Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 209: Precious oxygen

In order to patrol in the long starry sky, your own fighter plane is accelerated to 0.15 times the speed of light, and cruising at this speed is also a common way in interplanetary patrols.

Originally, Qin Tian thought that the other party was flying at this speed, but now the other party's speed is a bit lower, not the highest speed, which caused a lot of trouble to himself.

In space, deceleration also consumes precious energy. Now, to slow down, a fighter can only turn on the engine. Turning on the engine means that the target is exposed, which means that the attack cannot be successful!

Sneak attacks are not easy!

"The speed difference is too great." Qin Tian said: "We have to find a way to slow down."

If the speed difference is not very large, if you fly over from behind, you can use the most accurate route to throw the anti-matter torpedo over and throw it on the armor above the other party ’s weakest fuel tank. This is the easiest way to destroy the other starship.

However, if the speed difference is large, there is no way. After all, human operations have limits, and the AI ​​on the fighter will not react.

How to do?

Turn on the engine to slow down?

"Take our attached oxygen cylinder and open the forward pressure relief valve." Qin Tian said.

In space navigation, the easiest way is to recoil, jet backward, and propel the aircraft forward. If you want to slow down, just jet forward.

How to jet forward? The aircraft turns 180 degrees around the axis to jet the rear engine forward. This is the simplest way, and it is impossible to deploy another engine in front.

However, Qin Tian did not want to turn on the engine, and every action had to be carried out carefully. He was afraid that if he turned on the engine, he would be discovered by the other party.

Then there is another way left, which is to use oxygen cylinders.

Before taking off, in order to meet the long flight needs, the entire fleet added extra oxygen cylinders, just above the sides of the fuselage, and for internal safety, oxygen cylinders also have various additional devices, for example, in icy space The oxygen inside is liquid, but once it is irradiated by the stellar light, or even by the laser weapon, the temperature inside it will increase, and the liquid oxygen will vaporize, which will produce a sharp pole. A large pressure makes the oxygen cylinder explode, which requires a pressure relief valve.

There are backward and forward pressure relief valves.

Now, as long as the forward pressure relief valve is opened, it will slow down the carrier aircraft.

But that is precious oxygen!

During their long flight, the most scarce thing is oxygen. The two oxygen cylinders outside are their most precious source of oxygen. Now, should this precious oxygen be consumed during deceleration?

Moreover, how much oxygen is needed?

If you decelerate to the same speed, that is to let out all the oxygen, it is not enough!

The back cabin hesitated.

"Implement the order." Qin Tian continued: "We now have only one goal, which is to complete the mission and blow up the enemy's main fleet. Everyone thinks about how much sacrifice we have paid since the war and how many companions are there. Under the killing of the enemy! For the empire, for the victory of the war, we have no choice! "

Qin Tian said to the entire formation. After hearing Qin Tian ’s words, everyone felt that there was a fire burning on their chests. They seemed to see that in the defensive battle, so many fortresses were hit, each one The explosion of the fortress was the death of hundreds of defenders.

In the entire battle, the starship troops did not have much results. They all held their strength. Now, Qin Tian said, they were inspired again by blood, yes, for the victory of the war, what are they afraid of!

Besides, Qin Tian never rushed to me! Rush with me! Qin Tian is with everyone. Qin Tian leads them and is born and died together. What else can they say.

Open the pressure relief valve!

Two streams of milky white gas emerged from the pressure relief valve, and the gas quickly ejected forward, and the fighter plane began to slow down.

If you decelerate in this straight line, Qin Tian ’s fighter cockpit will definitely be covered with white gas, so that he ca n’t see anything, but now, the fighter is turning while slowing down, so that the white mist is just On the side of the fighter.

The white mist will soon spread out in the starry sky. In the dark universe, this white smoke cannot be seen, nor will it be discovered by any observation system. When it is hundreds of kilometers away from the formation, Has disappeared.

Any engine that relies on the recoil effect will have flames. Even the light blue flame of the plasma engine will be seen. Only when the curvature drives the engine, the flame of the engine cannot be seen. The curvature of the space changes , Not visible to the naked eye.

It is a pity that the curvature engine engine is huge and cannot be installed on a carrier aircraft.

The entire carrier-based aircraft formation slowed down while turning in the dark starry sky. At the same time, the operator of the rear cabin was also nervously paying attention to the consumption of the oxygen cylinder.

After departure, they have been consuming oxygen from the outside oxygen tank. Now, about two-thirds of the oxygen tank is still left, and according to the distance they fly over, they carry their own internal oxygen only for the return trip. If all the oxygen in the plug-in is consumed, they will not be able to go back.

People can be hungry, do not sleep, or even drink water for a short period of time. However, people must not breathe, as long as they leave their breath, it will not work for a few minutes, even if they can hold their breath underwater, they can also hold their breath. But five minutes.

"One third left."

"One fifth left."

The operator is reporting nervously, and Qin Tian has never spoken. The oxygen cylinder continues to spray outward. The speed of the carrier aircraft is further reduced. After the completion of this large rotation, the inside of the oxygen cylinder The stock is less than one-tenth!

"Pause to slow down." Qin Tian said.

The companion in the rear cabin quickly closed the solenoid valve and took a long breath, enough!

"Attention, enter the attack procedure, prepare to throw anti-material torpedoes, be sure to hit accurately!"

If you suddenly encounter a sneak attack, destroying starships and cruisers, without turning on the energy shield, as long as you are hit by an anti-matter torpedo, you will be hit hard, losing combat effectiveness, or even being directly detonated.

However, battleship starships are different. With heavy armor, they can hardly be hit by an anti-matter torpedo. This is its strength!

If he did not find each other ’s weaknesses, then Qin Tian would not dare to take this risk. Objectively speaking, in this sneak attack, Numerov was the biggest hero. He opened the battleship and let his party find it. The weakest place.



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