Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 357: Run out of oil

San Diego Star, the square outside the Governor's Mansion, now the battle here has come to an end.

There were only three mechas standing on the square.

The two Challenger mechas are quite tall, like two high mountains, and like two skyscrapers. In front of them, the Mark 4 mecha is like a child's toy.

After Qin Tian turned off the emergency switch of a Challenger Mech, Qin Tian had accurately jumped back into his Mark 4 Mech at the moment this Mech fell down, and moved everyone around him. Look dull.

So many mechas have been defeated by Qin Tian. Can the remaining two mechas continue to fight?

They no longer have the courage. In front of them, Qin Tian is a monster. They can't encourage courage, especially when the mech just fell down, which gave them great shock. They simply don't know that Qin Tian is How to do it, does Challenger Mecha have any flaws that are not known to them, but Qin Tian knows?

They want to back off.

"Stupid, step forward, kill him!" At this time, Governor Peter, who had not spoken, suddenly shouted loudly: "We have failed, we all have to die, the Empire will not let the traitors go, ah ..."

Kim Ki-ki carried a big rock, which was originally hit on the head of Duke Cape, but now, when he heard the words of Governor Peter, he immediately changed his direction and fell on the body of Governor Peter!

The flesh and blood spattered, and Governor Peter screamed in pain.

"You surrender now, I can swear in the name of the princess to ensure your safety." Princess Jing Xi said.

She knew that now Qin Tian had run out of lights and dried up.

During the whole process, Qin Tian was lightning fast, killing one after another mecha. When he just jumped from this challenger mecha, Qin Tian seemed to be okay, but he was on the Mark 4 After the Mecha, Qin Tian did not immediately continue to attack the remaining two Mechas. What does this mean?

Qin Tian may have been injured. Now, Princess Jingxi knows that she must stand up. As long as the remaining two mechas surrender, the whole situation is now under control!

Qin Tian was breathing heavily in the Mark 4 mech, and sweat continued to flow out of his forehead, making him have to wipe it with his hands, otherwise, his eyes began to be in a trance.

His back hurts.

After all, it came down from a height of forty or fifty meters. Although Qin Tian was buffered, when he rolled on the ground, even with the protection of the exoskeleton, Qin Tian still felt that the internal organs were in pain, and the internal organs must have been injured. The severe pain in his back let him know that at least three ribs were broken.

It is impossible to repeat the old tricks. He no longer has such a fast speed. As long as there is no speed, he will not succeed, and he will even be killed by the other party.

How do you say something? The martial arts in the world can't be broken quickly. The same is true of his current life-and-death fighting. As long as his hand speed slows down a little, it will reveal flaws and will be found by the other party.

Now, he is waiting for the recharge of the laser cannon, but he is not sure that he can play it when raising his arm and aiming quickly. As long as it is slightly slower, he may be counterattacked.

Qin Tian didn't expect such a come out, he had only wanted to rescue Princess Jing Xi, then secretly left, and returned to the earth, then made long-term plans.

now what? It is already a war to fight chaos anyway, as long as the situation here is controlled, even the entire colonial rebellion will be extinguished. Unfortunately, now that I have two opponents left, I have no strength to fight back!

Qin Tian wiped the sweat on his head again with his hands, and at the same time, he felt a salty throat, and a spit of blood would spit out at any time.

It seems that the broken ribs pierced his lungs? Now he couldn't move, and every move would stimulate the lungs and spout blood.

He is not afraid of death, but now he can't die, if he died, Princess Jingxi must be killed!

Needless to say he was dead. As long as he spurted blood, the other party knew he was injured. By then, the other party's fear disappeared, and then he threw himself up, and he could not cope with it.

Princess Jing Xi ’s words made the other party dare not move for a while. That ’s right. If they can be pardoned, it would be great. In their hearts, there is always a fear of the imperial power of the empire. This has been slowly formed for a long time.

"Boom, bang." At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

Qin Tian tried to raise his head and looked around, looking out from the top of the 18-meter-high mech, and we could see that there were several mechas that were coming over.

On this planet, it was only the colonial rebels who were able to mobilize the troops to come over. Unexpectedly, he still had to fall short!

In the entire colony, there are not many mechas. Now you can see that those mechas are not very large. The largest ones are the same as the Mark 4 mechas. There are five or six, and some are smaller. The mecha, dusty above, should be the older Mark 1 mecha, with many joints rusted.

Behind the mech, there are also some people wearing exoskeletons. They jump very quickly, and they have a laser gun in their hands.

It seems that the other party's reinforcements have arrived. Qin Tian closed his eyes helplessly. Is it true that the empire is about to perish, and can't he turn the tide? Moreover, even Princess Jingxi will also become the burial object of the empire?

Qin Tian suddenly opened his eyes, no, no, impossible! No matter in any desperate situation, we must persevere. Only perseverance will have hope. In the underground arena, how many times of life and death will he fight, he will rely on his own will and finally persevere!

At this moment, the power suddenly returned to his body again, the pain disappeared again, and his nerves had automatically ignored these transmitted signals. He wanted to fight, he wanted to fight!

"Haha, haha." Duke Cape also laughed, and the helper came!

Those big and small families have all signed on the independent promotion. Now, these mechas must have been secretly hidden by them. Now they have come to help.

"Surrender, Qin Tian, ​​you can't run away! Princess, this is the trend!" Duke Cape shouted loudly, and then saw Kim Ki-ki move the **** stone again!

"What's that?" Kim Kiki didn't smash it. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

A dozen bright spots suddenly appeared in the sky, quite bright, just like a meteor!

Princess Jing Xi frowned, she knew that it was the carrier of the starship, and it had entered the atmosphere of San Diego.

There are fighters in the sky, there are so many mechas on the ground, and wheel wars can also kill Qin Tian!



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