Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 130: The seven princes who were almost frozen to death

The system has the ability to judge. If there are people inside the spacecraft, if it shuts down the system, it almost means that everyone will be killed. This is simply murder. Therefore, in this case, the system is not Will close.

"Call up the interface, first set the spacecraft to the remote control state, bypassing the detection of the personnel inside the spacecraft." Qin Tian continued.

With the power of artificial intelligence, any spaceship can be set to remote control.

Qin Tian was talking, without being idle. He put on his space suit neatly and then put on his helmet.

The life support system of the space suit is enough to support more than 8 hours. After that, let ’s talk about it.

"No, don't." The Seventh Prince suddenly shouted. Obviously, Qin Tian's method can be done.

Qin Tian certainly has more than this method. If this is not possible now, it will be more direct. Cut off the power of the main control computer to see how you still work and how the virus still runs!

The four people in the spaceship were wearing space suits with ease, and Princess Jingxi started to press the holographic button with the bloated hands wearing space suit gloves, and set it to the remote control state, and then shut down the computer!

The progress bar is moving forward for almost a few seconds, almost 100%.

Facing the camera, Qin Tian's face was somber: "Marshal Ankov, please don't chase it, we will wear space suits for the seven princes. If you come, you may only kill him."

With another space suit in Qin Tian's hand, the system had been shut down when he walked toward the Seventh Prince, and the entire cabin instantly turned into complete darkness.

The nuclear fusion engine at the rear has also stopped working, and the cabin will soon be cooled to the absolute zero degree like the outside world.

If they were not wearing special shoes on their feet, they were already floating in the air because the artificial gravity disappeared as the engine stopped.

Turn on the headlight of the space suit, the light shines on the face of the seventh prince, Qin Tian's words carry a terrible: "His Royal Highness, how to crack this virus, do you know?"

In the end, he had to fall on this guy. If he could remove the virus, then wear him a space suit. If he couldn't, let him freeze to death in the gradually cooled cabin of the spaceship.

In fact, it will not freeze to death. After all, the current technology is still achievable. When the Seventh Prince is frozen to death, he can thaw his body without damaging his body cells by quickly heating up. Then restore it.

In the past, it could not be done, just like a piece of frozen tofu. After thawing, the internal tissues became loose pores, and the cells were completely destroyed.

And now, he can use the laser to unfreeze him and return to normal within a subtle, but he will suffer terrible pain during the time he is frozen to death.

This kind of person should be the most afraid of pain. Moreover, how does he know that after his death, the body will be preserved, waiting to be thawed? What if he was pushed directly into the icy universe and let his body drift in the universe?

Such a corpse drift bottle may be picked up quickly, or it may never be picked up. The Seventh Prince does not know his luck. Ever since he met Princess Jingxi, his luck seems to have run out Too.

The development of the fighter operating system has already entered the integration of flying fire push, flight control, weapons, and engines. The operating system can be linked together, which is the most convenient, and the spacecraft system is also completely closed. System, that means the engine will also shut down.

The cabin of the spaceship is heated by the engine. Now, as the engine is turned off, the temperature in the cabin slowly drops. Almost instantly, the Seventh Prince began to feel the cold war.

He knew that this was just the beginning, and soon his body would be frozen, and then he would lose all consciousness in the huge ice.

"I don't know, I don't know. I beg you, put me on a space suit." The seven princes exhausted all their strength and looked at Princess Jingxi with their praying eyes. He knew that among these people, Princess Jingxi The heart is definitely the softest.

Not only is the cabin getting cold, but with the loss of power, the ecological circulation system has also stopped working. There is no fresh air in the cabin for him to breathe. The carbon dioxide will be more and less, and the oxygen will be less and less. He will be comatose because of hypoxia, even if he survives later, because the brain is over-hypoxic, it will become an idiot.

Thinking of this, the seventh prince fought a few more chills, and his instinct to survive made his body twist violently, and he could use the body's movement to generate heat to prevent freezing, but the seventh prince knew that he could not persist How long.

The more exercise he has, the more oxygen he needs, which can be said to make him die faster.

"There are reasons to have results." Princess Jing Xi looked at the Seventh Prince quietly and said, "The only one who can save you is yourself."

Princess Jingxi is also cruel, after all, after closing the control system of the spacecraft, everyone will not survive for long. After eight hours, either turn on the system to be a captive, or wait for death together, but it is eight more lives than the seven princes. Only hours.

Now, Princess Jing Xi also wants to make herself hard-hearted and die, everyone will die together.

The Seventh Prince felt that his body was getting colder and colder. This coldness was from inside to outside. Is he really going to die? He will be frozen to death.

The Seventh Prince is very scared. He knows that if he does n’t want to come up with anything, his life will really end. He does n’t want to die. He still has a lot to do!

The back of the hand suddenly loosened, and only tied his arm with a strap. The strap has become brittle because of the low temperature. Now, he can move, but he can't move because he The muscles of his body have completely become stiff.

Will he die like this?

No, of course not. If there is a way, there must be a way!

Looking at the space suits worn by several people, the Seventh Prince suddenly thought of something: "We can use the space suit computer system to get to the spaceship! Yes, although the space suit computer system is not powerful enough, it should be able to meet the minimum Of use! "

If you want to eliminate the virus, the seven princes cannot do it. After all, he is not a computer expert, and no one else on the spacecraft has this ability. Although Numerov is a professor and a professor of astronomy, it is impossible to master the computer. systematic.

However, a basic point of view is that the virus can only be active in a booted computer system. If the system is shut down, the virus will also hibernate.

As long as the original system of the spacecraft is not restarted and other computer systems are used for control, it should be no problem.

"Whether you can survive or not depends on whether the system is working properly." Qin Tian's tone was cold, and he grabbed the set of space suits that he would have given the Seventh Prince.



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