Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 36: Secret report

Colony fleet station.

"This time, we escaped another disaster." Peter said with a lingering fear.

Peter used to prefer to live on the peaceful colonial governor ’s planet, but now it ’s time for war, especially when there is this gentle-looking, but seriously serious Princess in her side, so he can only follow him in the colony. Stay in the fleet station.

There is a complete communication equipment here, you can always get the front line battle report.

At this time, Her Royal Highness Princess took off her long dress and put on a uniform. The black military uniform of the Empire was worn on Her Royal Highness, but it was quite fit, and it was even more heroic.

Now, Her Royal Highness is facing the starry sky chart, watching the fighting situation ahead, and listening to Lin Beihai's introduction.

Hearing Peter's words, Princess Jingxi couldn't help but turn around and glanced at him with dissatisfaction in her eyes: "Governor Peter, what does it mean to escape the disaster? Is there such a thing in the mouth of the Imperial soldier?"

"Yes, the princess is right." Peter said quickly, but he disagreed in his heart. Isn't that what he avoided? That cruiser, to protect the XB-120 wormhole, was originally overkill, what happened? It really found out that there was an enemy's invasion, and it actually defeated the enemy's fleet with less victory!

With more than 20 battleships and eight cruiser ships, the opponent has created a great miracle, and his own party has escaped a big disaster!

Peter was thinking about it, Princess Jingxi said: "This is the result of the brave battles of the soldiers on the entire Count Hipper, and the pride of our entire colonial fleet. Our results will certainly inspire the entire fleet. To fight bravely, protect the colony, and after repeling the enemy ’s attack, organize a fleet and go to the main battlefield to support it. "

This is not good luck, and escaped the disaster, this is everyone's hard work! Princess Jing Xi said this, Lin Beihai aside respectfully, although Her Royal Highness Princess is a woman, she is a shameless woman, and she is indeed the most loved little princess of Her Majesty, a royal family, and naturally has that kind of natural leader. temperament.

Princess Jingxi frowned again: "Except that we fought a big victory on the XB-120 wormhole, in other directions, are they all ruined now?"

XB-120 Wormhole is just an important energy supply place for a fleet in the colony. Even if it is lost, it will not hurt. Now, what you need most is to open up the passage to the Imperial headquarters.

Unfortunately, beside these wormholes, a fierce war broke out, and our own losses were great, but we still could not get the results.

"We did not expect that the other party deployed two battleships on each wormhole. Obviously the other party knew that we were going to fight decisively in this respect, so they would only hold on desperately. During this time, we have already Seven or eight starships have been lost. "Lin Beihai said.

The colony fleet is not like the main fleet of the empire, the strength of the fleet is not strong, every lost starship is bleeding in the heart of Lin Beihai, especially, just a few hours ago, just received the news, worm Hole SX-170, you can directly enter the main channel of the main battlefield. Your own battleship starship launched a decisive charge, the energy shield was almost broken, and it was attacked by dozens of other starships. Now it has to withdraw from the battle. Repair to the rear.

The entire fleet station has been empty. Now it is not only to consider how to break through the defense lines of these wormholes, but also how to defend. As long as the other party defeats its own fleet, it may advance at any time and threaten the entire colony. .

When the time comes, what counterattack?

Thinking of this, Lin Beihai looked at Princess Jingxi again. He was originally planning to leave a battleship starship. On the one hand, he protected the fleet base, and on the other hand, in case of circumstances, he could cover Princess Jingxi away.

Once the imperial princess fell into the hands of the enemy, the blow to the military's heart was considerable.

The battleship starship is the most powerful of all starships, and only it can truly be equipped with the name of the star destroyer.

For example, it has anti-matter guns in addition to laser guns, electromagnetic guns, and ion guns.

For ordinary starships, the attack mode is to use a carrier-based aircraft and carry anti-material torpedoes to strike the opposing starship. This voyage is quite dangerous. How many carrier-based aircraft pilots died during the attack.

What about battleships? It has an antimatter cannon directly, no matter how strong your shield is, as long as it is hit by an antimatter cannon, it will be destroyed directly.

Of course, using antimatter cannons to deal with starships is overkill. Antimatter cannons are mainly used as deterrents against certain planets. If the civilization on the planet is not surrendered, that one gun can destroy the entire planet. It is well deserved that a battleship starship is regarded as a star destroyer.

The most powerful battleship of the Imperial fleet is the Lexington class battleship destroyer. (Originally wanting to be called the empire-level, and renamed Star Wars)

This kind of starship is expensive, and maintenance and operation costs are also expensive. The Sagittarius cantilever colony in the entire galaxy, such a huge colony, can only maintain three battleship starships.

In addition to its powerful firepower, it also has an anti-matter engine propulsion system, and the energy density is the largest.

Leave a ship and take the princess to escape at any time, even if wandering in the entire galaxy, it is enough to protect Princess Jing Xi's life.

How could Princess Jingxi not know Lin Beihai's thoughts, she didn't care at all. If the enemy came here, then she and the entire fleet would survive and die.

Now, she has never thought about her own safety, only how to get through the channel and support the main battlefield, the father and emperor must not have anything to do!

"Report, Earl Hipper has a secret report."

"They are the report of the meritorious service?" Peter on the side asked: "Their credit is not small this time, and the colony will reward them."

"No, it's a combat plan, and, they said it was very secretive, and it could only be seen by the fleet commander and Her Royal Highness."

Although Peter is the governor of the entire colony, he is not a soldier. Now when he hears this statement, he can't help but have a blue face and a white face, gritting his teeth and saying, "Okay, Liu Hu, this kid, is getting bolder."

Princess Jing Xi raised her eyebrows and said, "Governor Peter, I am a little hungry. Can I prepare some food for me?"

"Yes, Her Royal Highness." Peter said, retreating.

Lin Beihai glanced at the princess, and only two people were left. This opened the battle plan. In front of them, the holographic projection plan flashed line by line.

Obviously it was very secretive, so after flashing, the previous one was destroyed, and the two quickly finished the plan and looked at each other.

how about it?



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