Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 343: Let xianxian

Her Royal Highness left an order to the fleet to protect this pure land. As long as the wormhole is kept here, the other fleets cannot enter here. Their mission is mainly to defend against the sudden attack of the Fibre Empire. After all, this is the last position of the empire. It has the wisest mind of the empire. If the empire wants to counterattack, it needs the people here.

They wanted to rescue Princess Jingxi, but in case this was the enemy's tune away from the mountain, they passed by, and a large number of enemy fleets came over to capture their people?

In this way, they disappointed the trust of Princess Jingxi, and, another, more important is the attitude of the colony fleet. If the colony ’s native fleet clearly supported independence, they used to fight against the colony fleet. Can they win by themselves?

Enough to choke, the power of the colony fleet is now far stronger than them. They passed, but they were only glorious and died, and they could not save Her Royal Highness.

Even if they reached the star of San Diego after a brutal battle, what can they do? Such a long time is enough for them to hide Princess Jingxi, and when that happens, what can they do with them?

Can it blow up the entire planet? Of course not. Princess Jingxi is still on it, as long as they don't hand over the princess, then they can't help themselves.

If you want to save the princess, the best thing is to do your own job well.

Thomas's mind is clearer. After all, he has come out of countless battles, and Viscount Walid has almost no battle experience. He just has a blood of blood.

"Admiral Walid, you want to save the princess. The best way is to make the carrier aircraft you designed, and then use this carrier aircraft technology as a condition to exchange your highness," Thomas said.

Since Princess Jingxi is also sitting there, it means that the life of Her Royal Highness is temporarily guaranteed. In this way, you have time to work around. If you exchange the princess, will it work?

Walid hung up the phone helplessly. If his own battleship was not dispatched, it would certainly be impossible to rely on himself alone. Isn't he just watching now?

Walid can only sit back in his chair and look at the picture in front. At this time, Duke Cape has come to the front and spoke to a microphone.

"Hello everyone, now the colony has reached the most dangerous juncture." Duke Cape said: "We all know that the Sagittarius cantilever colony had countless independent countries long ago, but then we were conquered. We were forced to become a colony, and since then, our minerals and energy have been continuously sent to the empire, and our own welfare, everything that should belong to us, has not returned to us. "

"When the empire needs it, when we want to cut the wool, we are the wool. In the empire, no one cares about the feelings of our colony. However, in the past, we have always been tolerant, and we did not complain. We only hope that tomorrow will be better, but now, this desire has been broken! "

"Now, if the colonies continue to follow the empire, there will only be a annihilated ending, our colony, there is no need to be buried for the empire!" Duke Cape said: "So, we decided to conduct a referendum, and representatives elected from various planets vote The result of the vote is that everyone agrees and breaks away from the empire and becomes an independent country. Our own wealth should be given back to us, not buried with the empire! "

While talking, Duke Cape took out a piece of paper, which was filled with the names of many people.

Can those people represent the public opinion of the entire colony? Of course not, but every major event is never decided by a referendum, it is decided by a few people, this is not a democratic society, this is an imperial society, as long as the senior noble lords agreed, that's enough.

"Now, please, our Governor, read this Declaration of Independence. Our colony is already independent. We still support the leadership of Governor Peter. We believe that under his leadership, our Sagittarius cantilever colony will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow!"

Duke Cape said that he passed the Declaration of Independence to Governor Peter. The name on it was several times more than it was at the beginning. When they successfully controlled the situation, there were more small families. Decided to follow.

This is a life and death book!

The camera turned to Governor Peter and even gave him an enlarged close-up, while Princess Jingxi on his side was still expressionless.

Governor Peter stood up, facing the camera, that is, the people of the entire colony, bowed deeply. His big belly restricted the standard of his movements, and he also appeared because of this bow. So polite, it seems to be a polite gentleman.

"First of all, thank you for your kind love to me." Governor Peter said: "Actually, I am ashamed, because the whole incident, I do not know, I am negligent."

Governor Peter said this, Duke Cape suddenly turned black. This old fox, obviously, was pleased to attend this event. Does he still want to stay away from it?

"The direction of the colony should be left to the people of the colony to decide." Governor Peter continued: "Now, this list represents public opinion. Everyone hopes that the colony can live better. The fall of the empire We are all sorry, we do n’t want that powerful empire to disappear, but we still have to fight for a better life, so I respect everyone ’s choice now. "

He said that naturally he was in favor of independence, but if he later turned over his account, he would not be able to find his handle, which made Duke Cape a little speechless.

"However, because in this incident, I have no credit, so if I continue to sit in this position, I will be ineligible. I suggest that Duke Cape be the governor, oh no, when we are The head of the new country, we believe that only he can lead everyone to the light. After all, Duke Cape is engaged in finance, and our country wants to develop, it is inseparable from the leader of finance. "

Hearing the words of Governor Peter, Duke Cape was suddenly shocked. This is the position of the leader, and there are no other people on the top of the head. This position, Governor Peter does not even want?



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