Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 180: Frozen person

Professor Numerov is the most famous professor in the entire galaxy, and he has the deepest attainments in astronomy. The result he calculated can't be wrong.

Now, Numerov calculations show that once the anti-matter energy tanks of these battleships leak, they will ignite the entire energy star and turn the energy star into a star!

This is terrible. Once the energy star is ignited, the consequences are unimaginable. Although it is blocked in the wormhole, we can still get enough energy from the energy star, but if it is ignited, the energy cannot be used. The wormhole will also be completely blocked. No starship dares to cross a star. The temperature inside the star is enough to melt any matter in the universe!

In this case, there is no meaning or possibility of existence here, and as the commander of the defending army here, General Van Fleet will also be held responsible for the greatest negligence.

"Then what should we do now?" General Van Fleet asked, stunned.

As a general of the empire, General Van Fleet was qualified. He defended the defense line firmly during the number of enemy attacks, but now, this war has begun to gradually exceed the scope of General Van Fleet's cognition. This war has gradually become more terrifying.

The scale of the war is expanding and the forms are becoming more diverse, which makes General Van Fleet feel that he can't be prepared at all.

"Salvage, salvage these battleships as quickly as possible!" Princess Jingxi said: "We don't know what the reason is, those fuel tanks have not leaked, but the more procrastination, the more dangerous, we will immediately use all Engineering ships, salvage operations! "

Since those battleship starships are like a bomb with the insurance removed and can explode at any time, it must be eliminated immediately!

As long as it leaves the energy star, even if it exploded in the sky, there will be no problem.

Princess Jingxi's attitude is very firm, now there is only this way, and you have to do it as soon as possible!

"However, those starships must have sunk into the liquid ocean inside. The salvage operation will be quite difficult!"

"No matter how hard it is, no matter how much it costs, if the energy star explodes, what else can we leave here?" Said Princess Jing Xi.

The meaning of General Van Fleet is obvious. If salvaging is technically difficult, and the salvage operator will also be in danger, but Princess Jing Xi immediately leaves all his worries behind if he cannot successfully salvage Then, the entire defense line is in danger of collapse. As a soldier, it is now time to trade life for victory. No matter how much sacrifice is made, salvage operations must be carried out immediately!

"Princess, if you salvage, there may be another problem." At this moment, Numerov said: "When the spacecraft crashes, there may be survivors on it."

survivor? Princess Jing Xi frowned: "Teacher, after the spacecraft crashed, it should have entered the energy star's liquid ocean. The temperature there is almost the lower limit of the low temperature in the universe. How could anyone survive?"

"Oh, it seems that I am not very clear." Numerov said: "Those people must have been frozen. With our current technology, it is not difficult to resurrect a frozen person."


Many animals will have this characteristic, for example, snakes may be frozen in winter, and even the heart stops beating, but when the weather is warm, it will gradually come alive. Another example is frogs. In some cold frogs, the entire body may be frozen into a big ice paddle, but after warming, it is still alive and kicking. This is some evolution of frogs.

Can people do the same? Freeze the human body and then thaw it when needed?

This technology, which has been studied for many years, always fails when it starts.

It is easy to freeze, soaked in liquid nitrogen and frozen directly, but thawing after freezing is a big problem. It is necessary to directly defrost the human body within one thousandth of a second to return to normal. At that time, although the thawing was successful, they all became frozen tofu, and the tissue cells inside could not be recovered.

It wasn't until later that I finally found a suitable way to defrost and complete this reverse process. However, this technology is not very useful, because at that time, the human body's hibernation technology has broken through.

Why freeze the human body? Or to spend that long time, after the breakthrough of hibernation technology, freezing and thawing is meaningless.

However, this technology still exists.

Those people are frozen. In theory, it is possible to unfreeze them, but what about after they are unfrozen?

Professor Numerov, after all, is a scientist of the Fibre Empire, and although he is now helping Princess Jingxi, his consistent aim is also to help Princess Jingxi return to the Holy Star. It will not be effective for the Armenian Empire. The current researches are all related to the return of Princess Jingxi.

And those frozen are all warriors of the empire, so Numerov hopes that they will survive, he hates this war.

"After waiting for the starship to be salvaged from the liquid ocean, we can first put it in the universe. The universe is icy, which can ensure that they continue to be frozen, and then thaw them when needed."

When a problem cannot be solved for the time being, let it be put aside first. Anyway, the universe is the same cold. After these starships are salvaged, they can be put into space directly and let them continue to freeze.

Noumerov nodded. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Princess Jingxi knew Numerov's mood, she said: "Teacher, I guarantee with my reputation that these enemies will be properly sent to the prisoner of war camp after the war, and until the end of the war, the prisoners will be exchanged. Any damage to their bodies. "

The war is cruel, and it is not easy to survive the war, whether it is one's own side or the enemy. Therefore, Princess Jingxi thought that Numerov was worried about this, so she made a guarantee immediately.

Numerov did not continue to say: "Please start now."

"Alarm, alarm, enemy attack!" At this moment, suddenly, the alarm sounded throughout the headquarters, everyone's face changed, just after a battle, did the other party recover so quickly Fighting power, to fight again?

Or was it because the victory of the fleet commanded by Qin Tian spurred them to come to revenge?



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