Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 41: The day after tomorrow is also important

"So, the Fibre Empire has secretly created a batch of clones for this sneak attack?" Princess Jing Xi heard Qin Tian's report and couldn't help saying.

At this time, Qin Tian had just finished reporting to Lin Beihai and saw Princess Jingxi coming down, so he reported directly to Princess Jingxi.

From this perspective of Qin Tian, ​​you can just see Princess Jingxi's side face, long eyelashes, high pretty nose bridge, and cherry small mouth, which looks heart-pounding.

Qin Tian felt that his heartbeat had begun to accelerate involuntarily. He quickly lowered his head and dared not look at it again.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness." It is also impolite to give Her Royal Highness a few more glances. After all, he is a civilian and cannot desecrate the princess with his eyes.

"Actually, don't worry too much. After all, an excellent carrier-based aircraft pilot has a lot to do with training in addition to her inheritance." Her Royal Highness turned her head and glanced at Qin Tian's face : "For example, you, Qin Tian, ​​you were born in poverty and did not have much education. Basic education is even self-study. Now, hasn't it become our best carrier-based aircraft pilot?"

Qin Tian was so happy that Her Royal Highness even knew her origin?

"How many children of the famous family have become dudes, and the genetic genes of their ancestors have been wasted." Princess Jing Xi said: "So, even if they use their most famous carrier aircraft pilots to clone It is also impossible to reach the level of the original pilot one by one. Qin Tian, ​​in these several air battles, did you find that the pilot skills of the other party are superb and perfect? ​​"

Qin Tian nodded: "Yes, Your Royal Highness, your analysis is right."

With the gene, you still need to get training! Originally, everyone was still covered with dark clouds, thinking that this way, the starship of the Fibre Empire was difficult to deal with, but now it seems that it is not as bad as everyone thinks. After all, acquired training is also very important. Ring.

"Moreover, this is also beneficial to us. We only need to copy it once to start all the fighters." Princess Jing Xi said: "Unfortunately, our carrier-based aircraft pilots are seriously insufficient, otherwise, we will be able to bring enough pilots , Flying all the fighters. "

The training time for carrier-based aircraft pilots is very long and consumes a lot of money, so they are basically based on the scale of preparation. Nowadays, under large-scale wars, pilots are wearing a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Princess Jingxi also frowned, and the other party was doing clones. I am afraid it was also to make up for the shortcomings of the pilot?

"His Royal Highness, I have an idea." Just then, Qin Tian spoke.


"As the war progresses, the problem of shortage of our pilots has been highlighted. Now that our civilians have a large number of pilots, why not recruit them for training?" Qin Tian said.

There are a large number of pilots in the civil society. On every planet, there are various flying clubs, and there are space shuttles between the stars. A large number of pilots are needed.

"Does this work? An unqualified pilot is harmful and unhelpful," the princess said.

"Most of them are definitely inadequate, but there will certainly be a small part of them that stand out. After all, our population base is large enough. Many people cannot enter the fleet for various reasons." Qin Tian paused: "For example, I was also attracted by the army because of playing games until I won the championship. I recruited them in particular. I know that we played a few games together and they are very good." Folk flying is also lively, and there are also simulated battles.

This is not the kind of ancient simulation of watching a computer playing a game.

During the game, everyone sits in the simulator, completely simulating the carrier aircraft, all kinds of maneuvering actions, all have sensors to increase the overload pressure on the body, and even this simulator will be all kinds of maneuvers, which will throw people down seven and eight. It can be said that it is the same as the real situation.

This is enough to enjoy.

Qin Tian can only play amateur, hit the first place, and then entered the professional level, professional level competition, hit the first place in the entire colony circle, so he was specially recruited by the army.

Now, Qin Tian thinks of a group of young guys who were teaming up together at that time. When they put on their military uniforms, they would all be drooling with envy.

This time, it was just an opportunity. The empire needed carrier-based pilots. They wanted to fly real fighters to fight in the starry sky. It was just right.

"Yes." The princess nodded and said: "When the battle is over, we will proceed with this matter. As for now, let's plan how to carry out this battle. I think that the plan proposed by Qin Tian, There are many omissions, and the plan must be readjusted. "

Sure enough, Her Royal Highness came over in person after reading her own plan, but Qin Tian's plan was still problematic.

In Qin Tian ’s plan, it was his own eight starships, posing as these reinforced fleets, and beating the buttocks of the colony fleet. Then, the colony fleet retreated, and his side happened to merge with the main fleet. The starships of the fleet were killed one by one.

But now, the operation of the starship is very complicated. It is not easy to control the starship. It is even more impossible to use the starship's gun to bombard the enemy fleet.

At this time, the plan will have to be changed.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness." Qin Tian said: "We had planned to use practical naval guns, but now we can only use carrier-based aircraft."

When she saw Her Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness asked her if she could operate the Tianguang-class fighter. Now, Qin Tian has understood the intention of Her Royal Highness, and she has long thought of this.

"Yes, we use carrier-based aircraft and carry anti-matter torpedoes to kill their starships." Lin Beihai said: "However, this is still a problem. First, we can fly very few pilots, most at one time. It can only make up ten. Second, if we do n’t kill the other ’s battleship, we still ca n’t reverse the overall situation. ”

Among the people brought by Lin Beihai, there are pilots, Qin Tian and others, who have gathered up to a dozen to deal with battleships. It is enough to choke. The battleship ’s energy shield is quite terrible. Ordinary antimatter torpedoes Nor can it be destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Yes, so we must think of a special way." Qin Tian said: "I have an idea."

When it comes to fighting, Qin Tian is very resourceful.



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