Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 300: The future of the colony

The colonial capital of San Diego.

It was already late at night, all surrounded by silence, only in a small house that looked inconspicuous, and several people were talking carefully.

"I'm afraid the war situation is not good for us."

"Yeah, now, the connection between Sacred Star has been broken, maybe, Sacred Star has ..."

These sounds, old, but with calm and cunning, now gathered in this hut, is the entire colony, a few prominent families, but, do not know whether it is intentional, or forgotten, they did not call Martin family.

The Martin family, a large family engaged in armaments, are now making money. They are constantly producing starships, especially on their production line. At least three battleship starships are now under construction.

As for cruisers and the like, there are countless.

How is Holy Star? Duke Cape did not say anything, and shook his head: "Now, Princess Jingxi is coming again. I guess she will definitely move out the set on the Holy Star as soon as she comes."

A set on the holy star? Several people around were suddenly shocked: "Which set?"

"You do n’t know, do n’t you know? Although our colony is a remote wilderness, but everyone should have heard that not long ago, on the Holy Star, almost half of the nobles were forced to turn over all their property. . "

This matter is of course clear to everyone, but this matter is too taboo. Most people dare not say it directly, only Duke Cape, who dare to tell it so boldly.

There are not many people who know the causes and consequences of this incident. After all, there are two official and private versions of the news from Shengxing, and in the process of spreading, it will inevitably change.

Therefore, don't look at any publicity, just look at the results. One family has been uprooted, and all of them have been distributed to Death Star, and some families have turned over all their family property, and are finally exempted from punishment.

Pour a Heshen, fat Kagurira, quietly spread in the circle, but no one dared to raise it to the surface, and now, everyone is like a mirror in their hearts.

"Princess Jingxi took the staff and retreated to our colony. I was fancy with the wildness of the colony. At one and a half moments, the Fibre Empire did not take care of it. It was the Fibre Empire that kept occupying the main galaxies of our empire. At the same time, she can use this time to build a new fleet to counterattack. "

"God, if she does this, she will bring down the economy of our entire colony! We don't have the resources to build a huge interstellar fleet!"

This is simply impossible. The main fleet of the empire can only be established by taxes and so on in the prosperous center of the empire. The entire colony is desolate, there are not many livable planets, and the industry is very single. The three major fleets that maintain the current colony are already the largest that do not affect the development of the colony.

And now, the creation of the new battleship was even donated by Princess Jingxi last time.

now what? To build a large-scale fleet will put a heavy burden on the entire colony and even bring down the colony's economy. Is it worth the empire?

The colony was not valued at all. The colony did not receive any benefits in the development of the empire. It has always been dedicated to the empire. Now, it is to use all the funds of the entire colony to fill a bottomless hole!

"So, when Princess Jingxi comes, it is likely to follow suit." Duke Cape's voice said coldly.

How to do it in the same way?

Of course, it is to suppress these big families and give them all to copy the house, so that their property can become a powerful fleet, which is much easier than raising taxes on the private sector!

Princess Jingxi, would you do this?

This is the fastest way to build a powerful fleet. To achieve this, she must be able to sacrifice everything!

His own family business, that is from generations to generations, how many years of wealth has been accumulated before it reaches the current scale, and it should be dedicated to the empire? Impossible, how is that possible!

This is something they can never promise, even if the empire falls, what does it have to do with them? They can continue to guard their wealth, and even under the new ruler, they can continue to be their nobles!

"The Fibre Empire has built so many powerful fleets, so they must also be financially empty." At this time, Duke Cape continued to speak: "They are fighting to fight, so if they occupy the empire It ’s more likely that it ’s a search, even worse than our majesty ’s methods. "

Unlike the sacred Armenian Empire, the Fibre Empire implemented a military system, His Majesty had terrible power, and the power of the nobles was very little. .

If they are allowed to occupy the empire, are they willing to support these local nobles, or are they willing to burn the noble houses and evacuate their properties?

Of course, the latter is more direct!

"So, now, in front of us, all kinds of roads are very obvious." Duke Cape's eyes, looking at the people present, said: "If you continue to follow the Armenian Empire, then we will actively or passively contribute all We must tighten our belts, contribute to the entire empire, win this war, or destroy it in the end. If we surrendered the Fibre Empire, then we may also be wiped out, and our property is Fibre The empire searched. Our people will die. "

"Then what should we do?" Everyone is already looking like the earth. At this time, they are already six gods and no master.

Looking at these people, Duke Cape's mind relaxed a little. Now, everyone agrees with his analysis of the situation, and then it's easy to handle.

The words I said today were passed out, and I was absolutely dead, so I must give them a bright future and tie them to the same tank, so that they will follow me and follow the same path Road.

"We were originally located on the cantilever of the Milky Way, which was originally insignificant. The two empires of ours are most important to the central zone. We are the most desolate here. Now, this opportunity is just right. Duke Cape said: "Our own destiny, our own decision! Our own wealth, our own distribution!"



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