Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 349: Air steering

At this time, the large mechanical foot of the Mark 4 mecha has been accurately kicked to Qin Tian ’s position. With one kick, Qin Tian can be kicked away. Princess Jing Xi shouted with Hu Batian and could not help but again. Feeling worried.

Brother Qin Tian, ​​you will certainly create a miracle.

Sure enough, Qin Tian's body curled up in the air just as the big feet of the Mark 4 mech came over!

When Qin Tian jumped, his body was still spinning, just like a skater. If he saw figure skating, he could find a very strange scene. The athlete clearly did n’t accelerate under his feet, just pulled his hands back and turned Suddenly accelerated, just like a clockwork.

This is the magic power of the moment of inertia. When the hands are retracted, the center of mass of the rotation moves inward, so that the diameter of the rotation decreases and the speed of rotation increases.

Now, the rotation speed of Qin Tian's body is increasing. In this way, when the mechanical foot is in contact with Qin Tian's body, because the rotation is too fast, at this moment, it is like the wheel slipping too fast, the mechanical foot actually did not kick Flying Qin Tian, ​​on the contrary, Qin Tian's body used this force at the moment of contact with the mechanical foot, and suddenly flew upward again!

What action is this?

Everyone is a flower in sight, even if it is the sharpest fighter pilot, Qin Tian ’s movements are not clearly seen at this time. In short, Qin Tian is like an unknown prophet, his body stabs in the air for a while, and then jumps up At the same time, the direction changed slightly, just flying towards the head of the Mark 4 mecha!

This operation is too slippery. Just the killing technique just now did not bring any damage to Qin Tian. On the contrary, it also became the help of Qin Tian ’s ascent. This time, Qin Tian can hit The head of the Mark 4 mecha is the position of the cockpit.

Fighting snakes to fight seven inches, mecha combat, the focus is to attack the enemy's cockpit! As long as the operator is killed, the confrontation is won.

Compared with the Mark 4 mecha, Qin Tian's body is quite small. Now, this small body is also beneficial. When confronting a large mecha, the small body represents flexibility.

Of course, it ’s definitely a death toss, it ’s a fight with the mech, and it ’s directly fought, but now, Qin Tian has always been showing his skill. In this way, Qin Tian has the hope of turning into a victory. Everyone else looked jealous.

Hu Batian's face is extremely cold, his upper body has turned around, clearly watching Qin Tian is flying up, and now, the other party actually wants to come and beat himself, why? Does it depend on his exoskeleton?

Huh, do n’t joke, this is the pure power gap, which cannot be compensated. For example, it is impossible for the other party to turn around in the air. As long as you bow your head, you can avoid the other party ’s flight line and let the other party fly!

Why is your body still spinning? Like a gyro?

Hu Batian sneered and began to bow his head, lowering his height, let Qin Tian fly over his head.

However, when he bowed his head, he found that Qin Tian's trajectory was actually declining, just like a single-person engine with space flight added.

Banana balls! Almost instantly, Hu Batian realized that the opponent was flying a banana ball and turning in the air, which made people unpredictable.

The opponent's judgment is too amazing. In this short moment, the opponent has fully integrated into the confrontation. Every movement has counted countless possibilities and made the most beautiful response. It can be regarded as simply Training textbooks for Mech units!

Of course, this can only be done by Qin Tian. Others ca n’t do it. Qin Tian is a carrier-based aircraft pilot. During training, this kind of rotation training is the most common. How many laps does it turn like? It is a normal person who can walk in a straight line, and an ordinary person comes down, crooked, like drunk.

Not only does Qin Tian make this action, he successfully changes direction in the air without outside help, but he also has to judge the enemy ’s actions in advance, and only then can he be tit-for-tat. His experience of adversaries is absolutely first-rate !

However, the banana ball can only be turned once, it is impossible to change the second time, otherwise this does not conform to the principles of fluid mechanics. Now Hu Batian sees Qin Tian coming down, so he originally intended to bow his head, now he raises his head again At the same time, he wielded his right fist and wanted to smash Qin Tian's fist. This time, he will definitely be merciless!

When he kicked him for the first time, Hu Batian was merciful. If he kicked out with all his strength, Qin Tian would definitely be kicked off, and now, he wo n’t be merciful anymore. God would never want to let him go again.

Qin Tian's trajectory has begun to go down, and Hu Batian is upward, just when the two are about to be flush, suddenly, Qin Tian's left hand waved, a thing, flew towards Hu Batian's cockpit.

The cockpit cover is made of special bulletproof glass, which can provide the most favorable protection for the driver. Now, what is Qin Tian throwing over? Is it a bomb?

It is impossible for ordinary gunpowder bombs to threaten him. On the contrary, after the explosives exploded, the flying debris would also hurt Qin Tian without any protection.

Qin Tian, ​​is this a dog jumping off the wall?

Hu Batian thought secretly in his mind that if he wanted to hurt himself, only that kind of high-power bomb would be destroyed. If he threw this bomb, the entire mech would be destroyed, and Qin Tian would never be spared.

Therefore, Hu Batian judged it a little, and knew that this thing was harmless, purely wanting to delay his maneuver. This kind of thing was encountered before when he was fighting, this cunning Qin Tian threw his shoes over , Successfully attracted the attention of Hu Batian, and then kicked his weak part hard, letting him fall short of victory.

Clown jumping beam, I won't be fooled!

"Slap!" At that moment, the thing had flown over. After all, the distance between the two was just a few meters. It was almost fleeting. At the moment of arrival, it smashed open.

At this moment, the black ink flowed down the position and onto the spherical top cockpit cover, obscuring all the visions of Hubatian!

Sure enough, it's a trick! Hu Ba Tian couldn't help but want to curse Qin Tian, ​​this guy, could actually come up with such a bad idea, use ink to shield his sight!

Now, as it rains, as the ink continues to flow downward, Hu Batian's line of sight can no longer be seen, and even worse, even the camera is blocked!



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