Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 319: National hardship

Governor Peter accepted this task, which means that the collection of this trillion-dollar war bond will be shared among all people. No matter how much they are allocated, I am afraid they will not raise so much. The rest, It can only be compensated by their own family wealth.

This is definitely a pit.

Everyone started crying and mourning. Just when they saw everyone ’s expressions, Princess Jingxi smiled: "Please rest assured that as long as you are the most loyal people of the empire, you will definitely be willing to use all of your deposits to buy our War bonds, because, our war bonds are profitable. "

If you want to sell bonds, it must be profitable!


After hearing Princess Jingxi's words, everyone raised their heads and looked at Her Royal Highness. After all, everyone present valued the interests. As long as there were interests, they could certainly support them.

Princess Jing Xi looked at the greedy eyes in everyone's eyes, and could not help sighing in her heart. If it was before, she was still the carefree princess, and now, her heart has begun to care about this country, see The extremely large empire, in fact, is already decayed and degraded. Look at these people who have power to know that if there is no war, the empire may last for hundreds of years, but this war will make the empire The decaying mansion will collapse at any time.

And she needs to reinforce and support the Empire State Building. This is a difficult task.

"When we issued, we did not sell according to the denomination. The buyer, as long as he paid half the denomination." Princess Jing Xi said: "For example, if the war bond is one hundred stars, then the buyer As long as you use fifty star coins, you can buy it. We stipulate a period, such as twenty years. Then, when cashing in twenty years later, the holder can get a reward of one hundred star coins. It is equivalent to double the value added. "

If there is no interest, who will buy?

In 20 years, it will double in value. This is definitely a safer way to make money than any stock or fund!

To put it simply, as long as it beats inflation, in order to make the people of the country feel happy, all countries are slowly inflationary. Twenty years ago, the salary was 2,000, now, the salary is 3,000, then There will be a sense of accomplishment, but at the same time, the purchasing power has not changed. Twenty years ago, two dollars and one bun, now three dollars, even if there is no change, it will make people feel more happy.

This is necessary for inflation, but if inflation has doubled in two decades, it will definitely cause economic turmoil in the entire society.

In contrast, even if the profits of stocks and funds will be higher, they will also be very risky, especially stocks. Although the country cracks down on financial crimes, the use of stocks to circulate money is still prohibitive.

"Even if you don't cash in 20 years, if you want to cash in before, you can get the actual principal plus interest." Princess Jing Xi continued.

Many people have smiles on their faces. In this way, they can double their wealth! Of course, they are supportive of this policy. They can even use all their deposits to buy such war bonds, and they no longer have the attitude of just crying.

"This policy must be carried through. We have established a strong network mechanism. All war bonds purchased by everyone will be supervised. If anyone wants to make a fortune, it is committing treason, and I will act as an empire monitor. Minister, sentenced him to death. "

There are huge profits in it, and it is inevitable that some people will take advantage of the opportunity. For example, they control the issuance of war bonds, which were originally purchased at 50% off. They can sit on the floor and raise the price to 60% or 70%.

Or, if they do n’t sit on the floor and start pricing, they can also engage in some other famous places, such as start-up fees, storage fees, and inspection fees. These guys, as long as they talk about how to search, are definitely a set.

It ’s the time of war, this is a bond of war. Who wants to make money in this way, that is treason. Now, Princess Jing Xi has not yet discharged her duty of supervising the minister. She can sentence her directly without asking your majesty. death penalty.

Hearing this, many people's faces changed, and they were really taken care of. Instead of waiting for appreciation after 20 years, there must be more people expecting to make a fortune now.

Dare to make money, do you dare to send?

It was like the original earthquake, when the mobile communication company made a decision: whoever owed their mobile phone, they would add 50 yuan to the phone bill. In the earthquake-stricken area, they could no longer pay through the business hall, and they Relatives are looking forward to talking to them.

The results of it? The unscrupulous businessmen found the opportunity, immediately took the machine, got some new cards, directly opened, and then entered the automatic charge process, they made millions in a short time.

This is the national treasure.

There is no bottom line for merchants. Now Princess Jingxi must beat them repeatedly, and at the same time, they must also respond well. This is network monitoring.

After all, there is Kevin, and this computer network genius, then do n’t be afraid of anything. He has built a dynamic monitoring system. If there are any abnormalities, he can immediately find out. At the same time, anyone who wants to buy can also go directly. The process of Princess Jingxi here can be purchased directly through the Internet.

This minimizes the possibility of full pockets.

"Okay, this matter is currently the top priority. Now, do you have anything else?" Princess Jing Xi said, she would not give them a chance to answer: "If there is nothing, you can go. Now, go back to San Diego and arrange this task. I look forward to your good news. "

Princess Jingxi wouldn't let them speak at all!

Everyone looked at each other, watching Princess Jingxi had stood up, and wanted to leave, knowing that if she didn't speak again, there was no chance to speak.

"We greet Her Royal Highness back to the Star of San Diego." Seeing that even Governor Peter didn't speak, Duke Cape could only make this request.

"Yes, we welcome Her Royal Highness to return to San Diego Star." Governor Peter said, "His Royal Highness, here is too backward, look at the house you live in, it is too small, wronged you, all officials of our colony Deeply guilty. "

"Welcome Her Royal Highness back to San Diego Star." Others also shouted together, as if it had been rehearsed in advance.



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