Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 268: scapegoat

Pedro suddenly turned around and rushed out. This is a suburb. Although the Holy Star has a lot of land and gold, the distribution ratio of the Holy Star to the land is fixed. Construction land and green land are almost one to one. Here, outside is the dense forest, as long as he can rush into the forest, he can escape.

It seems easy.

When he rushed out, he must find an opportunity to report to the superior, and he found a traitor and a spy! In this way, you will make achievements, and may be able to save the destiny of the family.

Moreover, there was no footsteps behind him, and that Tailin simply couldn't chase her.

Pedro's brain was both nervous and scared. He just wanted to leave here quickly, the sooner the better.

Then, suddenly, his head did not know what had hit him. He felt his skull was going to be smashed, and then bounced back violently.

He took a few steps backwards, still standing unsteadily, and finally sat on the ground, looking at the transparent air in front, as if he understood something, he continued to move forward, trying to rush over, but, again, was bounced .

Just near this house, a shielding force field has been established. This house has become a prison!

With the continuous development of physics, it has become possible to construct a force field artificially. This force field is a field that is invisible and untouchable, but can actually play a role. Some noble houses have this This kind of force field generator can prevent any outsiders from entering, and the effect is similar to the anti-theft network in ancient times. It is mainly used to prevent theft.

However, it can also prevent people from going out at random, just like now, Pedro can't go out, he has been trapped here!

"In the empire, it is against the law to restrict personal liberty at will!" Pedro tried three times in a row and knew that he could not get out, so he turned around and said coldly to Tailin.

Then, he was stunned again. At this moment, there was one more person beside Tailin. That was a very powerful and powerful man. This man also wore human exoskeleton!

"What about then, someone has to know it!" Tai Lin said: "You'd better do it with us. Since you already know so much, don't you want to go back? Huh, it seems, you Sure enough, it is the stupidest one in the entire Bell family. No wonder it will be used by the emperor, and your property will be scraped clean. Since ancient times, it has been a cruel hand to his courtiers. Our majesty is the first one. "

Yes, Emperor Cagurila also created a history. Unless it was in the early days of the founding of the country, for the stability of the empire, the heroes were killed cleanly. By the middle and later stages of the country, this act of acting against the officials is really Rarely.

This will shake the foundation of the rule, and will make the courtiers lose their last loyalty to the empire. This Emperor Cagurila is simply destroying the Great Wall and helping the Fibre Empire.

If a country collapses from within, it is even more irreparable.

The poisonous tongue Tailin did not think more, he now, there is an important thing, slaughter traitors!

His real goal was Numerov. Through his own unique intelligence channels, he had learned that Numerov and Kepler had gone to the anti-matter factory, and they went there to find their own way!

The plan to slaughter the traitor was formulated in this way, but Tai Lin did not immediately start it. If he does it here, he will expose himself. A spy who has become an imperial noble is quite important. Because he was exposed by an assassination, he wanted to find a substitute for the dead.

This Pedro is just sent to the door, great. If this guy has a rebellious behavior, everyone will hate him. At the same time, it is also natural that this guy serves as a guide for a series of recent events. Huo Su, is definitely the role of being punished, no one will doubt.

If you want to do big things, you must first find a way out, arrange for the dead ghost, so that you will not expose yourself.

It happened that both Princess Jingxi and Qin Tian had gone, so it would be better, and it could play a better role. If Princess Jingxi died, what would happen to your sad sire?

It will definitely be thoroughly investigated, so that I do n’t know how many people will be involved. In the recent incident, those big families sold their family property to be considered alive. However, if Princess Jing Xi was assassinated, they must be suspected. , I do n’t know how many people are going to suffer. Once they are investigated, sentenced, and exiled, the high level of the empire will be completely turbulent.

The various nobles blamed each other for self-preservation. Infighting, His Majesty angered his subordinates because they lost their loved ones. Once the high-level chaos of the empire was in chaos, it would be more beneficial to the Fibre Empire.

If the nobles found that the situation was not good, they would unite and overthrow Kagurila the Great to let the entire Holy Star blood flow into the river. What a pleasant sight.

Thinking of this, there was a satisfied smile on Tailin's face.

Pedro looked at Tyrin, as if he saw a devil.

His body began to tremble, and the strong man, like an eagle catching a chick, lifted his body up, and then carried him and walked into the room.

"Let me go, let me go, I will die, and I will not treat you as a dead ghost! The Empire will not let me go anyway!" Pedro cried.

"Then you'd better work together, so that you can die more comfortably. Would you like to try this?" Tailin held a shock rod in his hand, and then, he put Pedro in At the same time as he was on a chair, Tylin's electric shock rod had stabbed on Pedro's body.

Tens of tens of thousands of volts of electricity spread to Pedro's body, as if there were countless ants creeping in his body suddenly, he yelled out, his body continued to shake, several Next, he fainted.

"Stupid." Tai Lin said, and then said: "Come on, use his personal information to log on the Internet."

A window in front of Pedro was activated.

Computer networks have been developed for a long time. With the continuous advancement of technology, individuals do not need a computer with Internet access at all. Any interface that can be activated around them has Internet access.

However, the identity must be verified first, including the basic characteristics of fingerprints and irises, so in this era, the network sprayer has long disappeared, and swearing will be chased by people.

Pedro's finger was pressed on the landing interface, and then his head was pressed into the iris recognition area, and his eyes were broken apart.



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