Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 392: Devour everything

This is a slender girl, wearing a white dress, if you look closely, this dress is actually used by the cook.

Her hair was combed into a ponytail, which looked extraordinarily delicate. Her face was not smeared with any fat powder. It was completely natural. The sun shone on her cheeks, which made her whole person extra spirited.

Only those eyes, although large and bright, are empty.

She can't see anything.

She is Qin Tian ’s sister, Qin Xiaorong. Now, the entire colony is preparing for the coming war. Her own eye problems have no time to deal with. She is also doing her best to contribute her own strength. Be a cook.

She made a good dish and became the royal chef of the government agency led by Princess Jingxi. Today, she also came over to join in the fun.

She could not see anything, but this did not prevent her from admiring the beauty of this fighter. In her mind, a ferocious animal appeared.


This is a myth of ancient times, gluttonous is one of the four evils. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor battled Chiyou, and Chiyou was cut, and his head fell to gluttony.

Gluttony is a fierce beast in ancient legends. Its greatest feature is its ability to eat. It can eat everything and everything around it. There is nothing that it cannot eat. It is a kind of devouring beast. It can devour everything around it. From this concept, it seems that a black hole is gluttonous and can devour everything.

As a kind of imaginary mysterious monster, gluttonous food can eat is the biggest feature. When there is nothing to eat around, it will eat itself, its head, biting along its tail, eating its own body. Go to the belly, so that there is a monster with only a big head and a big mouth, a fierce monster.

If the name of your own fighter is the most powerful, it can be swallowed up no matter what the enemy is!

Walid frowned. He didn't know what kind of monster is gluttonous. Now when he heard this, he felt weird and wanted to refute, but heard that Princess Jing Xi had already said: "Yes, it's called The name is good, devour all! Tear all enemies into pieces! "

As a result, Walid had only a wry smile. His own plane was actually named a strange name. Forget it, in short, it was named by Princess Jingxi.

"Nice name, I have been intolerable, let me drive it." Qin Tian said.

This aircraft is not the first test flight. To be precise, it was the last one, mainly equipped with weapon systems and wormhole generators. This time, we need to test these systems by the way.

Qin Tian's sudden opening made everyone stunned again. Later, Anna shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, you are the commander of the fleet, so many things in the fleet are waiting for you to do it. I'll do everything I do, I won't be fooled. "

Like Qin Tian's character, Anna is also very carefree, she doesn't want to deal with those complicated tasks.

"The test flight is based on the speed of light, and it will not waste time." Qin Tian said.

In the flight at the speed of light, the time inside the aircraft is still, yes, this is a strange phenomenon. In the feeling of people inside the aircraft, it almost passed in an instant, but the external time is still passing. In this case, what It is called not to waste time, it is not to waste Qin Tian's time!

If the external time is still, this is almost the same.

Anna wants to vomit blood.

"No, once there is any accident, the next task will need you." Princess Jing Xi also said.

"Can there be any accidents? Wasn't it safe last time? Besides, if there were accidents, would it still be useful if I didn't come back?"

Qin Tian said very simply.

If there is really an accident, if the fighters cannot achieve the intended function, then they will lose the last chance of revenge. As time goes on, the citizens of the colony will definitely know the truth of the occupation of the Holy Star. After all, the truth It will definitely be revealed in the end, they must be quick.

"I am the chief commander of the attack formation. Now, let me fly first, so that I can grasp more technical details and can better play the performance of the fighter in the formulation of tactics."

After that, Qin Tian stepped up.

"Brother." Suddenly, Qin Xiaorong shouted.

Qin Tian walked over to Qin Xiaorong. Now Qin Xiaorong has grown taller and has boiled Qin Tian ’s neck. Qin Tian patted her shoulder and said, "Take it easy, brother is the most powerful. Do you still have no confidence in your brother? "

After finishing speaking, he scratched Qin Xiaorong's nose with his index finger. This action, it seems that Princess Jingxi is also swaying, I hope Qin Tian can scrape his nose.

However, Qin Tian just glanced at the princess with his eyes. When so many people were there, Qin Tian could not be too intimate. Even if he became the emperor ’s pony, he could not do too intimate actions in public. The majesty of the royal family.

Qin Tian finished watching Princess Jingxi and walked to the carrier aircraft. The eyes had a very clear meaning. Rest assured, it would never happen, this is just an ordinary flight!

At the same time, this is also a test of the heart of the Fibre Empire. The last wormhole went directly to the LM-577 galaxy. After the last experiment, the navigation system has been programmed. This time the wormhole is torn. , Directly into the heart of the Fibre Empire.

Qin Tian stepped into the cockpit and quickly prepared for the flight. The test pilot who was originally preparing for the test flight could only watch awkwardly. If someone came to grab his position, he would definitely be in a hurry, but now, it is the entire fleet The supreme commander, and now the highest-ranking general, can only be awkwardly aside.

The crowd dispersed and the antimatter engine ignited. In the blue light, the fighter quickly pulled up, and then, in the sky, turned into a small point and disappeared.

The anti-matter engine is installed on the fighter. This is the effect. The acceleration performance is unmatched. Only pilots like Qin Tian can withstand the powerful overload during the acceleration process.

The edge arc of the earth appeared, flying directly out of the atmosphere, and Qin Tian turned on the curvature-driven engine and entered the speed of light!

This aircraft is simply a small starship. In space drive, there will be no overload. Qin Tian instantly enters the speed of light. Looking at the outside scene in the cockpit, the galaxies all disappear and become long lines. , Very spectacular.

At this moment, his time is still.



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