escaped. It is not easy to kill that starship! It is okay to carry out sneak attacks on your own carrier planes, but if you raid the entire starship upright, it is impossible to win.

How about the singularity bomb?

Just as Qin Tian came up with such an idea, their remaining carrier-based aircraft were making difficult efforts.

During the heavy interception, the two fighters entered the final procedure. The carrier aircraft flew at the speed of light. Then, two anti-matter bombs were thrown out. In space, a terrible collision occurred!

At the speed of light, no material can withstand this impact. The huge energy of the collision is released violently at this time. Everything is vaporized and begins to overflow around. The outer shell of the antimatter splits and the internal antimatter directly In contact with the outside, a huge light appeared instantly!

Its brightness is a thousand times brighter than the stars on the side, enough to illuminate the entire universe! In its light, everything seemed so dim, it became a dazzling new star!

"Successful!" Two pilots of the carrier aircraft shouted loudly. They were looking forward to the birth of a new miracle under this impact. Will there be singularities under this impact? Devour all the singularities?

According to the general idea, it seems to be the best to directly hit the star, but the star is too hot and the surface has tens of thousands of degrees, so any object that tries to approach her will be caught in the process of approaching It is very difficult to gasify and directly strike to destroy the stars. Only now, it becomes a singularity, attracts all matter, and then becomes a black hole, devouring all!

Devour, devour!

When the light gradually disappeared, they were all looking forward to, and even the Skylight class fighters besieging them were attracted by this huge flash, and they looked nervously there.

However, there is nothing, the wreckage that has appeared is still revolving around the star, there is no sign of being attracted, there is only an explosion, just a splendid firework!

"Attention, open the wormhole, we return home!" Qin Tian shouted in the telephone: "The second team, the third team, all return home!"

When he learned that the singular point bomb did not produce the expected result, Qin Tian finally stopped sticking, and it was meaningless for them to continue attacking. They must now return to their voyage. meaningful.

The other party's palace has been drilled into that huge fleet sequence. In short, these small carrier-based aircraft cannot break through the other party's defense line. The continuing battle has no meaning. All the killer tools have been used. The only victory is to destroy the other ’s capital planet, but this victory, no matter how it looks, looks like It is the result of the other party ’s intentional release of water, so Qin Tian is no longer in love, go back and talk!

In the second and third groups, the results were also pitiful, and they paid a certain price. Now, after hearing Qin Tian ’s order, they quickly activated the wormhole generator, tearing open the nearby space, and returning. colony.

With the lessons of the previous few times, those nearby Skylight fighters did not chase them. If they caught up, they would never be able to go back. There seemed to be a terrible unknown in this wormhole.

In the past few days, Princess Jingxi has not returned to Earth. She has been at the base of the fleet of Storm Star (Jupiter), waiting for the attacking soldiers. They need to win, they need a victory to boost morale, but she also has a hidden Worry, I am afraid that the news is not the victory, but bad news.

There has been no news, but now, there is no news, but good news.

"His Royal Highness, they are back!" Just as Princess Jingxi sat in front of the window, looking at the dark shrouded surface and the deep starry sky, suddenly Anna ran in and excitedly reported the news to Princess Jingxi .

came back?

The attacking formation has returned to the speed of light. This distance is almost a flick. When Princess Jingxi received the news and ran to the landing site of the carrier aircraft, a fighter plane has begun to order. The ground landed.

When I set off, it was bright and beautiful, what about now? Their expressions are dignified. At first glance, they are defeated. Their fighter planes are also scarred. Although the energy shield was turned on at that time, they can also see the marks of being hit by laser cannons. What a terrible battle they have fought.

Qin Tian's fighter plane was the last one to land. When he walked down the ramp, he felt that his joints were in pain, even if there was space for rest inside the carrier aircraft, but the height was limited, he could not stand up. , Can't stand up straight, so this long-distance flight is still a great test for their physical strength.

Now, the expression on Qin Tian's face is also dignified. When he saw Princess Jingxi, he finally said: "His Royal Highness, we can't complete the task. Unlike what we expected, the resistance there is very strong."

"No, no, you have done a good job, at least, you are still partly back." Princess Jing Xi said.

At the time of the attack, there were nearly 50 fighters, and now there are only 30 left. There are about 20 fighters who have been sleeping in the lonely and dead space forever. They are still lucky.

"We also encountered a lot of accidents." Qin Tian said: "Come on, go to the headquarters, I will report to you again."

Anna on the side is also frowning. This time it was originally a surprise attack. It is definitely ridiculous that they pin their hopes on the surprise attack. But now, if this method also loses its effect, what should they do?

The people who stayed behind did not know what happened. They were as heavy as the people who arrived. Now, the pedestrians with heavy steps finally entered the meeting room. Qin Tian has sorted out his thoughts and reported this battle to the people present.

Princess Jingxi's eyes have slowly brightened.



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