Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 322: Singularity Bomb

Princess Jingxi frowned. Now, there are still many technical problems to be solved in how to make a wormhole. However, Walid has already aimed in this direction to make the carrier aircraft have this ability. The problem is more.

"First of all, if you want the carrier aircraft to make this wormhole, the AI ​​system inside the carrier aircraft must be quite powerful, or even stronger than our starship. In this case, the manufacturing cost of the carrier aircraft will be Greatly increased. "Princess Jing Xi said.

The carrier-based aircraft is originally a consumable. No matter how much it cherishes the life of the soldiers, those officers will never care when using the carrier-based aircraft. They should use it and discard it.

Like a tank in ancient times, it is completely a consumable in battle.

"Secondly, although the energy required is much smaller, it is also much more than the energy now possessed. Even the energy of the star, even if it is reduced to one ten thousandth, is very difficult for the carrier aircraft to have."

"Besides, if only the carrier-based aircraft has interstellar traversal capability, then what's the use? The power of the carrier-based aircraft is too small after all, can it change the course of the war?"

For example, now, what is the use of creating a wormhole and letting the carrier-based aircraft to pass through, even if it goes directly to the capital of the Fibre Empire?

The performance of the carrier-based aircraft is too poor, the opposing planetary defense forces can be destroyed, absolutely not comparable to starships, if the past two battleship starships can be delivered, it can effectively change the situation of the entire war.

"No, Your Royal Highness." At this moment, Qin Tian said: "Even if only one fighter passes, that's good. If this fighter has a curvature-driven engine that can enter the speed of light in an instant, the quality of the fighter The relativistic effect can be rapidly amplified, and then such a fighter can destroy the other planet by impact! "

When it comes to this, Princess Jingxi froze in her heart. She knows that Qin Tian ’s words are correct. If she accelerates to the speed of light, the mass will be infinite. Even a fighter can crash the entire planet. However, fighter pilots will certainly also sacrifice.

Who will be this pilot? Based on her understanding of Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian must have taken the initiative to go up. In many battles, Qin Tian rushed to the front.

"No, I don't agree." Princess Jing Xi shook her head: "I will never agree to this plan."

Walid raised his head curiously and looked at Princess Jingxi. Now that Her Royal Highness Princess seems to be a different person, should n’t she be excited? This is a plan to reverse the current situation. Is it in her eyes? Here, is the fighter pilot more important than the entire empire?

In order to win, some people are destined to sacrifice.

Walid could not help but look at Qin Tian again, is it because of him?

Walid shook his head: "We don't necessarily have to use the impact method. Advances in technology will make the war easier. Your Royal Highness, recently we have been looking for a new weapon, if we give it to our ship Aircraft, equipped with singularity bombs to replace the current anti-matter bombs, the power will definitely increase greatly, and even a bomb can destroy a star. "

When it was discovered that the Fibre Empire had artificially created wormholes and realized the interstellar crossing, the people of the Ameine Empire also seemed to have opened their minds. Various novel ideas emerged endlessly. This singularity bomb.

Any kind of weapon and equipment are supported by physics. For example, now, the wormhole is artificially manufactured by the Fibre Empire. Speaking of it, it can still be explained in principle. They use the microscopic insect of quantum entanglement Relying on the hole, and then using powerful energy to tear the space, artificially created this macro wormhole.

However, this singularity bomb is completely science fiction.

The singularity has many uses. For example, in mathematics, it is an infinitesimal and non-existent point. This kind of special point will appear when the theory of mathematics develops from finite to infinite.

In cosmology, this is also a special strange point. It exists and does not exist. It is a point where space and time have infinite curvature, where space and time end.

According to the theory of general relativity, the universe started from a singularity and underwent a big bang, rapidly expanding into what it is now.

No one knows what the singularity is, because all the laws of physics are invalid at the singularity.

In addition to the big bang of the universe, another possibility is a black hole.

According to the equation of general relativity, as long as a Schwarzschild black hole without rotation is formed, the material inside the horizon of the event of the black hole must collapse into a point of infinite density under the action of gravity, which is much like a flat rubber film, Put a small stone, the stone falls, the shape of the pull out, at the lowest point of that fall, is this singularity.

Therefore, if you want to study the singularity, it is possible to study from the black hole, but no one, any detector material, can enter the black hole, which means that you want to make this singularity into a bomb, That only appears in science fiction.

Princess Jingxi only believes in reality. As an astronomy major, and as an apprentice of Mr. Numerov, Princess Jingxi controlled her mouth and did not say the word nonsense.

This thing is more ethereal than artificially made wormholes, and more difficult to achieve.

Of course, if it is really achieved, it may be useful. If you really launch a singularity bomb at the target, the target may collapse immediately and become a black hole, and all the mass will enter that terrible point. .

There is no time, no space, nothing. It is definitely a strange point, but it is all inclusive and terrible.

"Walid, if you continue to have such a hearing in the future, please forgive my rudeness, I will not waste my time." Princess Jing Xi said: "Your design bureau, continue to follow the way of thinking in Shengxing Let ’s design a new fighter. Do n’t mention this kind of empty theory. ”

"His Royal Highness, in the past, didn't everyone think that artificially making wormholes is also a hollow theory? War is a catalyst for technology!" Viscount Walid insisted on his point of view. Now, if you want to win, you must do something strange. !

Princess Jing Xi shook her head: "Do your job first and then talk!"

After she finished, she stood up and started walking backwards. She was very determined that she could not stay any longer. If she continued to stay here, she feared that she would change her mind.



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