Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 333: Very exciting

San Diego Star, House of Governors.

All the officials gathered in the Governor's Mansion, just like the last time I invited Princess Jingxi to return to San Diego, they were dressed in a uniform and they had excited eyes on their faces.

Lord Jing Xi is here. Her Royal Highness is very satisfied with the efficient work of the entire colony. The issuance of the war bond fully reflects the support and love of the entire colonial people for the empire. They will surely insist on the victory of the war!

The seat of Governor Peter has been covered with gorgeous silk, and it will become the position of Princess Jingxi. He is sitting below and the chief is sitting down, but from time to time, he will get up and walk around, showing his heart at this time. Excitement.

And beside him, Duke Cape has been sitting, holding the tea bowl in his hand, elegantly pulling the tea bowl, drinking tea casually, but, bowl after bowl, when he drank the tenth bowl of tea, Everyone can feel his wrong, drinking tea so hard, just to cover up his inner uneasiness.

Opposite the two was Lin Beihai, the commander of the colony fleet. Lin Beihai was originally stationed in the fleet. Since this time, the fleet has to continue to expand its scale and increase its combat effectiveness. He still came. After all, most of the funds obtained from this war bond issuance will be used in their fleet. As the fleet commander, he must show it.

Compared with the two people opposite, Lin Beihai is also concerned. Princess Jingxi ’s coming this time is completely different from the last time. She looks more mature and more wise. The scale of the colony fleet has now expanded and must be stopped. The new military equipment should be given directly to Princess Jingxi and let Princess Jingxi build a fleet that belongs only to her. So that seems to be better?

Well, this time it was just time to meet Princess Jingxi. It's time to talk about this matter.

Although Lin Beihai had this kind of worry, he had no ghosts in his heart, so his expression was quite natural, and when an hour passed, he leaned on his chair and made a soft grunt.

He is too tired.

The grunts throughout the hall made everyone embarrassed. Daniel beside Lin Beihai hurriedly pushed him: "Commander, commander, please pay attention to your manners."

As the largest arms company, Daniel knows that the raising of war bonds is still beneficial to them. Even if a large part of it will be divided, only a small amount, such as one percent, will be a huge sum. Funds.

He wants to show his determination that he must build a stronger fleet for the empire!

There were more than fifty people in the whole hall, two rows of long chairs, and then outward, many people were not qualified to sit and stood there.

They are all turning their heads and looking out. If Princess Jingxi comes, they will definitely land directly on the open space outside. There is the most suitable place for her spacecraft to land.

In the sky, a howling sound suddenly came out. After hearing the sound, the people outside were able to look out. Among the light, several bright spots were rapidly expanding. What is that?

"It's a raptor machine." Someone shouted.

The Raptor is down!

These raptors, hovering in the sky above them, patrolled two circles first, and then, a large spaceship appeared in their field of vision.

At this point, everyone had already come out. Governor Peter was at the forefront. Everyone stood in line with the ranks of officials and waited to greet the driver of His Royal Highness. When he saw the fighter above him, Governor Peter ’s eyes flashed different color. As for Duke Cape, there is already an urge to release water. I just drank too much tea and could n’t control it.

His eyes are looking at these fighters, there are fighters, I am afraid it will be difficult to start!

Then, a large transport spaceship landed. When I saw the spaceship, everyone was stunned. Will Princess Jingxi come by such a spaceship? This kind of spaceship is quite simple, without any comfort.

The transport spacecraft left them far away and landed five kilometers away. After all, the flames from the engine of this large spacecraft were too hot to make it happen. They all turned them into barbecues at once.

They were about to pass, and they felt the ground shaking.

"Mecha, is the challenger mecha!" Some people have good eyesight, and have seen those big men coming down from the transport spaceship. This mecha is 72 meters high, like a tall building, when it is lifted When the foot comes, every step brings a shock.

When I saw these mechas, Duke Cape already had an uncontrollable feeling, where there was a drop of water, just too much tea.

"No, I'm going to the convenience, I'm sorry." Cape said, and ran inwards.

This run scared more people. What is Duke Cape doing? Is everything exposed? Princess Jingxi came with the mech, did you want to wipe out her own one-time?

Is that the declaration of independence already in Princess Jingxi's hands? Anyone who signs on it will not end well.

Thinking of this, more people are trembling, but they still maintain their sense of reason. Now they want to run, and they can't win those large mechas, they can only wait.

Fortunately, Duke Cape's movements were quick. After the water was released, he quickly ran out again. At this time, the mechas had just arrived.

Five challenger mechs stood around the square, and outside the square, a large crowd had already gathered. They were prepared in advance and were going to cheer Princess Jingxi. When Princess Jingxi ’s speech was finished, They are responsible for shouting long live, and so on, have rehearsed many times in advance.

Now, they watched the huge mech come, full of curiosity, this show is so big!

This cargo ship transported mechas. After these mechas were in place, under the **** of fighters hovering in the sky, finally, the breeze of Princess Jingxi appeared.

"Welcome Your Highness Princess!" This time, you will be right. Governor Peter is at the forefront, taking everyone to kneel down on the prepared red carpet, and the tens of thousands of people outside also kneel down : "Welcome Your Majesty the Princess!"

The arrival of the five mechas made this momentum suddenly magnificent. Princess Jingxi was never a shelf-loving person before, but now, she has changed. In this war, she must be careful.

Qingfeng landed, the hatch opened, and Qin Tian and Qin Hai were on the left and right. First, they walked down. Then, Princess Jing Xi, dressed in a uniform, walked down. Her black boots stepped on the red carpet.

The princess is here!



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