Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 216: Drag word magic

In ancient times, it was true that duels were used to solve problems. Even from the age of mythology, the two men fought in front of Zeus to prove that they were the masters of the beautiful Helen, and the loser was the liar.

This was also a logical thinking at the time: God judged right from wrong. What is lost is naturally evil.

It has even been adopted by the judiciary. For example, if a person accuses another person of committing a certain crime before the judge, and the other party firmly refuses to admit it, the judge will let the two duel, and whoever wins the duel will win the lawsuit.

People at the time believed that in this kind of duel ruled by God, the righteous side would not be defeated.

The loser will be punished by the law even if he is lucky. Moreover, even more amazing is that if the parties do not accept the judge ’s decision, they can also submit a duel to the judge. If they win, they can overturn the decision.

At that time, it was also terrible to be a judge, because he would be provoked at any time. Once the duel failed, it meant that he was not a qualified judge.

However, this is a matter of ancient times. This kind of chivalry is regarded as a joke. Only nerds such as Viscount Walid will propose this way to gain the hearts of their beloved women.

Naive, ridiculous!

"No, Her Royal Highness, I want to let you know that I am definitely not a cowardly person. I can also become as hard as steel when needed. For you, I am willing to do everything." Viscount Walid Said.

His voice was a little loud, and everyone on the floor heard it. This is simply Chi Guoguo's demonstrating his love for Princess Jingxi. At the same time, it also shows that the person that Princess Jingxi likes is Qin Tian!

Qin Tianlen was in place, he knew that his relationship with Princess Jingxi could not be disclosed until he had accumulated a certain amount of strength, otherwise there would be more problems, but Qin Tian did not expect that he was actually The design genius of this carrier-based aircraft was revealed to the public.

There is no airtight wall, this thing will definitely spread to the holy star, to your majesty's ears, you know, those who are entertainment circles, like to do such a thing! Their sense of smell is the most sensitive. In order to attract people's attention, of course, they must choose explosive news.

It won't take long for the two men to fight for Princess Jingxi, and it will become a riot.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian felt a bit big.

Qin Tian is not afraid of a duel. When he did not enter the carrier-based aircraft unit, he was in the underground arena. There were too many life and death duels with others. How many times did he defeat his opponent when he was on the verge of death. He was also very rich. experience of.

It can be said that if Viscount Walid is going to duel with Qin Tian, ​​no matter what method, Qin Tian will definitely beat Viscount Walid in three strokes.

This is not an order of magnitude at all. If the opponent comes to a duel, it is to find the abuse.

Of course, under the current medical technology, there will be no life-threatening duel, unless the head is knocked on when it comes up, the white flower's brain plasma comes out, the brain is damaged, other ways, even if the leg is cut off, you can Connect.

Qin Tian didn't know what to say. He was not afraid of a duel, but he was afraid of making the matter bigger. If it became serious, then Princess Jingxi would be embarrassed.

Qin Tian grew up on his own. He has accumulated a wealth of personal experience. He is definitely not comparable to the carefree Walled Viscount. He is also a master of insight. Qin Tian did not respond to the challenge of Viscount Walid, but looked at Princess Jingxi. Now, Qin Tian listens to Princess Jingxi. If Master Jingxi admits defeat, Then I admit defeat now.

Princess Jing Xi's face was red and white for a while, and she was at a loss for a while.

At this time, the warriors of the shipborne planes returning from the battle had already lined up in the open space in front of them. A complete square formation, they stood very neatly and stood up, waiting for Princess Jingxi to speak, but now, very Obviously encountered an accident.

They suffocated and no one dared to laugh. This scene always made people have the urge to laugh. This tall and thin officer obviously had a swollen face to become fat, but this officer seemed to be very prestigious. Even Qin Tian admired it, and the ranks of the ranks were different. They did not dare to laugh at the superior officers.

Qin Tian looked at Princess Jingxi's appearance and knew that Princess Jingxi was still indecisive, not knowing what to do, so he couldn't wait any longer.

"The expedition of the carrier-based aircraft has returned safely, please princess training."

If you don't know how to do it, dragging, dragging, is a magic weapon applicable in any era, dragging, dragging yellow.

Princess Jingxi also recovered, and no longer went to the Viscount Livalid, said to the phalanx of carrier aircraft pilots: "Brave soldiers, you have completed an unprecedented huge victory, I represent the empire, to you Congratulations on the return! "

There was a round of applause below.

"Since the beginning of the war, everyone has fought bloody, stuck to the defense of Mackino, faced multiple enemies, and maintained a high fighting spirit. Now, our perseverance has finally ushered in the dawn of hope. The enemy has been defeated and our reinforcements have arrived ! "

Princess Jingxi reacted and began to enter a state, encouraging morale, just a few words, and then the meeting was closed, let everyone rest, and you can leave here.

Then, urge the captain and tell them that if anyone dares to reveal a little secret in this matter, he will wait for the military law!

It can only be like this.

The Viscount Walid was aside and was left aside. Originally, Princess Jingxi said that the reinforcements were coming and wanted to introduce the Viscount Walid to lead the reinforcements. However, I thought it was still good, and I passed him. , Continue training.

"The empire will not forget everyone. This battle will always be recorded in the history of the empire and will be commented by major military observers ..."

While Princess Jingxi was speaking, Viscount Walid could not interrupt, otherwise, he would be too rude, and now it became him holding back, his face green and red, for a noble knight to come Say, challenge the other party, but the other party does not accept, the other party ignores his challenge, this is the biggest insult!

Yes, it is the biggest insult!

"Now, disband, go back to your cabin, and rest as soon as possible." Finally, Princess Jing Xi finished, her heart was in full swing, at this time, Walid should not be crazy.

However, it seemed that she was afraid of what came, just as the carrier aircraft pilots left, she heard the words behind her teeth: "This is a duel of life and death!"



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