Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 354: Emergency stop button

be careful! Princess Jing Xi raised her concerned eyes again.

Qin Tian is definitely a man who can create miracles. As it is now, Qin Tian has only so many mechas on his body with only one exoskeleton. There are only three challenger mechas on the field. Qin Tian can definitely defeat them!

However, Princess Jingxi is still worried. Qin Tian can't have any accidents!

She can only watch the situation on the battlefield with the afterglow of her eyes. The main task is to guard the two captives. After the fight begins, all the people nearby have run out and the mechas are fighting. That is not a joke. Like watching a car race in the past, bad luck, and was followed.

For example, the projectiles of the flying electromagnetic cannons, and those laser beams, one missed and flew to their bodies, and they were finished. If the mech is in a fight, it jumps backwards and jumps into the crowd. How many?

No one dared to get close, and only three of them were left at the scene.

At this moment, Duke Cape said coldly: "Well, it's useless to win, we still have a fleet!"

One of the most important reasons why they dared to take action was that they controlled the fleet, the fleet commander Lin Beihai had been killed, and the civilian officers of the fleet command were already terrified. The real power is the starship of the fleet, especially Those battleships.

But now, the control of the starship has fallen into the hands of allegiance to his own side. Even now Qin Tian has defeated the mechs, even if his own side has been captured, as long as there is a fleet, the fleet will come over , Then they have to surrender?

Princess Jingxi wants to make a comeback, no way!

"Government, Your Highness Princess, are you okay?" Just then, there was a voice around me. At this time, did anyone dare to come?

Princess Jingxi turned her head, and she saw that Jin Jiji, whose makeup had been twisted and her teeth were trembling, still kept calm: "What are you doing here?"

Now, apart from Qin Tian, ​​Princess Jingxi will not believe anyone, especially the original nobles in the colony, they have the possibility of rebellion.

"I, I'm here to avenge, my dad, has been killed by them! Our entire family has been killed by them!"

When Jin Jiji said here, tears came out of his eyes, rolling down, and smearing the fat powder on his face again.

Only then did Princess Jing Xi think of it, when the mysterious killer appeared, Daniel died in front of his own eyes. All this was seen by his own eyes, and it was not wrong.

It seems that Daniel is not with them?

Jin Jiji continued two steps forward and looked at Duke Cape: "You actually colluded with the most shameless Ninja family in the entire galaxy. You sold the entire colony for your own benefit! You sold the country, you scum! "

As Kim Ki-ki said, he stepped forward and glared at Duke Cape. Although he was very weak, he didn't understand anything. Since living in a large family, he still knew a lot.

Jin Jiji certainly knows how his father died. He died in the hands of a hidden killer family in the galaxy. This killer family is wanted by the entire galaxy!

Duke Cape said coldly: "Yes, how about that? Should I call out my helper and kill you all?"

There was a cold in Princess Jingxi's eyes. If the killer family is still alive, can the current situation be controlled? The thought of the ghost-like body makes people scared. But if the other party is there, will they wait until now?

It seems that those killers are coming to pay a certain price. Now, the other party is cheating themselves!

"Kill you first and take revenge on my father!" Kim Kiki looked around and finally found a big rock. Then, with all his strength, he lifted the big rock and wanted to head Duke Cape's head Smash it up!

Any part of the body that is broken is suffering from some pain, and it can be cloned and put on exactly the same, but if the head is broken, it will be completely dead.

Jin Jiji remembered that the whole family was destroyed by the people in front of him, the tragic death of his father, and the tragic displacements these days, all of which were given by the people in front of him, so Jin Jiji couldn't bear it anymore, and the tears burst Falling down, the stone in his hand will hit the head of Duke Cape hard!

"Boom!" Just then, suddenly, a huge shock came from the ground.

Several people could not help but look at the past, only to see that Qin Tian jumped up the challenger mecha, actually at this moment, fell down.

More than seventy meters, just like a skyscraper, a hill, this thing falls down, the motion must be shaking the world, the ground seems to produce a strong aftershock after a strong earthquake, everything around it is also shaking !

As for the three operators in it, what will be the result? Think about what it looks like to fall off the top of the 70-story building. This is the same as when the tower crane suddenly fell down when building a skyscraper. It is quite terrible. The cover of the entire cockpit has turned red. It is terrible.

How did Qin Tian do it?

No one knows that after Qin Tian jumped on the back of the mech, then this mech would jump up, and wanted to shake Qin Tian down, a shock, Qin Tian fell off, and then use the foot to put He stomped to death, almost like an ant.

However, at this moment, this challenger mecha, after jumping, suddenly became stiff, and could no longer control the huge body, so it fell down!

Qin Tian jumped at the moment he fell. After all, he was on the waist, and the height was much smaller. At the same time, Qin Tian rolled along twice, and then stood up.

The huge mech fell to his side. Although his figure was small, he was already tall in the eyes of others.

How did Qin Tian do it?

Learning is not good, it is better than my layman!

Qin Tian also secretly thanked Lucky. Last time when he took Princess Jingxi to the Energy Star, Qin Tian operated a Challenger Mecha and also used this Mecha to rescue the prince.

Qin Tian studied this mecha carefully at that time, and then found a weak link in this mecha. There was an emergency shutdown button on the back, where the fusion reactor was.

This is a kind of safety protection measure. The buttons are very small and can only be pressed with one finger. At the same time, it is also for convenience. There is only a thin glass shell on the outside. Just like the design of fire hydrants, it must never be locked.

In the confrontation of mechas, such a small part could not have been attacked, even the Mark 4 mecha, with the fingers of ordinary people with thick arms, could not be stuffed in. As for the use of electromagnetic guns Class or debris hit here? That's as small as the chance of the tank being hit in the fouling zone, which can be ignored.

However, Qin Tian succeeded. He pressed the emergency shutdown button. Then, the fusion reactor stopped working and lost its power. What if it did not fall?



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