Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 189: Urgent situation

The height of the road is high, the height of the devil is high, and in the confrontation between the enemy and the enemy, as long as it is not a stupid commander, the battle must be between you and me. It is extremely fierce.

When the anti-matter cannon projected from the opposite side, Princess Jingxi creatively proposed to use the light sail to block it, and finally let the first wave of attack on the opposite side be missed, but this second wave, the other party was already smart, Use electromagnetic artillery shells in advance.

The last way to let go still exists. Those electromagnetic gun projectiles continue to advance from the channel of the defense line. During its progress, the fortress on the defense line and all kinds of artillery fired violently. The shells of the electromagnetic guns vaporized in space, and the laser beam continuously flashed in the air, interweaving into a beautiful scene.

However, it is impossible to intercept all the shells of the electromagnetic gun.

There are only two anti-matter guns in a starship, and there are only hundreds of projectiles coming at a time. If they can intercept the anti-matter shells with laser beams, then they can greatly improve the efficiency of interception. Unfortunately, the laser The shells did not work.

Now, the laser gun can intercept the projectile of the electromagnetic gun, but there are too many projectiles of the electromagnetic gun.

You know, a battleship starship is often made of dozens of electromagnetic cannons. These electromagnetic cannons projected dense, large numbers of projectiles. Soon, they have reached the interception of the electromagnetic cannons on both sides of the front. At its maximum, this is a terrible saturation attack!

In the monitoring system, the first leaky fish has appeared. It flew from the dense laser beam and flew forward quickly. Soon, it hit the first light sail.

It was like a child jumping on a trampoline. When the projectile of the electromagnetic gun hit the light sail, it immediately poked the flat light sail into a sharp shape, something like an umbrella.

Then, it flew back at high speed.

In collisions, even light speed collisions and photon collisions are subject to conservation of momentum. The current light sails are somewhat similar to elastic collisions. The two formulas are combined, momentum conservation and energy conservation, and their final velocities can be obtained. 'S expression.

That is, Guangfan will continue to fly with the projectile of the electromagnetic gun!

Just like a shot put into a ping pong ball, a large mass hits a small mass, and in the end both are moving in the same direction.

Guangfan followed the projectile of the electromagnetic gun and continued to move back hundreds of meters. Finally, Guangfan broke, and a big hole was split in the middle. It was like a broken kite. It was shaking in the universe. The earth continued to follow the movement and drifted towards the energy star.

After knocking off the light sail on the first side, the projectile speed of the electromagnetic gun hardly decreased, and continued to face the second side, and the light sail on the third side hit the past!

In the universe, just like the dominoes were overthrown, the projectile of this leaky electromagnetic cannon scrapped all sides of the light sail.

This is the most terrible result!

A smooth sail can detonate an anti-matter projectile, but an electromagnetic projectile has successfully killed so many smooth sails!

"The situation is urgent, we must think of something else!" Said General Van Fleet.

The only more than two thousand light sails on your own are vulnerable in front of the shells of the electromagnetic gun, and soon there will be a second, and the third projectile of the electromagnetic gun will fly over, and these light sails will be torn off , Falling, without their blocking, the second wave of anti-matter cannon shots by the opponent will be the most violent and most efficient.

Although only the explosion of the antimatter starship can completely burn the energy star, their antimatter shells may destroy the energy star and no fusion reaction will occur, but this is still terrible. You must know that there are still remnant starships on it. In those salvage missions, the fastest one has not taken the antimatter starship away, and the slowest one has not found a target yet!

Once the energy star changes, the entire line of defense of your own side will lose energy supply, and the consequences are terrible.

General Van Fleet's face was extremely tense, and Princess Jingxi's hand was tightly held, showing that her heart was also worried. What should you do at this time?

Dispatching battleships? At this time, it is useless to dispatch battleships. When the enemy's fleet reaches the attack range of the opposing fleet, the energy star here has already exploded.

By the way, there are, there are still! Did n’t Qin Tian go out long ago?

"Saint Seiya, where is the Saint Seiya?" Princess Jing Xi suddenly asked, at this most critical time, she seemed to have forgotten the safety of the energy star, she was just calling Qin Tian.

"The Saint Seiya is flying towards the opponent's fleet at the speed of light!" Upon hearing Princess Jingxi's question, the staff immediately said to Princess Jingxi.

"The Saint Seiya is slowing down and they are 900,000 kilometers away from each other's fleet."

When entering the speed of light flight, this side is outside the cone of light of the Saint Seiya. It is impossible to know what the Saint Seiya is doing. Now, the other party is slowing down, and Princess Jingxi immediately got in touch.

In front of the headquarters, the scene of the holographic projection happened to be the bridge of the Saint Seiya. At this time, the atmosphere inside the bridge was a little different.

At first glance, Princess Jingxi felt a kind of majesty, yes, there was such a mood in the entire bridge.

"His Royal Highness, I'm glad to see you again." At this time, Qin Tian, ​​wearing a handsome officer uniform, that handsome face, and the sharp cheeks, seemed to make Princess Jingxi's heart beat.

"I, on behalf of the entire starship, to Princess Jingxi, the headquarters, make a final farewell, farewell!"

"What are you going to do?" Princess Jingxi shouted immediately after looking at the salute on the opposite side.

At this time, behind the bridge, several navigators were setting up routes, and when they saw their settings, General Van Fleet exclaimed: "Are you going to hit the enemy ship?"

"Yes, we have to kill each other's flagship. We have no choice. The victory must belong to us!"

During the talk, the route was set up.

After flying to the vicinity at the speed of light, they need to slow down, detect the deployment of the target's fleet, find the location of the opponent's flagship from it, and then calculate the various route data for the last time to complete the final accurate impact.

In this short period of time, exactly the headquarters asked for communication, so Qin Tian saw Princess Jingxi for the last time. His determined eyes looked at Princess Jingxi, but his heart was undulating.

Her Royal Highness, it is worth seeing you before you die.



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