Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 238: Military Regulation 270

"Where is this?"

A pair of cold eyes, slowly opened, just when his eyes opened, in the cold, but with a trace of surprise, in the memory, at the end, it was the bitter cold, and he entered the energy In the star's liquid ocean, as a result, the entire starship is frozen!

At that time, didn't you freeze to death?

So, who are you now? Is it a cloned product?

"His Royal Highness, you finally woke up. This time it was a successful thaw. It was a biological miracle. Hello, do you remember everything before?"

An old man appeared in front of him. The old man's face was covered with wrinkles and his face was filled with joy. The eyes of the four princes rolled a few times, and his consciousness slowly recovered. He recognized: "Nu Merov? "

"Yes, Your Highness, it's me." Numerov looked at the four princes to recognize himself, and looked very excited. He had left all other unhappiness behind him: "His Royal Highness, congratulations, you have been reborn."


More consciousness is slowly recovering. The four princes know that they are frozen and all the cells are frozen. Ordinarily, one cell can be used to clone a normal person, but the body can be cloned. However, consciousness cannot be transferred. Until now, brain scientists have not been able to transfer the driving skills of a strong and strictly trained carrier aircraft pilot to ordinary clones.

This makes it difficult for cloned carrier-based aircraft pilots to meet their needs. Therefore, cloned pilots only meet the quantitative requirements, but cannot meet the quality requirements.

I should have survived, not cloned a somatic cell to overcharge, but where is this? By the way, Numerov, isn't he in the opponent's camp?

When he thought of this, he stared at Numerov violently: "Where is this?"

"Imperial Central Hospital."

"Which empire?"

"Of course it is the Armenian Empire. Now that the peace talks are going on, Your Majesty you will soon return to the Fibre Empire." Numerov said.

When he said this, he stopped suddenly, and the two hands of the four princes suddenly stretched out, like big pliers, holding his neck, and his two eyes protruded, looking in horror. With four princes.

His mouth wanted to breathe, but he couldn't breathe. His face turned purple. His hands wanted to pull the four princes' hands away, but, with no strength, he felt his chest become more and more sullen, and his eyes It's going to be black.

"You traitor, sin is unforgivable!" The fourth prince's voice was very loud, as if a gong was knocked on Numerov's ear. Numerov felt that there were small stars in front of him, and in his mind, This voice is constantly echoing.

Traitor, sin is unforgivable? How can you be a traitor?

The fourth prince could not have watched the TV broadcast, the news hookup was broadcast in the morning. At that time, the fourth prince had not yet awakened. Numerov came here, watching the awakening of the four princes, that is, the four princes did not Being influenced by that news, why would he consider himself a traitor? The four princes know it, and he may not be very clear otherwise, but he knows that Numerov is on Princess Jingxi ’s spaceship, as long as there is not a traitor, but also what?

In this life-and-death war, the four princes are cruel. He can direct his fleet to commit suicide attacks, and he hates traitors the most.

Numerov felt that his worldview was slowly collapsing. He did not expect that he had become a traitor in the eyes of the other party?

"Click." Numerov heard a terrible voice in his throat.

"On our planet, a war broke out in ancient times." At this time, outside, looking at the picture on the display, Numerov was pinched by the four princes and screamed a traitor, but Qin Tian was very relaxed. , Introduced to Princess Jingxi on the side: "It was a terrible world war. At the beginning, a country fell into a passive state, and half of the country was lost, and it would be impossible to withstand it. The supreme leader gave a terrible order. "

"Is it military rule 270?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

Qin Tian was shocked for a moment: "Your Royal Highness, do you actually know?"

Princess Jing Xi nodded.

In the past, she certainly would not pay attention to these, but now, the country has entered a state of total war, and Princess Jing Xi has exhausted all her strength and wants to help the father emperor win this war.

Although the entire galaxy is huge, with a huge number of stars and civilizations, these civilizations have a history of singing and weeping in the development, but Princess Jingxi is concerned about an army in a war on this small planet Regulations, how can this make Qin Tian not admire?

"Commanders and political workers who conceal their identities during battles, take small missions, or surrender to the enemy will be considered deliberate defectors. Their family members will be considered as family members of the deserters who betrayed their motherland and will be arrested." Princess Jing Xi will The words are said, of course, not the full text, but the most shocking and terrible ones are selected: "Instruct every soldier, if the troops are surrounded, be sure to do everything possible to fight to the last moment and highlight the encirclement. If The commander or political commissar does not actively organize to repel the enemy, but chooses to surrender to the enemy, and they can be eliminated by all means. "

The meaning of this command is very simple. After entering the battlefield, everyone must actually fight until the battle is killed, even if they are captured, they will be treated as defectors.

This was an extremely cruel command, made under extreme circumstances at the time.

When the country had signs of collapse at that time, it was necessary to use strong means to contain the internal factors that caused the collapse.

Princess Jing Xi sighed and continued to add: "It is wise to read history. The countless historical facts have used bones and blood to tell us that the injustice of personal destiny is insignificant in the face of the life and death of the country and nation. In extreme cases Yes, there is no problem with such a judgment, and even the families of the enemy who are involved are executed and executed, which is understandable. "

Qin Tian knew Princess Jingxi's sigh, she was afraid that the empire would go that way, what cruel war was that?

However, Princess Jingxi has also made this preparation. If at that time, she will become the person who gave the order. She already has such a ideological power.

However, this is all a matter of the future. When her thoughts came back, Princess Jingxi immediately discovered that she had forgotten Teacher Numerov.

"Come on, save yourself!" Princess Jing Xi shouted.



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