Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 286: This is formalism

After running, this breakfast was very delicious, even the chubby officers only like to eat mountain and sea food. Now, I went to the soldiers ’canteen to eat with the soldiers, and I did n’t feel how difficult these meals were. Eat, just feel sweet and delicious, it is simply the best meal ever eaten.

When the meal was over, everyone assembled again. Qin Tian stood in front of the team and said, "I don't care what you used to be. In short, since I am the commander, you must know that you must listen to me. Order, now, in order to make the barracks really look like a barracks, I make a few more requests. "

Was it the three fires that the new official took office yesterday? Qin Tian is not three fires, Qin Tian has countless fires burning.

After talking, Qin Tian pointed to the ground and said, "Last night, everyone did a very good job. Our entire barracks were painted with a pace line. Do you still know the military regulations? Two people make a trip, three people make a trip Column. "

Regardless of whether it is a step forward or a step forward, one step is 75 centimeters. Qin Tian requires 75 centimeters to brush this pace line. Of course it is useful. In the future, they will no longer have any loose style. They must strictly follow the army ’s Ask to come.

As long as you come out, you must walk neatly, just like a flag-raising ceremony. Here, no liberal style is allowed!

What if it's a person? Someone thought secretly in his mind, but no one dared to collide with Qin Tian. Even if such a question was raised, the consequences would be terrible. What if the mountain was run down the mountain again?

"If it is a person, then wait, and wait until there is another person, form a queue and then go." Qin Tian said.

Huh, even if you go to the toilet and go to a large size in the future, you must give me such rules!

Qin Tian ’s request reminded the officers present at the West Point Military Academy. This is the most famous military academy in history. This military academy requires students to walk, even if they make a turn, they must be in the same 90 degrees. Now, Qin Tian's requirements are definitely stricter than West Point Military Academy.

Some of these soldiers have suffered in the future.

"Second, it is your housework." Qin Tian said: "Although I did not go in, but you also know in your heart, the housework in your barracks is absolutely unqualified!"

When I heard Qin Tian ’s words, the soldiers were all muttering, not good, the day of tofu chunks is coming again. In the future, I will have to use cardboard, even sprinkling water on the quilt, and after folding it, Even at night, they are reluctant to spread out.

Qin Tian ’s request, of course, is more than one tofu block. He continued: "All your mouthwash cups should be neatly arranged on the table, the cups should be in the same direction, and the toothbrush and toothpaste inside should be exactly the same. ! "

This toothpaste is consistent, and many people spend a lot of time. Finally, everyone found that they don't need toothpaste at all. In the mouthwash cup, every time a whole tube of toothpaste is brushed, this looks the cleanest.

Qin Tian's requirements are quite many, and one is stricter than the other.

"In your personal cupboard, the clothes should be folded neatly for me!" Qin Tian said: "A set of camouflage, a set of shirts, two sets of summer clothes, placed on the right side of the cabinet, the notebook on the left, and His Majesty the Empire Quotations, the rest, are all received in your camouflage backpack. "

Qin Tian ’s request was so in place that later on, everyone would not recognize who was whose cabinet, because the things inside were exactly the same, but fortunately there were numbers outside, and some people were quite dissatisfied with formalism. It is totally formalism.

Yes, Qin Tian is engaged in formalism, but this is absolutely meaningful, so that the army ’s previous lazy style was completely swept away in a short period of time, and it has cultivated their complete obedience. Listening to the spirit of the commander, no matter what order Qin Tian gives, they must execute it. For example, they should walk in steps, as long as they do not stop, even if there is a cliff in front, they must continue to move forward.

Qin Tianxun had been talking for a long time, and the entire request was almost filled with a few pages of notebooks. After that, in the morning, it was handed over to them to sort out the housework!

When it comes to sorting out housekeeping, it is definitely an easy game job, but now, sorting out housekeeping has become quite scary. These requirements are too much. They not only have to complete, but also guarantee quality and quantity!

If it is not completed, you will be punished, cleaning the toilet, cleaning the canteen, and even the bushes on the hillside outside, you can leave it to them for pruning.

Qin Tian is definitely a king to speak of tossing people. The officers present admire the five-body cast. They used to make trouble, but that was for bribery. After they had asked for it, they did not make trouble. Qin Tian was pure. Relying on interest, he was so tossed that almost no one had a good life.

"Have you all seen it?" Qin Tian asked the officers of all sizes.

"Yes." Everyone stood upright and answered loudly.

"I ’ve assigned it to each of you. You are responsible for each of our bases. I will go on spot checks from time to time. If the following is not done, you are also responsible. If you do not do well, you will be given I get out! "Qin Tian said:" Do you understand? "

"Understood!" Everyone answered loudly.

"As you manage each base, you must also train your own individual skills. You must remember that our assessment is definitely not pretended. If you cannot pass the assessment, you will all get rid of me! "


No one doubts Qin Tian ’s words. Qin Tian can definitely say that he can do it. Either, they will start their family relationship and drive Qin Tian away, or they will kill Qin Tian. If they don't, they can only be fooled by Qin Tian honestly.

Qin Tian ’s approach was absolutely fruitful. In a short period of time, the atmosphere of the entire army was completely new, and after Qin Tian finished all this, he could finally return to the office and enjoy the treatment he should enjoy as a general Too.

Occasionally think of it, go down and inspect, no matter where you go, it is exactly the same as the base Qin Tian gave as an example. No one dares to listen to Qin Tian ’s orders. Everyone accepted it in a very short time. Qin Tian ’s command and Qin Tian ’s military power are now under control. What order he wants to give can definitely be carried out immediately.



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