Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 326: Eject gas

The huge, wide Mendeleev crater looks like a huge scar on the back of the moon, and when entering it, it feels as flat as the moon sea on the front. Now, it is exactly The back is facing the sun, so here is dark, and only the Breeze ship radiates two brilliant lights.

Among these two beams of light, James drove his machine. On the moon, the gravity is very small, and the wheeled vehicle already has good off-road capabilities. However, his vehicle is still tracked. It is because when the rig is to be erected, it is under greater pressure.

Now, his drill rod has been erected. The diamond bit has reached the center of the flat crater. Under the power of the nuclear battery, the motor starts to rotate the drill bit. Feel the tremor from the ground.

"His Royal Highness, you can't go down." Qin Tian stood on the spaceship and said to Princess Jingxi. Princess Jingxi had wanted to go down several times and watched closely. Her big eyes were full of anticipation.

But Qin Tian stopped him. Qin Tiansheng was afraid that there would be any accidents underneath. Now, stay on Qingfeng. Once an accident occurs, he can start full power at any time and leave this ghost place.

In the beam of light, you can only see that the survey vehicle is constantly drilling holes. Compared with lasers, this method is very inefficient, but it has an irreplaceable advantage.

In addition to being hard enough, it also has various sensors such as temperature, pressure, and metal detectors. As long as you drill down, you can know what is at the corresponding depth. This is definitely not a bunch. The laser can be compared.

When the drill bit goes down ten meters, it will stop. In the middle, continue to increase the drill pipe, and then drill down the hole, just like the previous oil rig.

Now, the depth is close to two hundred meters.

"It's just the most common rock. Basalt is the predominant, and the geological age is about 4 billion years." While drilling, the rig transmitted a steady stream of news to the Qingfeng.

As a graduate of astronomy, Princess Jingxi knows a lot of things. According to the decay of radioisotopes of different molecules, it is easy to guess the geographical age.

The oldest rock on earth is only more than three billion years old, and here, it is easy to find more than four billion years of matter. What does this mean?

There was a little excitement in Princess Jingxi's face: "What's underneath? Must find it!"

Then drill down!

If you follow the average thickness, you should be able to see titanium ore, even titanium alloy, but now it is still the same.

Four hundred meters, or basalt.

Six hundred meters, still this kind of thing!

As the drilling continued, Princess Jingxi's eyes began to show fatigue.

"His Royal Highness, would you like to take a rest?" Qin Tian said to Princess Jingxi.

Qingfeng has a perfect ecosystem, which can meet the needs of long-term flight, and of course has a sleeping cabin, but Princess Jingxi shook her head: "No, I want to continue watching."

"One thousand meters!" When looking at these figures, Qin Tian began to worry, and then drilled down, that is, the mantle, where it is easy to encounter magma.

At this moment, suddenly, the drill rod of the drilling vehicle began to shake violently at high frequency. When seeing all this, Qin Tian said indiscriminately that he would start the nuclear fusion engine.

"Don't be afraid, it's not magma." Just then, James passed the message: "There is a stream of air underneath, spraying out!"

The middle of the drill rod is hollow. Now, just at the hollow position of the drill rod, a white gas suddenly emerges from the top of the entire drill rod. In a vacuum, it quickly diffuses to the outside world, and the gas column Spray upward, it is dozens of meters high!

"Analyze the gas composition." Princess Jing Xi continued.

This is similar to mining on the earth. Drilling down the rig, there may be nothing, or it may spew out oil, natural gas, etc. Geological exploration is a very laborious task. Many times, geologists predict that there is something here Then, the exploration team will take a slap in the east and a slap in the west.

Now, the gas ejected is probably some kind of gas inside the moon.

Will it be oil and gas? of course not!

These things, such as oil and natural gas, are not underground things, but forests on the ground, the remains of animals and plants, etc. They were turned underground in the geological movement, and then, after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, they became Energy, its energy, still comes from the sun.

If there is no air on the surface of the moon, there can be no animals and plants, and there can be no such energy situation. What is it sprayed on?

Princess Jingxi is very curious.

Without her order, James had already started the research. He quickly took the instrument and took a sample of the gas. Then, after a few seconds, the result came out.

"Oh, **** it!" When he saw the result, James suddenly took a breath of air: "Hydrogen fluoride, silicon tetrafluoride, hell, how is this thing!"

When he finished speaking, he saw a small hole in the ceiling above his head. The hole began to expand a little bit.

not good!

The surroundings are absolutely zero degrees. The gas just sprayed out will quickly liquefy due to the cold during the diffusion to the surroundings. There must be droplets that have fallen onto your own ceiling, and then the ceiling is corroded. Too.

He opened his eyes wide and watched the hole in the ceiling begin to expand. There was a droplet still forming, which he wanted to drip down, so he never dared to stop, pushed the door beside him, then, towards Before jumping.

Because the gravity here is relatively small, running on it is more likely to wrestle. In contrast, jumping forward is easier than running.

He jumped forward quickly, at the same time, looking forward to his space suit not to be corroded. Fortunately, when operating in the car, he also habitually wears space suits, otherwise, he will be miserable this time.

"Danger, we are leaving." Qin Tian said. God knows if those gases will diffuse here, will they corrode the outer shell of your own spacecraft?

"No, wait for him!" Princess Jingxi cut the nail.

This is what I insisted on, and he brought it by myself, so you must not leave him at this time!



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