Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 277: promoted

It is also a common practice to keep a car and keep a car. When a subordinate makes a mistake, he will punish the subordinate severely. The stricter the better, this way, you can avoid yourself being punished, and the fault of the leader can be exempted. Too.

For example, even if the subordinate is only running a red light, the subordinate can be expelled, so that the superior will be satisfied and feel that he is extremely loyal to the superior.

Now, when Duke Liurek heard that the base gun was actually aimed at his anti-matter factory, he almost opened fire, and killed Princess Jingxi, he could no longer be calm. If it is investigated, it will be a big crime, so, Simply grab all the people inside the base gun and wait for it to fall.

Princess Jingxi frowned: "Duke Rurik, this belongs to us ..."

Princess Jing Xi just wanted to say that this is a problem of our system. It must be investigated and the designer's responsibility is not related to the soldiers. However, before her words were finished, Her Majesty interrupted her. : "Yes, this matter, we must be investigated, those soldiers, first shut up and wait for my punishment!"

The expression on Duke Rurik's face was solemn, and it was obvious that His Majesty was very angry. I wonder if the commander's negligence will be pursued next.

"The entire defensive department of the Holy Star has a lot of dereliction of duty." His Majesty said: "All are given a warning punishment! As for the department commander, he will first suspend his work and reflect. During this time, Qin Tian will take over temporarily.

Even the commander of the department was removed, which made everyone stunned. Qin Tian was also very strange. When he came to Shengxing, he was just an idle general without any power, not to mention that he had obtained the rank of general. , But there are no soldiers, it is a vain duty.

That is now, as a deputy to Princess Jingxi, it is considered to have some power, but now, suddenly, His Majesty promoted him to a very important position.

Guard the Holy Star!

As the last force, the holy star garrison troops are ready to fight in the final decisive battle. When they start to enter the fighting state, it means that the holy star is all surrounded by enemies, they are fighting to death, just to dignity.

This army should have been carrying a noble and sacred belief, but now, hundreds of years of peace have completely let this army relax.

There can be no battles for the troops. If the enemy is actually in the city, there is no chance of resistance. The anti-matter cannon of the other party will destroy the entire planet at any time. Their guards are nothing but scorpions.

If the vigilance of this unit is high enough, after finding that the base artillery is rotating, it knows that there is a situation, and it can be prevented in time, such as cutting off the power supply of the entire base, and so on.

Now, Qin Tian was suddenly transferred to this position, which had a deep intention.

Qin Tian ’s loyalty and fighting will are trustworthy.

As a general from below, the general who stepped up step by step, Qin Tian went through a arduous battle, and even every battle was thrilling. Qin Tian worked hard to fight it out.

If there is no strong will to fight, it is impossible. If there is not enough loyalty, then it is impossible. Qin Tian can go to where he is now, relying on loyalty and fighting.

And now, it is a good opportunity. All the departments of Shengxing are controlled by the dignitaries, and the generals of all the troops are almost nobles. This crucial defense department of Shengxing is also led by the nobility. Now In order to get enough funds for the army, His Majesty has started to take the nobility. Then, in this, will anyone want to murder him?

Only by handing it to someone you believe in, that ’s okay. Qin Tian is under the trust of Princess Jingxi, that is, the Emperor Kagurila trusted.

Is it just by taking advantage of this opportunity to replace this vital part of the Holy Star with a more trusted man, isn't it one stone and two birds?

This is the real thought of His Majesty Kagurila. Of course, this idea cannot be said to Qin Tian yet.

Qin Tian changed from a general with no real power to the most powerful general on the Holy Star. He protected the sky and General Lane protected the ground, so that with the protection of the two of them, the Holy Star could be safe and sound.

Hearing the father and emperor's arrangement, Princess Jingxi was stunned for a moment, then, her face also flashed with joy, this arrangement is great!

The supervisory department of the empire, Princess Jingxi can pick it up by herself, and with this period of work, Princess Jingxi has also met some trusted people as her deputy. Now, let Qin Tian take more steps For important positions, Princess Jingxi is of course an unquestionable one.

Qin Tian's heart was actually a whisper. He was originally a spaceship-based aircraft and fought in space. This kind of fixed turret is often the target of his own attack. Although this is not a cross-professional, However, Qin Tian also needs to adapt for a period of time. He is not a regular military school graduate and has no experience in commanding the artillery unit of the base. But now, he knows that he has no possibility of quitting.

"Qin Tian, ​​your task is very important. After taking office, you must refresh the spirit of the entire army. There must be no similar omissions, otherwise, you will be severely punished!"

His Majesty said this, meaning that this location is not so ridiculous. This is a hot potato, which is definitely not fragrant.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Qin Tian agreed. For him, no matter what was ahead, the thorns were dangerous, and the mountains and rivers, he could only take a big step forward, and there was absolutely no possibility of retreating.

Because he has no way back.

Princess Jing Xi also gave him an encouraging look, don't be afraid, I will support you spiritually!

Qin Tian nodded.

So, under this misunderstanding, Qin Tian obtained his first position on the holy star commensurate with the title of general, the commander of the sacred Armenian Barzan Star Ball Defense Force.

He is in charge of a total of 68 base guns on the entire Holy Star. These base guns can strike any aircraft around the Holy Star and 10 astronomical units at any time. He also has a perfect defense network, even a small one. The block of micrometeorite is also under his control.

On the afternoon of the same day, Qin Tian left and took office. The headquarters of the defensive force was located in the fleet headquarters next to the palace on the Holy Star. It had a small three-storey building alone. In front of the small building, the big gold-inlaid sign glittered.

Looking at the star shining on his shoulder, Qin Tian's mood was particularly good this day. He finally had the actual military power, and of course, he also had a heavy responsibility.



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