Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 135: Get a breakthrough

Oldenburg-class battleship, Peter the Great.

This is to commemorate an emperor in the past who has been opening up territory for the Fibre Empire, annexing many small countries one after another, and finally reaching the current scope. Since then, the territory of the empire has almost stabilized. No progress can be made in a hundred years.

Peter the Great had long predicted that the galaxy would be unified. The entire galaxy would eventually be ruled by a huge empire. If the Fibre Empire does not take the initiative to attack, then the Fibre Empire will be annexed.

Under the guidance of this ideology, the Fibre Empire has been expanding its arms and preparing for war for hundreds of years, trying to unify the entire galaxy, and now they are fighting this great and sacred war.

Originally, the Peter the Great was at the fourth position of the entire fleet. In front of it, there were three battleships. However, when the assault is now, the three battleships in the front are all hit. exploded.

The captain of the Peter the Great, Colonel Suslov, had no choice but to order his starship to go up to become the top corner of this triangular formation. Here, it will withstand the most enemy attacks, that dense All kinds of weapons, lasers, directional kinetic energy bombs, and particle beams will continuously hit its shell and consume its precious energy shield. When the energy shield cannot support it, his starship will Will be hit and explode.

Can he back away? Absolutely not!

Because, right next to him, he had seen his lieutenant, Deputy Captain Korinovic, already with another strange look, this guy's hand, touching the laser gun on his waist, It has been several times. This subconscious action let Colonel Suslov know that if he did not order the starship to attack bravely, this guy would kill himself, and then he would be the captain.

This idiot! Did n’t he know that even if he became the captain, his life was only a few minutes, or even a few seconds?

The orders of His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince are too inflammatory, it is simply a master of insight! Thinking of this, Suslov began to curse the seven princes secretly in his heart.

Now, everyone knows that they are dead, and they have to go up. Instead of being shot by their men, it is better to fight to death here!

In the past, only the superiors could kill the lower ones, what about now? The seventh prince actually gave such a ridiculous order. When the battle is over, if he is still alive, he must not let the deputy captain off, at least he must kick him to another starship, and find a confidant himself. Your own men!

Just before reaching this most important position, a flashing alarm sounded on the holographic projection screen in front of Colonel Suslov.

Alert, alert! The attack strength of the enemy has exceeded the maximum defense threshold of the shield!

The unbreakable Mackinaw line is definitely not blown. The opponent's defensive firepower is so dense that even his own battleship starship, this kind of most sturdy starship, will not work.

The energy shield and armor of the starship are the thickest, but if the firepower from the attack is too strong, it will also cause irreparable damage to it. This is just like the ancient tanks and armor-piercing shells. There are also powerful armor-piercing projectiles, as long as the penetration depth exceeds its protective thickness, it can penetrate it.

"Target, straight ahead, kill me the space fortress on the opposite side!" Suslov shouted.

Now I can't retreat, I can only continue to move forward. At this time, the Space Fortress that is shooting in this direction in front of him is the most dazzling.

All the starship guns were turned over, and under the bombardment of a powerful laser beam, the frontal space fortress suddenly exploded. rush, rush forward!

Suslov is a little strange. Just after coming all the way, the defense capabilities of those Battlestars are very strong. We have to concentrate all the firepower. It takes dozens of seconds to explode one, but now? Almost in hand, the opponent turned into a weak chicken?

After exploding the opposite space fortress, they continued to move forward. Suddenly, the attack was weakened and the shield alarm disappeared.

Suslov thought of something and shouted excitedly: "Their defense line, the more backward, the weaker the defense, we have rushed to the weakest position of the opponent!"

Generally speaking, the artillery on the Battlestar cannot rotate 360 ​​degrees. They can only bombard the outside of the line of defense. As long as they reach behind, they will be handed over to the defensive positions behind them to attack. After the back defense was weak, they were able to breathe a sigh of relief.

What should you do now?

"Attention, turn the naval gun and bombard those space fortresses backwards!" Suslov shouted.

Now that the other party ’s attack is weak, you can easily protect yourself as long as you rely on the shield, then now you have to bombard those space fortresses to support the friendly forces behind you!

Moreover, he is still speculating that those Battlestars are difficult to attack from the front, but if they strike from the back, it should be easy.

"Electromagnetic cannon storage is complete!"

"The target calibration is completed."


With a word of password, a large-caliber electromagnetic gun on the starship launched an attack towards the rear of a space fortress. When the projectile of the electromagnetic gun flew to a space fortress that was firing at 0.5 times the speed of light At that time, the space fortress exploded in an instant, and the huge speed brought huge energy. Even a small electromagnetic gun projectile, the lethality is also very powerful.

What is more exciting for everyone is the unbreakable Macino defense, which originally only paid attention to the frontal defense and attacked from behind them. They were actually vulnerable!

When this was discovered, Colonel Suslov was pleasantly surprised, and the entire fleet cheered. At the same time, Marshal Ankov in the rear was also quite excited.

After losing contact with His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince, Ankov became irritable, and no one dared to approach him, fearing that he had touched the mold and was shot dead by Ankov.

Now, how to save the Seventh Prince aside, Ankov knew that all he could do was to tear the entire line of defense first, as long as the spaceship of Her Royal Highness had not flown to the side of the line of defense, the line of defense had become her own. Where can I fly?

When Ankov heard the news, he immediately patted his thigh and shouted happily: "Immediately order the fleet to change the target of the operation. After the central breakthrough, I immediately detoured to the sides and tore the mouth from the back. ! "



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