Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 234: Science knows no borders

On the planet where Qin Tian was born, the French microbiologist and chemist Chemist Pasteur said in this way, the original saying is "Although science has no national boundaries, scholars have his own country."

However, at the time, his sentence was not particularly famous. Later, after the German occupation of France, Pasteur, who was a Frenchman, returned the honorary certificate given to him by his alma mater, the University of Bonn. "When he came to persuade him, he added the following sentence after" Science Without Borders ":" But scientists have a motherland ", it is really loud and deaf.

Science has no borders, but scientists have a motherland, and at no time can they sell their country.

Later, there was a clown who jumped on the beam and stood up to advertise that the technology has no borders, and then he felt very wronged. Whoever has advanced technology, I will support who is wrong? Is this wrong? This sounding statement is generally shit, and of course the technology has national boundaries. Advanced foreign technology will block you. Until you research it yourself, you will suddenly let go and let you use foreign technology. Use this to suppress your ability to innovate.

Now, Numerov said that science has no borders. In the past, he may still agree that when he brought a delegation to the Holy Star as a guest, and the scientists on the Holy Star, it was free to talk and talk about everything.

However, it is now a period of war, and a scientific advancement may bring huge effects, and even influence the outcome of the war.

The saying that science has no borders is even more untenable in the face of war. Only an old scholar like Numerov would think so.

"I heard that you are studying the technology of artificially making wormholes. I don't know how it is going?" Kepler's next words made Numerov's body shake.

As a famous astronomer of the Fibre Empire, Numerov also knew that they were studying the technology of artificially making wormholes in China. If this technology is successful, it will bring great convenience to the navigation of the entire galaxy. .

But now it seems that once this technology is successful, it will be used in warfare first. The current Armenian Empire mainly relies on their Mackino line to defend. If this technology breaks through, then their Mackino The line of defense is completely useless. The fleet of the Fibre Empire can directly pass through the artificial wormhole and reach around the Holy Star.

This technology is the focus of the research of the Fibre Empire, especially the Second Prince, who has concentrated almost all his resources on research, and looks forward to a breakthrough in this technology.

However, it is difficult.

"First of all, to make a wormhole artificially, the wormhole is still enough to let the starship pass, then, the energy required is quite a lot, conservatively speaking, at least a star energy is also needed, we may need to explode a star, In order to obtain such energy. "As a representative of technology without borders, Numerov said these words without any scruples.

Because this was originally the consensus of all people.

In those science fiction movies, such as "Battlestar Galactica", the wormhole is too simple to make, as long as there is a countdown, and you can directly JUMP, but in fact, it is definitely not that simple.

In addition to requiring massive amounts of energy, another one also needs positioning.

"The wormhole has two ends. If you want to make a wormhole, you need to do it in two spaces at the same time, get some connection with each other, and establish this channel." Numerov continued.

These are the two major problems of wormholes, one is energy and the other is the determination of space. It is definitely not OK to determine a coordinate on the star map. In short, these two problems are enough to make people head big.

If the Fibre Empire wants to create a wormhole and open a passage around the holy star, it means that they must do something in the starry sky around the holy star. This is simply impossible. Here is Under absolute protection.

"Yes, these are problems, but if there is a lot of effort to study, is there a breakthrough?" Kepler continued: "After all, there are still many unsolved mysteries in the universe."

"Yes, this vast universe, there are too many things we need to study, want to open artificial wormholes, now there are two directions, one is dark matter, the other is neutron star."

Dark matter, as the name suggests, is dark. In the dark universe, there is also a dark matter, that is, it is completely invisible.

Although it is invisible, scientists can still study it, mainly through the gravitational phenomenon of celestial bodies, the gravitational lens effect, the formation of large-scale structures of the universe, and microwave background radiation.

These observations indicate that dark matter may be abundant in galaxies, star clusters and the universe, and its mass is much greater than the sum of the masses of all visible objects in the universe!

It is surprising enough to think about it. The universe you see is not the whole universe, but only a small part of the universe. Later, a combination of microwave anisotropy observation and standard cosmological model appeared in the universe. The calculation results of this model show that it is determined that dark matter in the universe accounts for 85% of the total mass of all matter.

In this way, if the essence of dark matter can be studied, it will grasp the true meaning of the universe and artificially construct wormholes, and it may become a reality. At that time, everyone can want to go anywhere at any time, rather than relying on the existing universe. The wormhole that originally existed.

However, until now, only knowing that the dark matter is composed of "weakly interacting mass particles", other research has not progressed.

The research entrusted to dark matter is like the moon in the mirror and flowers in the water.

In contrast, neutron stars are more reliable.

A neutron is a basic nucleus that makes up a nucleus, and a neutron star is one of the few possible destinations after a star has evolved to the last stage and has undergone a supernova explosion through gravitational collapse.

Originally, there were a large number of elements in the star, including hydrogen, helium, carbon, and other elements, which were depleted in nuclear fusion reactions. When they were finally transformed into iron elements, they could not obtain energy from nuclear fusion.

In this way, the outer material that has lost the support of thermal radiation pressure will quickly fall toward the core due to gravity, which may cause the kinetic energy of the outer shell to be converted into thermal energy to explode to produce a supernova explosion. This will have different results, and may become white dwarfs, neutron stars and even black holes .

During the process of the white dwarf being compressed into a neutron star, the star was subjected to violent compression so that the electrons in its constituent material merged into protons and converted into neutrons. The diameter was only about ten kilometers, but the top one cubic centimeter of matter can weigh one billion tons. , And the rotation speed is extremely fast!

In this way, no detector can reach the neutron star. The gravity above is too strong, which is also a gap in the study of civilization. On the neutron star, there may be some secrets.



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