Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 211: Not stingy

Although it is called stealth fighter, but complete stealth does not exist, as the distance gradually decreases, the chance of being discovered will also increase.

However, Qin Tian did not worry too much, because they came around from behind each other.

Although for the starship, the threat may come from any direction, just like the aircraft carrier on the sea, the strike may be in all directions, but in fact, in combat, there will always be a broad range of targets, such as now, Their head, as long as they are facing the direction of the Mackinaw line.

Similarly, all kinds of scanning and observation equipment are mostly forward. At the tail of the starship, due to the protrusion of the engine, it will cause a certain scanning blind zone, and your own is to enter from the blind zone!

Moreover, the starship sighting equipment is mainly used to search for the formation of battleship starships that may exist in the depths of the distant Xinghai. To prevent this formation from coming to sneak attacks, is it close at hand? That is impossible. This is a common sense. As long as there is no enemy starship within the distance of the combat radius of the carrier aircraft, there can be no carrier aircraft flying over.

With more than 70 raptor fighters, the dark fuselage is completely hidden in space. During the whole process, they did not turn on the engine once, and they were almost invisible from the visible light area, just like the tolerance of ancient times. In general, they approached each other slowly and slowly.

The outline of the huge starship has gradually become clearer. Qin Tian is constantly operating the fighter plane and carefully fine-tuning his own route. At this time, it is necessary for the AI ​​system and the pilot to cooperate closely.

A stream of white smoke continued to emerge from the tail, and the operator of the rear cabin was constantly nervous.

Oxygen, oxygen!

Just like the most ancient spacesuits, when humans enter space, they need to wear spacesuits. The backpacks of the spacesuits have oxygen bottles for astronauts. At the same time, there are nozzles on the back of the spacesuit. The gas ejected to control the movement of the spacesuit in space.

This gas, and the gas people breathe, is a gas, after all, there is no need to use two gas cylinders, one is enough.

The same is true now. In space, if the carrier-based aircraft does not turn on the engine, the gas used for its attitude adjustment is all oxygen.

Generally speaking, this kind of situation is rare, and any adjustments are made by turning on the engine. After all, the fuel of nuclear fusion is quite abundant. Normally, it is in combat, and the engine is almost always on.

Now, the companions in the rear cabin are keenly aware of a key issue. Sure enough, their long-distance sneak attack, fatigue, and food are not the key. The most important thing is oxygen!

As he prepared before the attack, he kept paying attention to the consumption of oxygen. In case of too much oxygen consumption, they would not be able to go back!

Seemingly aware of the idea of ​​the companions in the rear cabin, the front Qin Tian continued to adjust his posture while saying, "Don't be afraid, even if we can't go back, we can call to answer!"

Hearing Qin Tian's words, the companions in the rear cabin suddenly realized.

At the time of departure, in order to avoid being discovered, they flew directly from the defense line, but the return flight is different. When returning home, if your own carrier aircraft is enough to fly back, then fly back, if you ca n’t go back After completing the mission, you can call your main fleet and come out to answer. Your own flight, the maximum speed is 0.15 times the speed of light, but the battleship starship can come over at the speed of light.

Therefore, as long as not all the oxygen is used up now, it is enough insurance.

Before the departure, Qin Tian had already done all kinds of preparation plans, and now the companions in the rear cabin admire even more.

"The torpedo is ready." The last insurance is unlocked and can be launched at any time. This is the benefit of the two-person driving system. The rear cabin specializes in operating weapons, and the pilot in the front cabin can focus on driving, so that the two can cooperate to achieve the best attack effect. , Like now.

In the previous training, you only need to throw it on the opponent's starship, but now, you have to throw it on a special part of the opponent's starship. This requires a very high skill.

The closer the distance, the higher the quasi-head! Therefore, Qin Tian continues to move forward.

The companions in the rear cabin got nervous again, and flew again, and they were within the radius of the explosion. He dropped the anti-material torpedo. The fragments generated by the explosion may still hurt him.

However, he did not speak. He knew that as a crew member, he had to trust his companions completely.

Qin Tian continued to fly forward, and the outline of the huge starship could not be seen. He could only see a part of the starship. Finally, he pushed the joystick and the fighter plane swooped down at the correct angle The key parts were all in the field of vision, and then, a bombshell in the belly of the aircraft blew softly.

The anti-matter torpedo left.

At this moment, Qin Tian pulled up the operating lever, and then again opened the backward pressure relief valves of the two additional gas cylinders without hesitation.

At the beginning, the pressure was released forward to slow down the fighters. Now, the pressure is released backwards. As the air flow continues to spray backwards, they began to accelerate.

Of course, using this method to accelerate, the efficiency is quite low, and at the same time, it consumes a lot of oxygen, and the companion in the rear cabin has turned his seat while feeling distressed.

That's right, the ejection seat in the rear cabin can still be turned, and now he has turned to the back. In this way, he can operate the laser cannon at the tail and shoot at the enemy who may be chasing. At the same time, he can also observe the appearance of the opposing starship in the back.

His mouth is also counting down, ten, nine, eight. When the count reaches zero, he sees the spectacular scene.

The power of antimatter is quite powerful. However, the thick armored shell specially made by battleships is entirely to resist the antimatter torpedo. If it is in another position, it can be carried hard.

But now, it is its weakest place.

The anti-matter torpedo hit the cover accurately, just over a meter from the gap on the edge of the cover!

With the annihilation of positive and anti-matter, under the huge energy, the cover plate instantly started from the explosion center and became hot, and the titanium alloy armor began to melt and vaporize. The solid bolts all splashed up!

The entire cover collapsed in an instant.

The hot metal magma scatters with the collapsing cover plate, and under the cover plate is the fuel tank of antimatter!

At this moment, the companion was still nervous. He was afraid that the power was not strong enough, and he only opened the cover, then the attack was invalid. There can be no second attack, and it is impossible to repeat back and forth. Now, he is holding his breath nervous.

Then he saw a more spectacular scene.



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